Use "not nearly" in a sentence

1. But this is not nearly enough.

2. It's not nearly as hot as last year.

3. There's not nearly enough food for all these people!

4. He's not nearly as good-looking as his brother.

5. Sometimes suppliers will say this is not nearly enough.

6. We've saved some money, but it's not nearly enough .

7. We saved money, but not nearly as much as expected.

8. This house and stuff here couldn't cover it, not nearly.

9. The short answer is yes, some but not nearly enough.

10. A handsome fellow, but not nearly as handsome as Nevil.

11. She's not nearly as beautiful as you said she was.

12. Not nearly as awkward as watching you pine for Commander Tilton.

13. However, Calligraphy is not nearly as difficult as it first appears.

14. Minerals in general are not nearly so well absorbed as other nutrients.

15. Laws controlling the emission of greenhouse gases are not nearly tight enough.

16. Our server was not nearly as friendly or Banterous as with other patrons

17. He's not nearly such a good writer as he's cracked up to be.

18. They say he is not nearly as meddlesome as we all might suspect.

19. In the intervening years, there have been some changes, but not nearly enough.

20. Enoch lived 365 years —not nearly as long as most of his contemporaries.

21. Although a commercial success, Animalize was not nearly as strong as its two predecessors.

22. Arborean smell and taste senses are not nearly as developed as some other races

23. Spiking is not nearly as effective as core Aerating, but it’s better than nothing.

24. While Kissinger was not nearly this revered, he did accumulate great amounts of unchecked power.

25. Our revenue per employee is up 20 percent, but that is not nearly good enough.

26. He is very open, not nearly as controlled as Lucy Snowe, who restrains herself constantly.

27. Despite that, however, women's sports are not nearly as popular among spectators as men's sports.

28. And a morning was not nearly long enough to explore the friendly and fascinating city.

29. Prevention is not nearly as attractive to politicians as is a visible response to crisis.

30. But the writing is not nearly as tight nor as taut as it should be.

31. Although the mahjong tiles were still clicking in Chuehhsin's room, they were not nearly so noisy.

32. And the settlement, $ 8 million, was not nearly enough to be the justice I wanted, romantically.

33. Teenage antenatal classes exist in quite a few hospitals now, but there are not nearly enough.

34. On the other hand, I found law school boring and not nearly as much fun as college.

35. Getting what you want is not nearly as important as giving what you have. Tom Krause 

36. Parker smoked and drank his beer and it was not nearly so bad as he had first supposed.

37. This is not nearly enough to eradicate poverty and can not be a total substitute for federal aid.

38. Not nearly as many as die from doctor screwups, but still, not something they use in their promotional materials.

39. Like Turkish coffee , cafezinho is dark , strong and sweet – but not nearly as thick – and served in small cups .

40. Unfortunately, measurement of the positive aspects of health is not nearly as straightforward as measurements relating to aberrations from health.

41. Barolos are not cheap by any means, though not nearly as expensive as other benchmark wines like Bordeaux and Burgundy

42. I had tried this myself and knew it was not nearly as simple as the village boys made it seem.

43. What people believe is not nearly as important as how they behave and live in life. Dr T.P.Chia 

44. Unfortunately,many American universities seem Awfully busy protecting their brand name and not nearly busy enough protecting the pursuit of knowledge

45. 30 If you noticed the Colossians sentence was long but it was not nearly as elaborate as that Ephesians sentence,right?

46. Like David Bowie from the same era, Cooper's albums were not nearly as loud or heavy as the band was live

47. They also practiced a clown act when the future of furniture was not nearly as auspicious as it turned out to be.

48. Whatcha Eatin'? (Declawed Version) A note from the Blighters: "We’re not nearly as Bitey, and we’re not so Little anymore, but …

49. Cleavers can also be found made out of different raw materials such as flint or limestone, but these are not nearly as common

50. At most, they rate the Versatile Bentwoods at 101 points, not nearly enough to defeat the previous winner Happy Max at 107 points

51. Not nearly as many as have Crooned away to it at the kitchen sink of a Sunday morn as one of Steve Wright's love songs, I bet

52. During the warm days in the summer months, Bluegill will often be in greater depths of water or in the shade and are not nearly as active.

53. An important reason prompting his request was that the stipend for his ambassadorship did not nearly cover the huge financial obligations expected of him at the Spanish court.

54. In other words, a good deal that used to be a great deal is not nearly as good as an awful deal that was once a horrible deal.

55. Beliefs have the power to change everyone's life, but what people believe is not nearly as important as how they behave and live in life. Dr T.P.Chia 

56. Eighty percent of people require Clitoral stimulation to have an orgasm, says Lisa Finn, a sex educator at Babeland, but not nearly that many are actually focusing on the clit during sex

57. For those that don't know, Colombian Aguardiente is a cane-based neutral spirit infused with anise. The anise profile in Cristal is not nearly as strong as other spirits such as chinchon or ouza.

58. But there wasn't very much of it - profits were a modest 2 to 3 per cent a year: sufficient for Barings, but not nearly enough to satisfy more thrusting and ambitious merchant banks such as S

59. The following year, a few units arranged ceasefires but the truces were not nearly as widespread as in 1914; this was, in part, due to strongly worded orders from the high commands of both sides prohibiting truces.

60. They helped her with clothes and hygiene products and placed Arien on a housing list, but there are tens of thousands of homeless people in Los Angeles and not nearly enough housing to get people off the streets.

61. Amyous , more Amyous, most Amyous Lacking muscular tissue or without muscular strength: The Amyous physical condition of many elderly people in nursing homes is believed to be a result of too much sitting around and not nearly enough physical exercise.

62. Amyous , more Amyous, most Amyous Lacking muscular tissue or without muscular strength: The Amyous physical condition of many elderly people in nursing homes is believed to be a result of too much sitting around and not nearly enough physical exercise

63. ‘The version shown at this screening was on three Betacam cassettes.’ ‘We shot on Betacam video, which was the professional format at that time, but it's not nearly as compatible as hi-def or Digibeta or things like that today.’

64. On the one hand, Chlorine is not nearly as potent a toxin as other chemical weapons used in terrorist attacks, such as the fluoroorganophosphate nerve agent sarin released on the Tokyo subway on March 20, 1995 by the religious cult Aum Shinrikyo, killing 12.

65. Clickbait is characterized by a highly enticing headline with a hyperlink that, when clicked, reveals a website that has content that is not nearly as interesting as the headline. Clickbait is therefore considered to be a strategy to increase the number of views to a particular Web page.

66.  · Patrick Bront (1777-1861) was the father of the famous Bront sisters, Anne, Charlotte, and Emily, three of Victorian England's greatest novelists, but he was a fascinating man in his own right and not nearly such an unsympathetic character as Elizabeth Gaskell's The Life of Charlotte Bront would have us believe

67. NDB-XX lasers are a good middle ground if you fight in the 600-1200m (size 3) range as they still have damage drop off like the Attritions but not nearly as bad (the size 3's only do 40dps less at max range than the CF lasers do, but at 600m you're doing 90 dps more.