Use "noise pollution" in a sentence

1. Noise pollution from aircraft.

2. tax on noise pollution from aircraft

3. Reducing Noise Pollution to Acceptable Levels

4. 17 We must abate the noise pollution in our city.

5. Mr President, noise pollution caused by aircraft is a very topical issue.

6. the environmental performances of the aircraft used, particularly with regard to noise pollution

7. Noise : noise pollution from Austrian Airlines aircraft has fallen sharply in recent decades.

8. - harmonize and reinforce the rules on the noise pollution and emissions produced by aircraft,

9. Also, the noise pollution from the highway adjoining the building has become almost unbearable.

10. In addition, they focused on reducing air and noise pollution associated with standard diesel generators.

11. First of all, all noise pollution, including pollution generated by aircraft, must be tackled at source.

12. Mr President, noise pollution caused by aircraft is mainly a problem to those living near airports.

13. Like smoking, noise pollution affects active and passive recipients when noise levels cross certain safe boundaries.

14. 15% of the population are suffering as a result of the noise pollution generated by aircraft.

15. Residents have been protesting for years against aircraft noise, in particular against the noise pollution at night.

16. In EECCA countries, noise pollution decreased in the 1990s due to reduced economic activity and transport volumes.

17. This regulations aims to protect the population living near the airbase from noise pollution made by military aircraft.

18. Local residents in the area of smaller airports are thus faced with an additional burden of noise pollution.

19. Effects of Noise Pollution A survey was conducted in various towns and cities of India to check the sound levels .

20. The European Union should no longer accept that 70 % of its population is subjected to unacceptable levels of noise pollution.

21. 13 As the one of the three primary source of pollution, noise pollution has become worldwide problem and aroused earthling attention.

22. The use of loudspeakers for political purposes and for sermons by temples and mosques makes noise pollution in residential areas worse.

23. A recent study of noise pollution in Berlin, Germany, found that a great many people live with dangerously high levels of noise.

24. Maurice the Cockerel, France’s most famous bird, whose piercing dawn call sparked neighbours to take legal action over noise pollution, has finally …

25. Rail Corrugation aggravates the wheel-rail interaction and causes noise pollution, which has a significant adverse impact on structural vibration and passenger comfort

26. Traffic noise , blaring horns , loudspeakers that shatter the air , and film songs or even religious songs and discourses cause needless noise pollution in a city .

27. 13 It has obvious benefit that building blocks were made of pulverised fly ashes, but noise pollution of its production line was very heavy. The shaper of blocks was chief noise source.

28. The ones most suited for thoroughfares are generally the best Ascetically, and have the fewest noise/pollution/emergency vehicle tradeoffs but are generally also the most expensive and create least aggregate reduction in speed

29. ‘For example, we developed highly efficient and accurate algorithms that can be used to simulate the generation and propagation of acoustic waves in such complex geometries as jet turbo engines, which help reduce aircraft-related noise pollution.’

30. A field study back in 2011 found that earth Bermed walls worked better than concrete at reducing noise pollution, primarily because the earth walls can be built at an angle that deflects noise, whereas concrete walls tend to be vertical

31. Noise pollution can be reduced with the help of structural solutions; we've all seen noise barriers along busy roads and train lines, and there are special acoustic structural components, so-called sound absorbers, which are used inside buildings to keep noise levels down.

32. It is a Cacophonous soundscape that had changed little in tens of thousands of years. UNDERWATER NOISE POLLUTION IS DISRUPTING OCEAN LIFE—BUT WE CAN FIX IT ARYN BAKER FEBRUARY 5, 2021 TIME Others have no doubt quite sincerely refused to perform any music that sounded Cacophonous to them