Use "new deal" in a sentence

1. I wanna make a new deal.

2. The new deal supersedes the old agreement.

3. These are the losers of the new deal.

4. Clare's fund gets £90million from the new deal.

5. He also drew inspiration from Roosevelt's New Deal.

6. The prime minister promised farmers a new deal .

7. August fourteenth is the anniversary of the New Deal.

8. Decades elapsed between successful abolitionism and New Deal reforms.

9. So was FDR when he developed the New Deal.

10. I ended up agreeing a new deal to stay.

11. Maybe we should use you to broker a new deal.

12. The new deal represents a major breakthrough for the company.

13. This is the largest jobs program since the New Deal.

14. Roosevelt’s New Deal made fun of the taxpayer-funded Boondoggling activities

15. McDougal was reluctant to go into detail about the new deal.

16. Rebel Farmers and Government Cartels: How the New Deal Cartelized U.S

17. If elected, the party has promised a new deal for teachers.

18. The New Deal showed great ingenuity in designing public works schemes.

19. Will there be a new deal or will there be a strike?

20. Management and unions have agreed a new deal on pay and productivity.

21. The Green New Deal and Medicare for All are proposals for sweeping Aggrandizements of government power on a scale not seen in this country since the New Deal, if ever.

22. But their zeal as reporters often took precedence over their New Deal leanings.

23. 13 Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal promised security and succour to those in need.

24. I propose a New Deal between government and civil society actors in global governance.

25. On 6 March he signed a new deal with Tricolor, running until March 2019.

26. They include federal subsidies for the arts, pioneered in New Deal programs for unemployed artists.

27. Sagna signed a new deal with Arsenal before the start of the 2008–09 season.

28. The bids from private companies were heavily influenced by the legislation of the New Deal.

29. Lauren Boebert Is Blaming America’s Widespread Ice Storm Power Outages On The Green New Deal, Naturally

30. Version 0 willas different from recent free - market fundamentalism as Reaganomics was from the New Deal.

31. Moses managed to secure funds from the New Deal program, as well as donations from the public.

32. The most popular of all New Deal agencies – and Roosevelt's favorite– was the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC).

33. But many junior doctors are unhappy about what they have seen of the new deal so far.

34. Your local Jobcentre will have information about Work - Based Learning for Adults , Modern Apprenticeships or the New Deal .

35. The new departure was in part due to the constitutional evolution of federalism achieved during the New Deal.

36. Advancing the New Deal for Cities and Communities New Successfully met expectations (for reporting period, program development ongoing)

37. The New Deal programs to relieve the Depression are generally regarded as a mixed success in ending unemployment.

38. They had carefully avoided any election pledge to dismantle the structure of New Deal and Fair Deal programmes.

39. 24 They had carefully avoided any election pledge to dismantle the structure of New Deal and Fair Deal programmes.

40. The economic policies of the New Deal leaders were often aligned with ACLU goals, but social goals were not.

41. If the New Deal is judged by its economic success alone, then the verdict must be a mixed one.

42. Tracing his political lineage to the New Deal and Great Society, he stood for higher spending on domestic programmes.

43. Perhaps it is a movie about the promises and failures of public works in and since the New Deal.

44. His new deal, however, does not include clauses that would prevent him from leaving before the term is completed.

45. In the Congressional elections of 1942 the trend away from New Deal reform continued as the Republicans increased their numbers.

46. Roosevelt's New Deal programme was an exercise in regulatory government and led to a major growth in regulation by administrative agencies.

47. Two old words took on new meanings: "liberal" now meant a supporter of the New Deal while "conservative" meant an opponent.

48. People had been on the job too long; a new deal was needed to get things out of the old habits.

49. Working for the very modest federal salaries of the time, they actually wrote much of the legislation of the New Deal.

50. The welfare system in the United States began in the 1930s, during the Great Depression, with the passage of the New Deal.

51. Nixon largely continued the New Deal and Great Society programs he inherited; conservative reaction would come with the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980.

52. AOC rips into Texas governor for Blaming storm outages on the Green New Deal, saying his 'failed leadership' is the true 'deadly deal' John Haltiwanger

53. The Great Depression (1929–39) and the New Deal (1933–36) were decisive moments in American political, economic, and social history that reshaped the nation.

54. We have a big chance of risk of recession in America and that's why America needs a new Marshall Plan, a new deal, " said Halver.

55. In 2000, when Gore ran for president, one commentator labeled Gore's carbon tax proposal a "central planning solution" harking back to "the New Deal politics of his father."

56. Now it's the Bondholders' turn to suffer: Trump says he won't pay the $88 million in debt payments due today unless the Bondholders cut him a new deal

57. On like real estate new deal such, from lives in the purchase housing to be possible the more preferential policies, regarding hypes the housing purchase to want the strict limit congenially.

58. However, gross farm incomes increased by half in the first three years of the New Deal and the relative position of farmers improved significantly for the first time in twenty years.

59. When there was despair in the dust bowl and depression across the land, she saw a nation conquer fear itself with a New Deal, new jobs, a new sense of common purpose.

60. Boondoggling is one of several games published during Franklin Roosevelt's administration criticizing the WPA (Work Projects Administration) and Roosevelt's "brain trust" of advisers for his "New Deal" economic program

61. When tITe were despair in the Dust Bowl and depression through the earth, IT saw a nation conquer fear itself with a New Deal, new jobs and a new sense of common purpose.

62. When there was despair in the dust bowl and depression across the land, she saw a nation conquer fear itself with a New Deal, new jobs and a new sense of common purpose.

63. 19 hours ago · MLB Boycotts Georgia, signs new deal with Chinese firm that dropped NBA over exec’s Hong Kong support The MLB signed a streaming deal with China's Tencent Wednesday

64. When there was despair in the Dust Bowl and depression across the land, she saw a nation conquer fear itself with a New Deal, new jobs and a new sense of common purpose.

65. In a piece on the Ball family for Sports Illustrated by Ben Pickman, Lonzo and LaVar both substantiated the report the former was leaving Big Baller Brand and in search of a new deal.

66. Bankrupting the entire USA October 6, 2020 by Robert “The ignorance and gullibility that embraces the Green New Deal is appalling.” “The left side of the political fence wants to get us all into a Marxist state.”

67. America may find the New Deal more "Bedlamic than liberal," Herbert Hoover declared in an interview here today, En route east by train to deliver two of three "campaign" speeches, the , former President said, "Mr

68. Myron Ebell, a hard-line climate denier who led Trump’s EPA transition team in 2017, called the Republican Counterproposals to the Green New Deal “feeble thinking, bad political instincts” and “another instance of establishment Republicans’ irresistible urge to snatch defeat from the jaws of …

69. Page 57: "The Businessmen of the NAM, those who contributed to the Mont pelerin Society, the small manufacturers and retired executives and management men who resnted the power of unions -- all reacted to Eisenhower's endorsement of the basic principles and framework of the New Deal with shocked dismay.

70. Newly reported emails appear to show how state Democratic attorneys general are conspiring with far-left climate activists on a plan to implement the Green New Deal through the "Backdoor." President Joe Biden has called for a "clean energy revolution," proposing $2 trillion in federal spending over four years on clean energy initiatives, infrastruc

71. During the years of the New Deal, its critics used the term "Boondoggle" to refer to various work relief programs that fell under the aegis of the Works Progress Administration (WPA), a federal agency created in 1935 and run by Roosevelt's federal relief administrator, Harry Hopkins.The word implied a politically motivated, trivial, wasteful, or impractical government project