Use "neither you nor i" in a sentence

1. Neither you nor I can be held responsible.

2. I fear neither death nor pain.

3. 3 I acted neither fraudulently nor improperly.

4. I seek neither vain formality nor luxurious appointment.

5. 10 I will be neither chivalrous nor sporting.

6. I have neither a fear, nor a presentiment, nor a hope of death.

7. That will benefit neither you nor me, Vardhaan.

8. You are neither a prig nor a bounder.

9. Nor you drummers, neither at reveille at dawn.

10. I have a solution that requires neither machine, nor wood, nor cooking gas.

11. I have received neither an acknowledgment nor a reply.

12. I am neither a bailiff nor a tax-collector.

13. Since neither I nor Fredrik are suited in furnished rooms.

14. Neither forsake nor abandon.

15. He spared neither nor.

16. I am who I am, your opinion is neither desired nor required.

17. Neither Anticlines nor synclines

18. Neither fish nor flesh.

19. Neither interesting nor helpful.

20. Neither bragging nor beating yourself makes you a better trader.

21. Neither riches nor honours can corrupt him ; neither poverty nor humbleness can make him swerve from principle ; and neither threats nor forces can subdue him.

22. Neither fish nor flesh ( nor good red herring ).

23. I was so racked by rheumatism that I could neither sit nor stand.

24. 21 The report concludes that I acted neither fraudulently nor improperly.

25. 27 I am who I am, your opinion is neither desired nor required.

26. Neither takers nor Caretakers take …

27. Frog neither hibernates nor Aestivates

28. Agnosticism holds that you can neither prove nor disprove God's existence.

29. Neither dew, nor rain, nor washing, nor long usage, would remove it.”

30. Anabaptism: Neither Catholic Nor Protestant

31. 19 Know, then, that for you is neither surfeit nor content.

32. I'm neither noble nor heroic.

33. He neither lends nor borrows.

34. I have neither the time nor the inclination to play stupid games!

35. 'I neither want any thanks, nor merit any,'was the careless rejoinder.

36. “Neither fornicators, . . . nor adulterers, . . . nor drunkards . . . will inherit God’s kingdom.”

37. 18 I have grown neither humble nor penitent by what has passed.

38. I have neither wealth, eminence in my profession, nor high social position.

39. To reach any destination, you can neither drift nor lie at anchor.

40. Jehovah condones neither incest nor drunkenness.

41. She seemed neither surprised nor worried.

42. He is neither devious nor manipulative.

43. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers . . . will inherit God’s kingdom.

44. Once it reaches its zenith you can neither see, hear nor stand.

45. 16 So because you are lukewarm and neither hot+ nor cold,+ I am going to vomit you out of my mouth.

46. The Blobs are neither male nor female, young nor old, European nor African, ancient nor modern

47. 12 As you interact with others, neither exaggerate nor downplay what's true for you.

48. So he said: “Carry nothing for the trip, neither staff nor food pouch, nor bread nor silver money; neither have two undergarments.

49. Aldicarb is neither genotoxic nor carcinogenic.

50. They were neither aggressive nor ostentatious.

51. Skirt demonstrably neither sick nor absent.

52. Neither pen nor pencil can express.

53. Here was neither guile nor rapacity.

54. It brings neither posterity nor exaltation.

55. You must not do any work, neither you nor your son nor your daughter nor your slave man nor your slave girl nor your domestic animal nor your foreign resident who is inside your settlements.

56. I neither have the silver key nor know the whereabouts of the vault.

57. Brahman is neither "this" nor "that"; It is neither the universe nor its living beings

58. Had I been a mere Clod, neither would I have desired to write, nor would you have desired me for a husband

59. It had neither bow nor stern, keel nor rudder —no curves.

60. Neither armies, nor warships, nor military aircraft, nor poison gas will then be needed.

61. You have neither the grace nor the humility to lose like a man, do you?

62. 7 She seemed neither surprised nor worried.

63. The list is neither exhaustive nor definitive.

64. 4 Here was neither guile nor rapacity.

65. This is my first home where I am neither dependent nor subordinate to anyone.

66. NEITHER rain nor snow nor hail nor wolves nor mountain lions nor hostile territory could dampen their spirit of determination.

67. Mr. Renton I disagree with my hon. Friend about the agencies being neither fish nor fowl nor good red herring.

68. We could neither add nor subtract anything.

69. 19 Neither pen nor pencil can express.

70. Professor Hisamatsu spoke neither English nor German.

71. Resistors are neither technically nor audibly perfect.

72. Neither judge nor bailiff is known there.

73. Neither Ma nor Dad were really interested.

74. The hotel is neither spacious nor comfortable.

75. Strong and lithe, neither bony nor flabby.

76. Neither chilling nor freezing kills all bacteria.

77. They can neither read nor write, nor can they comprehend such concepts.

78. Neither Albert Victor nor George excelled intellectually.

79. Neither he nor his friends came back.

80. 14 Job was neither malicious nor cruel.