Use "native land" in a sentence

1. They cherish their native land.

2. He's fiercely proud of his native land.

3. He was exiled from his native land.

4. O Canada! Our home and native land!

5. 1946: Judicial commission Adjudicates Native land claims

6. They never saw their native land again.

7. She longed to return to her native land.

8. In 1909 his poem "Native Land" was published.

9. Exiles long to return to their native land.

10. He returned to his native land of homesickness.

11. Our fathers were exiles from their native land.

12. Blighty definition is - one's native land (such as England)

13. Not because she had lost in her native land.

14. He was now preparing to return to his native land.

15. The Icelandic goat is very rare outside its native land.

16. Aramaeans nomadic Semitic tribes whose native land was the Arabian Peninsula

17. Connery is a nationalist and fiercely proud of his native land.

18. Aramaeans nomadic Semitic tribes whose native land was the Arabian Peninsula

19. According to Tom, Lee brought the salad from his native land.

20. Their native land consisted of a central plain surrounded by mountains.

21. The virus did not take long to escape from its native land.

22. He had almost given up hope of returning to his native land.

23. The Vietnamese government oppresses them because they want their native land rights.

24. After returning to his native land he occupied himself with natural philosophy.

25. This is my native land and I'll defend it with my life!

26. While the gentleman Cherishes benign rule, the small man Cherishes his native land

27. Here 1 live, constantly thinking of my native land, alas, my heart is aching.

28. Gilbert had fled with his father from their native land during the genocide of 1994.

29. A true reflection of the high cultural status Guinness has achieved in its native land.

30. Addax, in their native land, have been hunted extensively for their horns, meat and skin.

31. Never see my native land again, mountains, moorlands and glens, apart from brief holiday excursions?

32. Ultimately, most of Columbus officers and men returned, via the Pacific, to their native land.

33. If all goes well, the results may help these exiles return to their native land.

34. He followed events closely in his native land, writing frequent commentaries for the press there.

35. Blighty definition, England as one's native land; England as home: We're sailing for old Blighty tomorrow

36. Sathit joined the Church when he was 17 and served a mission in his native land.

37. The national anthem continues to glorify the same native land of brave forefathers and heroic exploits.

38. Cherish definition, to hold or treat as dear; feel love for: to Cherish one's native land

39. Cristal is considered the National drink of its native land and has become the largest selling Aguardiente …

40. The playwright, Athol Fugard, has long been acclaimed for his searing plays about injustice in his native land.

41. Thousands of Irish families left their native land and went to America in search of a better life.

42. Gandhi exclaimed at a meeting in Madras, on October 18 during a brief visit to his native land.

43. Then it had been filled again, but this time there were no soft fruits from her native land.

44. Brda is the native land of the poet Alojz Gradnik, who was born in the village of Medana.

45. Alai's novelette "Forever Galuo" has been taken as an example to show the implication of Alai's native land.

46. When he asked her why, she shyly confessed that she was pining for the snows of her native land.

47. A Thai Witness who learned the Bible message in the Netherlands returned with her Dutch husband to her native land.

48. His work was characterized as being nostalgic and filled with the author's thoughts about living away from his own native land.

49. I should prefer to watch him in the primeval forests of his native land, wielding an axe against some giant tree.

50. Leaving her parents and her native land, with little prospect of finding the security that marriage could bring, she stuck with Naomi.

51. A Bosniak is Slavic Muslim, whose native land is Bosnia & Herzegnovia, but Bosniaks Are found in other coutries notably Macedonia and Slovenia as well

52. An anecdote says that Koch and some friends were lampooned during a festival because they were not able to sing a song that praises their native land.

53. Iberia remained in Persian hands, and the Iberians who had left their country were given the choice of remaining in Roman territory or returning to their native land.

54. By further implication this means the Court interpreted the statutory preferred class of Alienees as only arising where title to land was first determined by the Native Land Court or Māori Land Court

55. Jezebel (20 Occurrences) It is not perhaps Blameworthy in her that she upheld the religion of her native land, although the natural thing would have been to follow that of her adopted /j/jezebel.htm - 26k

56. (Revelation 21:3, 4) Tara got rid of her Hindu images, stopped following the religious customs of her native land, and found genuine happiness in helping to satisfy the spiritual needs of others as a Witness of Jehovah.

57. Now overwhelmingly successful among Latinos in the United States, Bachata took shape over a period of about forty years in the bars and brothels of Santo Domingo, not gaining acceptance in its native land until about ten years ago.

58. Buckshee, Buckshee, It means something for nothing, you see Just take the Australian soldier so grand They each had a wife in their own native land And they’ve married again to have one close at hand D’yer see, Buckshee

59. Archbishops of New York Archbishop John Hughes (1842-1864) John Hughes was born in Annaloghan, County Tyrone, Ireland, in 1798; twenty years later, he fled his native land to escape penal laws that prohibited the practice of Roman Catholicism in Ireland.

60. ‘Education is now Customarily discussed in terms of product, delivery and consumer.’ ‘His hair is tied back into a mantilla more Customarily worn by the women of the singer's native land.’ ‘On the eve of a typical wedding, a vegetarian meal is Customarily served in a huge tent erected near the home of the bride or bridegroom.’