Use "national income" in a sentence

1. Average per capita debt-adjusted gross national income

2. Its industrial output amounts to 80% of the national income.

3. Economic growth || - percent change in GDP - absolute change in national income

4. In 1985, collective (state) enterprises earned 96.7% of the net national income.

5. And expatriate earnings accounted for more than one-third of Tajikistan’s national income.

6. Gross national income (GNI) based resource: usually accounts for +/- 74 % of own resource revenue.

7. The contribution in respect of UN peacekeeping operations is also based on this scale of assessments with adjustments made for average per capita Gross National Income vis-a-vis global average Gross National Income.

8. Forecasts are prepared on both a Public Accounts and National Income and Expenditure Accounts basis.

9. This shows you life expectancy against gross national income -- how rich countries are on average.

10. The estimate for historical years is obtained from Statistics Canada’s National Income and Expenditure Accounts.

11. Over the decade of the 1930s Canada's national income and gross national product actually declined.

12. Abbreviations: DBA, debt-burden adjustment; GNI, gross national income; LPCIA, low per capita income adjustment.

13. 20 Thus, the higher the Gini coefficient, the more unequal is the distribution of national income.

14. 26 Condition 1 Equilibrium in the goods market requires that aggregate demand should equal national income.

15. It proposed that it should be replaced by adjusting the rate applied to gross national income.

16. The 0.1 percent in the U.S. today account for more than eight percent of the national income.

17. One administrative use, own resources based on gross national income, will represent 60 % of the EU budget.

18. It is a fundamental national-income accounting identity that must hold for every country in every year.

19. 18 Table National income and the average propensity to consume in the United States,( 1869- 19

20. Similarly assessed contributions in respect of UN peacekeeping operations are also based on this scale of assessment with further adjustments made on the basis of the average per capita Gross National Income vis-a-vis global average Gross National Income.

21. The average well-being of our societies is not dependent any longer on national income and economic growth.

22. Simon Kuznets, in the 1930s, said that, " A nation's welfare can scarcely be inferred from their national income. "

23. Countries are grouped according to per capita gross national income (GNI) in 2004 adjusted for purchasing power parity.

24. • Enhance public recognition of the important economic contributions of Canada’s ecosystems and biodiversity in the national income accounts.

25. those with a gross national income ratio equal to or above 100 % of the EU average (‘group 1’);

26. Although there was not a national income tax yet , the government collected revenue from trade and export taxes .

27. On the one hand, the Gross National Product (or national income) of many nations increased in recent years.

28. As a consequence, reinvested earnings of direct investment enterprises affect a major national accounting aggregate, gross national income

29. The average well- being of our societies is not dependent any longer on national income and economic growth.

30. Statistics Canada, special tabulations of data from the Longitudinal Employment Analysis Program, 19917ndash;2002; National Income and Expenditure Accounts.

31. The Consumption function is a mathematical formula that represents the functional relationship between total Consumption and gross national income.

32. The gross national income of India grew at over 9.5% per annum for three consecutive years starting in 2005.

33. In the 1970s, the One Percent accounted for about 10 percent of the national income in the United States.

34. GDP is significantly greater than GNP (national income) due to the large number of multinational firms based in Ireland.


36. This rise in prices is eliminated from the figures by dividing national income by the price index and multiplying by

37. The age structure of the population and the condition of social protection systems have a major impact on national income distribution.

38. The age structure of the population and the condition of social protection systems have a major impact on national income distribution

39. The third-round effect of the increase in government expenditure will be a further increase of £16 million in national income.

40. The long-set target of 0.7% of Gross National Income as ODA needs to be honoured as a matter of priority.

41. From # the concept of gross national income (GNI) replaces that of GNP (the own resources ceiling was adjusted accordingly from #,# % to #,# %

42. Statistics Canada, special tabulations of data from the Longitudinal Employment Analysis Program, 1991–92 to 2001–02; National Income and Expenditure Accounts.

43. As a share of America's large gross national income (GNI), however, the U.S. contribution of 0.18% ranked last among 22 donor states.

44. Macroeconomics emphasizes the theories of national income determination, inflation and unemployment, economic growth and development, economic development cycle, financial and monetary policies.

45. Now investment constitutes only about a fifth of the national income in most modern economies, but it plays an absolutely vital role.

46. These obligatory contributions are calculated based on a member’s relative ‘capacity to pay’, defined through a scale of assessment that takes into account the member’s Gross National Income relative to the Global Gross National Income, adjusted further for the level of its national external debt and low per capita income.

47. Prior to the 1950’s, output drops of 15-20% in a single year were routine (admittedly, national income accounting was more primitive.)

48. That amount will be subject to a technical adjustment each year based on price trends and gross national income (GNI) in the European Union

49. - to make the technical adjustment of these amounts for the year 2005, in line with the evolution of prices and GNI (gross national income).

50. That amount will be subject to a technical adjustment each year based on price trends and gross national income (GNI) in the European Union.

51. From 2003 the concept of gross national income (GNI) replaces that of GNP (the own resources ceiling was adjusted accordingly from 1,27 % to 1,24 %).

52. Statistics Canada, special tabulations of data from the Longitudinal Employment Analysis Program, 1991–92 to 2002–03; National Income and Expenditure Accounts, 1991–2003.

53. 30 This assertion leads directly to the proposition that money national income and the nominal money supply must be directly correlated with each other.

54. - For the year 2004, to make the technical adjustment of these amounts in line with the evolution of prices and GNI (gross national income).

55. The merits of stability, sufficiency and adjustability of the present Own Resources – assured in particular through the residual Gross National Income-based contributions – are undisputed.

56. Table 46 Actual, cyclically adjusted and primary-cyclically adjusted budget balances as a percentage of gross domestic product at market prices National Income and Expenditure Accounts

57. 30 This article attempts to discuss its impact on macroeconomic stability in terms of national income distribution, reviews the growth and income distribution strategy in China.

58. We call upon developed countries to honour their Official Development Assistancecommitments to achieve 0.7% of Gross National Income commitment for Official Development Assistance to developing countries.

59. In fact, the architect of our national accounting system, Simon Kuznets, in the 1930s, said that, "A nation's welfare can scarcely be inferred from their national income."

60. Despite many developed countries having increased their ODA, the imperative to reach the goal of 0.7% of Gross National Income on an urgent basis cannot be overstated.

61. As a longer-range planning device, the CNB provides the government with a fixed share of potential GNP and a fixed share of actual national income as revenue.

62. But if you look at that same index of health and social problems in relation to GNP per capita, gross national income, there's nothing there, no correlation anymore.

63. It is important to lighten the burdens on farmers. Government should adjust the differences in the national income distribution system and put into practice a unified tax system.

64. America’s net national saving rate – the sum total of household, business, and government saving (adjusted for the depreciation of aging capacity) – currently stands at 2.5% of national income.

65. The commitment of developed countries to move to the long-set target of 0.7% of Gross National Income as ODA needs to be honoured as a matter of priority.

66. These donor countries have also pledged to meet a UN target of spending at least 0.15% of their gross national income on development assistance to the least-developed countries.

67. In the 1940s and 1950s, as governments began accumulating national income and product accounting data, economists set out to construct quantitative models to describe the dynamics observed in the data.

68. 7 The region will adjust the structure of national income distribution, gradually increase the proportion of the incomes of resident, and increase the share of salaries in the primary distribution.

69. Abbreviations: GDP, gross domestic product; GNI, gross national income; LPCIA, low per capita income adjustment; MER, market exchange rate; PARE, price-adjusted rates of exchange; SNA, System of National Accounts.

70. Arias Independent Agent for AIL Insurance Company Independent Agency for American Income Life & National Income Life Insurance Companies Arias is headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA and serves multiple communities across the country

71. Abbreviations: GDP, gross domestic product; GNI, gross national income; IPD, implicit price deflator; LPCIA, low per capita income adjustment; MER, market exchange rate; PARE, price-adjusted rates of exchange; SNA, System of National Accounts.

72. The contribution is calculated on the basis of scale of assessments, which takes into account the country's share of the global Gross National Income with discounts given for low per-capita income and the country's external debt.

73. The Government of Botswana hopes that by investing a large part of national income in education, the country will become less dependent on diamonds for its economic survival, and less dependent on expatriates for its skilled workers.

74. Assessed contributions are calculated on the basis of a scale of assessment that takes into account the country's share of the global Gross National Income with adjustments given for low per-capita income and the country's external debt.

75. It is worth noting that the EU Member States Baulk at raising the community's budget above 1% of the EU's Gross National Income.: Rappelons que ce sont les États membres de l'UE qui rechignent à porter le budget communautaire au-delà de 1% du RNB de l'Europe communautaire.: The places we found do not Baulk at setting avant-garde architecture against the landscape.