Use "naked eye" in a sentence

1. PIQUE: Inclusions easily visible to the naked eye.

2. Extragalactic nebula is invisible to the naked eye.

3. Venus can be seen with the naked eye.

4. You can see it with the naked eye.

5. Appearance: Yellowish powder, no impurity naked eye can see.

6. You just can't see it through the naked eye.

7. Arterioles are small arteries just visible to the naked eye

8. Neither mechanisms nor potentialities are accessible to the naked eye.

9. This star is not visible to the naked eye.

10. You cannot look at the sun with the naked eye.

11. To the naked eye, glaciers don't appear to move at all.

12. They're highly sophisticated infra-red beams, virtually undetectable to the naked eye.

13. A limited number of stars can be seen with the naked eye.

14. Flea Cocoons are generally too small to be seen with the naked eye

15. The cluster is identifiable with the naked eye, and is clear with binoculars.

16. But to the naked eye, a good high-resolution printer can produce a Counterfeit …

17. Let us first survey what we see in the sky with the naked eye.

18. Arcturus is visible to the naked eye in both the northern and southern hemispheres

19. Its orange colour is quite evident with the naked eye, and striking in binoculars.

20. Adult Adelgids are soft-bodied insects, almost too small to see with the naked eye

21. It has an apparent magnitude of +2.05, making it readily visible to the naked eye.

22. Serpens contains a prominent globular cluster, M which is not far below naked-eye visibility.

23. Colorimetric chemosensing technique is a promising detection approach of organic and inorganic species with naked eye

24. Some thought them false because they often contradicted what would be seen with the naked eye.

25. Asterisms are also naked-eye star patterns, but they do not form constellations on their own

26. With the naked eye, the colour-difference is very evident, and binoculars bring it out splendidly.

27. Some observers can see it with the naked eye under ideal conditions, though I certainly cannot.

28. The space probe can photograph parts of the electronic spectrum that are invisible to the naked eye.

29. To the naked eye, this has the texture of soft, white cheese and is termed caseous necrosis.

30. 2 Protozoa are much larger than bacteria or viruses, although still not visible to the naked eye.

31. With the naked eye, the colour-difference is very evident, and binoculars bring it out splendidly.

32. The names of the shops can be read -some with the naked eye, others only under magnification.

33. Because the creatures of the plankton individually are small, they are not always visible to the naked eye.

34. The magnification is usually at least thirty times greater than what is normally seen with the naked eye.

35. (Jeremiah 33:22) This statement implies that there are far more stars than the naked eye can see.

36. The first era was ancient observations (such as with the naked eye), before the invention of the modern telescopes.

37. He examined the pieces with the naked eye, then with his glass, while behind him Isobel held her breath.

38. Incidentally, Lenten Austerities have pared half a stone from my bulk – undetectable to the naked eye, but I feel sprightlier.

39. The Andromeda Galaxy, also called M31, is bright enough to be seen by the naked eye on dark, moonless nights.

40. Conclusion Nanophthalmos with double implanted can improve the visual acuity of naked eye, correct the hyperopia and deepen anterior chamber.

41. Biosensors, especially those sensors embedded into nanoparticles like Smartdust, are so small as to remain unseen by the naked eye

42. If the flaw is not noticeable to the naked eye, we can still sell the stone for a lower price.”

43. Most of the other stars that are visible to the naked eye lie within a few hundred light-years of us.

44. At the same time, they became the first men to see the reverse side of the Moon with the naked eye.

45. It is without doubt the reddest of all the naked-eye stars, though binoculars are needed to bring out its colour properly.

46. The human and mouse eggs are about one tenth of a millimetre in diameter and are just visible to the naked eye.

47. In medicine, sputum samples are usually used for naked eye exam, microbiological investigations of respiratory infections, and cytological investigations of respiratory systems.

48. A Booklouse is often too small to see with the naked eye, being at most one-eighth of an inch in length

49. The mite is just visible to the naked eye and feeds on honey bees and their grubs by sucking their body fluids.

50. The Carina Nebula is a good naked-eye object and gets even better with a look through binoculars or a small telescope

51. Naked eye exam of sputum can be done at home by a patient in order to note the various colors (see below).

52. The hard core was protected by changing the theory underlying the observation language, so that telescopic data replaced naked-eye observations, for instance.

53. When they occur within the Milky Way, supernovae have historically been observed by naked-eye observers as "new stars" where none seemingly existed before.

54. The Achromatic can capture much more than the naked eye is able to see, as it is designed to capture a broader spectrum of light

55. The Achromatic can capture much more than the naked eye is able to see, as it is designed to capture a broader spectrum of light

56. Methods: For the 423eyes of the juvenile (10-14 years) with the naked eye vision of 0 We make routine vision examination and apply cydopleyicsbefore retinoscopy .

57. All species pass through several, very different morphologic phases, such as microscopic individual cells, slimy amorphous organisms visible with the naked eye and conspicuously shaped fruit bodies.

58. 2 Brownian movement of colloidal partical is the base to study colloidal properties, but colloidal particle is too small to be observed by naked eye or microscope.

59. Bacteria, also called germs, are microscopic organisms not visible with the naked eye. Bacteria are everywhere, both inside and outside of your body. Bacteria can live in …

60. Mycobacteria that form colonies clearly visible to the naked eye within 7 days on subculture are termed rapid growers, while those requiring longer periods are termed slow growers.

61. Answer: Colloid: A Colloid is a heterogeneous mixture whose particles are not as small as solution but they are so small that cannot be seen by naked eye

62. The excessive Algal growth, or Algal bloom, becomes visible to the naked eye and can be green, blue-green, red, or brown, depending on the type of algae

63. Although the Bursts are not visible to the naked eye, they represent tremendous amounts of power, and they can have an impact on Earth and more distant planets as …

64. Ascaris lumbricoides is a large nematode (roundworm) that infects the human gastrointestinal tract; the adults are visible to the naked eye and can reach over 12 inches in length

65. Coronal section of kidney when viewed with naked eye in Group B, showed clearly visible cortex and medulla after 1st week and 2nd week of treatment with Chlorpyrifos and respectively

66. In the case of near objects these abnormal refraction phenomena are not detectable by the naked eye, in precise levelling, however, when exactly ascertaining heights, they are a very troublesome source of errors.

67. What does it mean Aniline Leather? Aniline Leather is a type of finishing that keeps the surface of skin (also called full grain or top grain) uncovered and visible to the naked eye

68. Open Comedones are blackheads; black because of surface pigment (melanin), rather than dirt; Closed Comedones are whiteheads; the follicle is completely blocked; MicroComedones are so small that they are not visible to the naked eye

69. Comedones can also be described according to their size: micro-Comedones are only visible through the usage of special instruments, while macro-Comedones are visible with the naked eye, having a diameter of two or three mm

70. Aphids are tiny (adults are under ¼-inch), and often nearly invisible to the naked eye. Various species can appear white, black, brown, gray, yellow, light green, or even pink! Some may have a waxy or woolly coating

71. For even though the eggs of birds can be easily seen to be produced in the ovaries , the tiny vesicles on the surface of the ovaries in mammals are too small to be visible to the naked eye .

72. Constellations and Asterisms Constellations are patterns of stars visible to the unaided eye, or regions of space seen from Earth that are bounded by borders designated by the International Astronomical Union. Asterisms are also naked-eye star patterns, but …

73. While the earliest identified Amoebae were approximately 400 to 600 microns in size, both extremely small (between 2 and 3 microns) as well as exceptionally large Amoebae (20 cm; visible to the naked eye) have been documented to date.

74. Feeding Alsike clover in the form of either hay or pasture has been an issue due to potential toxicity for horses and it is not easy to tell the difference between red clover and Alsike clover with the naked eye

75. Eta Arae, Latinized from η Arae, is the Bayer designation for a single star in the southern constellation of Ara.It is approximately 299 light-years (92 parsecs) from Earth and is visible to the naked eye with an apparent visual magnitude of 3.76

76. These beautiful collections show how air photography has been used for several decades to provide a record of landscape that is continuously changing, to detect vestiges of archaeological sites invisible to the naked eye and as a management tool for the territory.

77. To the naked eye, orange-yellow Arcturus has a visual magnitude of -0.04, making it the brightest star north of the celestial equator, and the fourth brightest star in the night sky, after -1.46 magnitude Sirius, -0.86 magnitude Canopus and Ð0.27 magnitude Alpha Centauri.

78. Noun A minute or microscopic animal, nearly or quite invisible to the naked eye, as an infusorian or rotifer; an animalculum: as, the bell- animalcule, a ciliate infusorian of the family Vorticellidæ; wheel- animalcule, a rotifer; bear- animalcule, a minute arachnidan of the order Arctisca

79. The Corpuscle, which is perfectly visible to the naked eye (and which can be most easily demonstrated in the mesentery of a cat), consists of a number of lamellæ or capsules arranged more or less concentrically around a central clear space, in which the nerve fiber is contained.

80. Ramadan 2021 is anticipated to begin after sunset on Tuesday, April 13th, with the first full day of fasting to begin on Wednesday, April 14th, InshaAllah.The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community follows scientific methodology to determine the start of Ramadan based on which date the new moon can be visible to the naked eye