Use "muttering" in a sentence

1. You're muttering.

2. Stop muttering and speak up!

3. He was muttering to himself.

4. What are you two muttering about?

5. He was muttering away to himself.

6. She was muttering to herself.

7. She was staring into the fire muttering.

8. The flack grimaced and walked away, muttering.

9. He seemed to be muttering to himself.

10. Alistair said, and stalked off, muttering to himself.

11. Muttering something incoherent, he moved away.

12. Corbett, muttering to himself, fitted a second bolt.

13. 2 The flack grimaced and walked away, muttering.

14. The housekeeper left the room, muttering about ingratitude.

15. • What “empty thing” have national groups “kept muttering”?

16. They all trooped out, mumbling and muttering, except Benedicta.

17. She can hear the old woman muttering about consideration.

18. She felt feverish and was aware she was muttering.

19. She just sat there muttering to herself.

20. He heard muttering from the front of the crowd.

21. Babbling Meaning: "muttering, foolish talk," c

22. What “empty thing” do the nations keep muttering?

23. Follow me round muttering and shaking their fists.

24. 6 The darkened auditorium was filled with muttering.

25. The old man shambled out of the room muttering to himself.

26. 2:1, 2 —What “empty thing” do the nations keep muttering?

27. He sat there shaking his head, muttering to himself.

28. The old woman walked along the street muttering imprecations.

29. He was in a right tizzy, muttering and swearing.

30. 9 They all trooped out, mumbling and muttering, except Benedicta.

31. He glared back ferociously so they reverted to the cakes, muttering darkly.

32. Charles found himself muttering to the motherly dresser, who handed him his hat.

33. 5 What “empty thing” have the present-day national groups “kept muttering”?

34. Hilda wandered around muttering, her already slender body now thin to transparency.

35. Corbett sat muttering to himself, going over the questions which still vexed him.

36. For some time people had been muttering about the way she ran the department.

37. her turning away, hiding her ravaged face in her hands, muttering an inappropriate "Hi."

38. Muttering some vulgar exorcism to avert the jinx, Juron tore the panel open.

39. I was thrown out by some irate trendy who kept muttering something about royalties.

40. Cranston snored gently like a child, muttering now and again and smacking his lips.

41. John Bunsby long examined the threatening aspect of the heavens , muttering indistinctly between his teeth.

42. Michael went bright red, and muttering something inaudible, he walked out of the room.

43. The Croon changed to a querulous muttering, and finally to an ugly growl.

44. At this stage, it's helpful to use anti- social skill number three: muttering to yourself.

45. 16 There has been much muttering among the aggrieved franchisees about the possibility of legal action.

46. Then the various groups, still muttering anxiously to each other, began to evaporate in various directions.

47. He held his hand in the air, muttering Swahili curses as I wound the fabric round.

48. 15 Cranston snored gently like a child, muttering now and again and smacking his lips.

49. Muttering savagely, she turned on the water and started tossing the plates and cups into the sink.

50. With it came the realisation of the meaning of the horrifying dream about the little muttering peasant.

51. + 2 And both the Pharisees and the scribes kept muttering: “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.”

52. Gran had been muttering about storms for days and she liked her to stay close at these times.

53. 24 All eyes followed the Collector as he strode about the enclave grimacing and muttering to himself.

54. 7 Mild, persistent delirium, not as violent as in Belladonna restless with laborious dreams, muttering delirium.

55. Kira carried on walking, muttering Angrilyto herself about the absolute stupidity and selfishness of demons and mythical creatures

56. The answer lies in those muttering organelles left behind at the gate when the sperm entered the egg.

57. There was muttering too in the universities about a general decline in standards of literacy and numeracy among undergraduates.

58. So he peered, leaning forward to catch a whiff of scent, listening to the man's quiet muttering.

59. The Bible says that “the nations [have] been in tumult and the national groups themselves kept muttering an empty thing.”

60. This scripture reads: “Why have the nations been in tumult and the national groups themselves kept muttering an empty thing?

61. (Psalm 2:1) The “empty thing” they keep “muttering,” or meditating on, is the continuation of their own sovereignty.

62. She began to wipe the tops down with unnecessary vigour, muttering crossly when water splashed on her dress.

63. Karen occasionally talked in her sleep, muttering and mumbling, no words that he could decipher, the language of somnolence.

64. His stepfather was lying on his back, muttering to himself, his eyes oddly fixed, staring up at the ceiling.

65. Sam can't even muster the Chutzpah to blast back at a heckler with the bile we know he can spit, instead muttering some lame babble

66. There have been transgressing and a denying of Jehovah; and there was a moving back from our God, a speaking of oppression and revolt, a conceiving and a muttering of words of falsehood from the very heart.”

67. ‘Being basically a shy person, I think some players mistook my shyness for Aloofness.’ ‘The locals were neither friendly nor unfriendly; they stood staring from doorways or muttering to themselves in gloomy lanes, and their Aloofness was unusual.’

68. The decidedly uncosmopolitan citizens of Paul Haggis' Balkanized Los Angeles live and work cheek to jowl with a rainbow coalition of races and ethnicities, all the while muttering and screaming a common string of racial epithets and slurs at their unloved neighbors.

69. ‘No barrel was Broached at this year's Oktoberfest, since host Ina couldn't find the hammer.’ ‘Only St-Joseph and that paler shadow Crozes-Hermitage can sensibly be Broached within their first five years.’ ‘Pattaya Mail's Peter Malhotra Broached the ceremonial keg while muttering the immortal words ‘Ozapft is’ (the keg is tapped).’

70. She pretended that she was making a flower - bed, and she stuck big scarlet hibiscus blossoms into little heaps of earth, all the time growing more and more angry and muttering to herself the things she would say and the names she would call Saidie when she returned.

71. ‘Apart from sign language, she kept struggling to express herself with her voice, though Brokenly and unclearly.’ ‘I cried heart Brokenly and told my brother I would not play the tabla ever again.’ ‘I fell into the arms of the door opener, muttering Brokenly of my need to see my friend.’

72. ‘Players go Backwards and forwards, alternating the target box in the same manner as for quoits or bowls.’ ‘‘The wings were going Backwards and forwards like it was trying to balance itself,’ she said.’ ‘She paces Backwards and forwards, at one end of the platform, muttering quietly to herself, gesticulating with quick fingers.’

73. VCAT runs out of patience with serial Adjourner I was drinking beer at The Peacock the other afternoon, and a VCAT member was muttering about the Supreme Court overturning VCAT decisions on the basis that applications for adjournment were not granted when they could have been cured by an order for costs.