Use "multilaterally" in a sentence

1. We’re pulling diplomatic levers both bilaterally and multilaterally, and using foreign assistance to protect U.S. communities.

2. An independent Trust Fund or a UN agency should guarantee that the aid given by the European Union is multilaterally applied.

3. We have made proposals multilaterally within the framework of SAARC – the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation – where we have assumed asymmetric responsibilities.

4. Numerous initiatives have been adopted nationally, regionally and multilaterally with a view to countering illicit arms traffic and the destabilizing accumulation of weapons:

5. International efforts in this regard should build the necessary confidence among states so that international treaties and agreements are multilaterally negotiated and freely accepted which remains the true test of their legitimacy and credibility.

6. We believe that only a multilaterally agreed mechanism for verification of compliance can provide the assurance of observance of compliance obligations by States Parties and act as a deterrence against non-compliance.

7. Again, any multilaterally agreed interchange fee would be based on the actual extra costs of the beneficiary's banks, and could be included in the overall (bilateral) fee charged by correspondent banks to sending banks (or sending ACHs).