Use "much less" in a sentence

1. I will become much less easily tired ... much less easily fatigued ... much less easily discouraged ... much less easily depressed.

2. Such shoes usually wholesale for much less.

3. I can hardly walk, much less run.

4. Gases are much less viscous than liquids.

5. I'm much less boring than these others.

6. People should, ideally, eat much less fat.

7. It costs much less to go by bus.

8. • Try dowsing without rods: it's much less Cumbersome.

9. Coydogs are MUCH less common than people think

10. The baby can't even walk, much less run.

11. 10 People should, ideally, eat much less fat.

12. Training is often much less effective than expected.

13. There is much less difficulty than I thought.

14. He was much less flashy than his brother.

15. Exogamy remains much less prevalent among African Americans.

16. I know no English(, much less French.

17. Real skins are much less coherent than the stereotype.

18. You pay for his beds, much less his militia.

19. 3 Try dowsing without rods: it's much less cumbersome.

20. Nitrosopiperazine was very much less acutely toxic than dinitrosopiperazine.

21. I read much less now than I used to.

22. The gentleman is also avaricious, much less pass student.

23. In fact, Lucas adopts a much less rigorous approach.

24. Antidromic tachycardia is found much less frequently than orthodromic

25. Sandstorms occur with much less frequency than dust storms.

26. Kamala Beach to the north is much less developed.

27. Swiss meringue Buttercream: is much less sweet than traditional Buttercream…

28. I read much less now than I did at school.

29. Diplomats now expect the mission to be much less ambitious.

30. He's a different proposition from his father?much less tolerant.

31. Cryptorchidism is much less common in cats than in dogs

32. Caning on the knuckles or shoulders is much less common

33. In winter, there is much less rainfall than in summer.

34. Yet the difference is much less than was once believed.

35. 18 Gradual changes are much less traumatic than sudden changes.

36. (much less common) Air is Constituted by nitrogen and oxygen

37. In March and April, the weather is much less predictable.

38. And a much less pleasant phenomenon is something called pinenutmouth.

39. Much less administrative paperwork and record-keeping than a corporation.

40. The presentation of straying males is, then, much less censorious.

41. He asked, in a much less hostile tone, what I wanted.

42. Near misses are certainly much less newsworthy than injuries or deaths.

43. He does not sell contraception, much less Abortifacient contraceptives at his

44. Still adjusting to being a parent, much less a single parent.

45. How much less would it cost to send it second class?

46. So open primaries would make that problem much, much less severe.

47. Seldom have I seen such beautiful architecture aboveground, much less underground.

48. She's very liberal with promises but much less so with money.

49. So the search box is still flawed, but much less obtrusive.

50. Apocrine Glands Apocrine glands are much less numerous than eccrine glands

51. Allyl polymerization has received much less attention than conventional vinyl polymerization.

52. 6 How much less so mortal man, who is a maggot,

53. A pound today buys much less than it did a year ago.

54. If it is much less, try using a 40 watt bulb instead.

55. But it wastes so much less air conditioning than a regular door.

56. 16 How much less so when a person is detestable and corrupt,+

57. Much less, the sports event selling point no longer was also forced.

58. The acute toxicity of isoproterenol is much less than that of epinephrine.

59. Now, at midlife, he was more portly and had much less hair!

60. The second way makes the emergence of syntactic combinations seem much less fortuitous.

61. By comparison with gold, jade or precious stones pearls are much less durable.

62. But, as research shows, there are much less radical ways to battle Burnout.

63. And there's a major plus point in that it's much, much less theoretical!"

64. They are always short of water to drink, much less to bathe in.

65. In water the effect of the age of loading is much less marked.

66. 21 Admittedly, there is now much less reason for invoking this doomsday scenario.

67. This anaerobic system is much less efficient than the primary, oxygen-using system.

68. Bob's tickets cost much less than ours - I think we've been ripped off.

69. The current legislation allows lobbyists to report much less than is actually incurred.

70. To the west in the Los Angeles Basin damage was much less severe.

71. The former is an area over which systematic knowledge is much less precise.

72. 22 She never called it the state of solitude, much less of singleness.

73. Her disarming honesty immediately created a much less hostile atmosphere in the room.

74. Much less positively, EU member states have been slow to act in concert.

75. The action for malicious falsehood is much less favourable to plaintiffs than defamation.

76. Savings accrue as flights are generally much less expensive when not taken on Saturday.

77. Chromatophores have transferred much less of their DNA to the nucleus of their host.

78. I would never willingly go anywhere by boat, much less go on a cruise.

79. Cluttering: A person dealing with Cluttering is much less likely to recognize the problem.

80. Atelectasis is the collapse of part or, much less commonly, all of a lung.