Use "mormon" in a sentence

1. Words of Mormon can help you better understand which records Mormon abridged as he compiled the Book of Mormon.

2. Plates of Mormon (records compiled and abridged by Mormon and Moroni)

3. Mormon Abridging the Plates

4. Mormon teaches about charity

5. Book of Mormon Scripture Figures

6. President Nelson’s Book of Mormon Lists

7. Overview of the Book of Mormon

8. * See also Book of Mormon; Witness

9. Day 5: Lesson 142 Mormon 9

10. My first examples are our Mormon pioneers.

11. (2) Was the Book of Mormon true?

12. A Lesson from the Book of Mormon

13. I’ll just be another cookie-cutter Mormon.

14. * See also Book of Mormon; Gold Plates

15. Precious Promises of the Book of Mormon

16. The Plates of Mormon, which consist of an abridgment by Mormon from the large plates of Nephi, with many commentaries.

17. Tell students that Mormon recorded a prophecy about an additional role the Book of Mormon would play in the last days.

18. I’m a Mormon, Adoptee, and a Ballet Dancer

19. To Learn More about the Book of Mormon

20. (The Book of Mormon is powerful spiritual nourishment.)

21. Mormon learns about the nature of translated beings

22. I'm a Mormon, Scientist, and Australian Abalone Hunter

23. The Book of Mormon fulfills biblical prophecies that:

24. Appendix: Suggested Book of Mormon Doctrinal Mastery Pacing Guide

25. Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020

26. In the words of one Book of Mormon prophet:

27. Many have worn shirts that say “Mormon Helping Hands.”

28. The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ

29. The Book of Mormon recounts a time of success.

30. So it was taught at the Waters of Mormon.

31. Mormon describes the wickedness of the Nephites and Lamanites

32. "Colophons" in the Book of Mormon illustrate this

33. Mormon abridged these records sometime between A.D. 345 and 385.

34. The Book of Mormon is the centerpiece of the Restoration.

35. The Book of Mormon, the Instrument to Gather Scattered Israel

36. The springs provided water for people traveling the Mormon Trail.

37. Day 5: Lesson 5 Overview of the Book of Mormon

38. The Book of Mormon likewise uses this title many times.

39. Finally, the Book of Mormon is the keystone of testimony.

40. 20 I am Mormon, and a pure adescendant of Lehi.

41. Susan has a renewed testimony of the Book of Mormon.

42. Ammon is my favorite person in the Book of Mormon.

43. 1987: Sections of the Book of Mormon translated into Tagalog

44. This promise occurs 34 times throughout the Book of Mormon.

45. * See also Book of Mormon; Lamanites; Nephi, Son of Lehi

46. The plates of Mormon, or the gold plates delivered to Joseph Smith, contained an abridgment by Mormon from the large plates of Nephi, with many commentaries.

47. This scripture teaches us how to read the Book of Mormon.

48. What did Mormon want the Lamanites and their descendants to know?

49. A Mormon police report is headed, One drunk at the Calaboose

50. A righteous Nephite king and prophet in the Book of Mormon.

51. * To request a free copy, visit

52. Thanks to a Mormon - dominated city council, drinking laws are finicky.

53. Adventist, Catholic, and Mormon missionaries also had a measure of success.

54. The settlement is named after Bountiful in the Book of Mormon

55. And King Benjamin taught his people in Book of Mormon times:

56. In the closing chapter of the Book of Mormon, Moroni pleads:

57. Four years before I was born, my parents met Mormon missionaries.

58. In the Book of Mormon we read of noble King Benjamin.

59. Los Angeles The Mormon Battalion was discharged here July 16, 1847.

60. In the Book of Mormon, the Savior appeared to the Nephites.

61. Early one morning I visited the Mormon Pavilion at the fair.

62. The group breakaway Mormon sect that advocates polygamy and underage marriages.

63. * Post a scripture from the Book of Mormon on social media.

64. The Book of Mormon is filled with inspiring accounts of conversion.

65. Publication of the Book of Mormon and Organization of the Church

66. In time, I found my answer in the Book of Mormon:

67. Bountiful is made up of members of two polygamist Mormon fundamentalist groups

68. I then presented the copy of the Book of Mormon to him.

69. Great mormon is similar with spangle, but it t have tail's projections.

70. The last Nephite prophet in the Book of Mormon (about A.D. 421).

71. I have studied Mormon 3–6 and completed this lesson on (date).

72. I have studied Mormon 1–2 and completed this lesson on (date).

73. Will you open with me the cover of the Book of Mormon?

74. Share your testimony of the restored gospel and the Book of Mormon.

75. Joseph claimed that the Book of Mormon was written on golden plates.

76. I love the story of Captain Moroni in the Book of Mormon.

77. The Book of Mormon is one of God’s priceless gifts to us.

78. My colleague asked if this new information would destroy the Mormon Church.

79. Read Moroni 7:2–3 to identify the audience Mormon was addressing.

80. Nephi, a prophet in the Book of Mormon, understood this principle well.