Use "morally" in a sentence

1. Morally pure, physically Chaste

2. Conscience as motivation to act morally

3. Keep physically and morally clean.

4. Bounden: 1 adj morally obligatory “my Bounden duty” Synonyms: obligatory morally or legally constraining or binding

5. Small gatherings can be morally upbuilding

6. “Keeping on Guard” to Stay Morally Clean

7. 9 It sounds a morally dubious proposition.

8. 17 I felt morally compelled to help.

9. They were morally degraded and religiously corrupt.

10. I find their behavior morally reprehensible.

11. Regulations aside, this action is morally wrong.

12. Is that deeply and unforgivably morally wrong?

13. Are certain costs beyond what you can accept morally?

14. 11 Can I be morally clean* with wicked scales,

15. Chasteness: the quality or state of being morally pure

16. Primarily, why should Christians want to remain morally chaste?

17. Killing the customs officer is morally wrong, of course.

18. Morally obligatory (archaic except in the phrase Bounden duty)

19. Was it hot in that morally reprehensible kind of way?

20. Blemishing: to affect slightly with something morally bad or undesirable

21. 9 Make quick lists of someactions you think of as uncontroversially morally good ones and morally badones and ask a friend to do the same.

22. Dec 30, 2011 - Arian Aguinaldo bites him epicene morally Cachinnating

23. The content of that message is morally ambiguous at best.

24. They feel morally hemmed in by God’s laws and principles.

25. Disgust paints the person as subhuman, monstrous, deformed, morally deformed.

26. She is regarded as a morally Ambivalent character in the play.

27. Amoral means morally neutral, or outside the sphere of moral considerations

28. The law is morally indefensible and in need of reform.

29. Such a system is operationally rigid, politically closed, and morally illegitimate.

30. We need laws that are morally Acceptable as well as effective.

31. Lying is not seen as being morally reprehensible any strong way.

32. Mistreating others because you have a Comparatively higher income is morally wrong

33. Morally obligatory Familiarity information: Bounden used as an adjective is very rare.

34. Female Chauvinism is the belief that women are morally superior to men

35. Adjective intellectually or morally ignorant; unenlightened: Benighted ages of barbarism and superstition

36. 24 Does that mean I'm morally obligated to burn that lady's outfit?

37. Mink has been called Cantankerous, difficult, morally superior, selfish and egotistical

38. The world is morally destitute —bankrupt— ripe for a total collapse.

39. For one thing, we must be determined to remain morally clean.

40. Rather, A fool is someone who is deeply deficient spiritually and morally

41. GRADING is morally wrong, practically ineffective, and a major deterrent to learning.”

42. It would be morally indefensible for her to desert her father now.

43. The arrogance of Utahns in their Blatant wastefulness of water is morally reprehensible.

44. They have grown up in a world that is morally and spiritually bankrupt.

45. We are, should be, morally committed to being the healer of the world.

46. Confucian thought focuses on the cultivation of virtue in a morally organised world

47. Jealous, resentful, morally superior, I stayed on with the rest of the proletariat.

48. Male Chauvinism is the belief that men are morally superior to women

49. Moral Absolutists believe that specific actions are morally wrong with no exceptions

50. We can see the results in a morally and spiritually sick society.

51. No one doubts that this is both morally vexing and economically inefficient.

52. In statutory construction, an “Absurdity” is not only that which is physically impossible, but also that which is morally so; and that is to be regarded as morally impossible which is contrary to …

53. The Condemned is a morally ambiguous, exceedingly violent and mostly forgettable action film.

54. Understandably, a morally upright traveler would avoid staying at such inns whenever possible.

55. Anti-social means against morally appropriate behaviour while Asocial means avoidance of social life

56. Those “carrying the utensils of Jehovah” have to be morally and spiritually clean

57. How absurdly presumptuous of us to think we are morally superior to the others!

58. (Matthew 13:20, 21) Another time-tested machination is that of corrupting individuals morally.

59. She was a devout Catholic and, so far as I am aware, morally unassailable.

60. Have we said enough to show that the use of animal magnetism is morally dangerous?

61. 1200, "virtuous, pure from unlawful sexual intercourse" (as defined by the Church), from Old French Chaste "morally pure" (12c.), from Latin castus "clean, pure, morally pure" (see caste).

62. Displaying virtue in today’s culturally divergent and morally corrupt world is indeed a challenge.

63. It designates a person as morally worthless, an apostate and a rebel against God.

64. PARLIAMENT MINISTER : " Minister is as well as morally reprehensible , this statement is absolutely untrue. "

65. Antonyms for Bawdily include cleanly, decently, wholesomely, chastely, goodly, innocently, modestly, morally, respectably and seemlily

66. Some ethicists regard the cloning of humans as a morally unjustifiable intrusion into human life.

67. Synonyms for Chastely include virtuously, purely, morally, righteously, innocently, modestly, virginally, virginly, cleanly and decently

68. Yet, by practising Comradeship, the soldiers could maintain the myth that they were morally sacrosanct

69. Ability definition, power or capacity to do or act physically, mentally, legally, morally, financially, etc

70. 17 She was a devout Catholic and, so far as I am aware, morally unassailable.

71. Behaving morally because of a hope of reward or a fear of punishment is not morality

72. “Can I be morally clean with wicked scales and with a bag of deceptive stone weights?”

73. History is filled with examples of governments sanctioning acts, laws, or policies which are morally repugnant.

74. Corruptive: 1 adj tending to corrupt or pervert Synonyms: perversive , pestiferous evil morally bad or wrong

75. If someone Condones behaviour that is morally wrong, they accept it and allow it to happen

76. As it is, armament programs are contributing to the bankruptcy of nations, both physically and morally.

77. Forbidden on pain of death were such morally unclean practices as incest, adultery and bestiality.

78. In any school there can be morally corrupt teachers who abuse their position of authority.

79. Amoral definition is - having or showing no concern about whether behavior is morally right or wrong

80. 5 The inexorable logic does not, however, establish that the result is morally or socially desirable.