Use "monsieur" in a sentence

1. “Adieu, monsieur,” said the marquis, pressing his hand

2. Monsieur, don't mock me now, I pray

3. • At least she had Accorded him the Monsieur

4. I'm sure you'll be in good hands, with Monsieur Dassin.

5. Note: any further Contrarious commentary should be directed to Monsieur Espinasse

6. Pourtant, monsieur le Président, ma question est assez Anodine

7. I have a letter, monsieur It's addressed to your daughter Cosette

8. Monsieur LaPadite what we have to discuss would be better discussed in private.

9. But, Joseph, we have so little time, and Monsieur Trane knows our plans.

10. We are as shocked as you are, Monsieur Ambassador, by the cardinal's disappearance.

11. Monsieur le Président, je comprends certes votre désir d'Arbitrer

12. But you know, Monsieur Hagrid they drink only single-malt whiskey.

13. I hope you're finding my son a responsive pupil, Monsieur Dessales?

14. ' Ah! most gracious Monsieur heretofore the Marquis, where is that emigrant?

15. Monsieur le Président, le Québec prend le monde d' Assaut

16. " Monsieur,' said the woman, " my boy tells me that you wish to hire a cabriolet. "

17. It's considered a great honour, monsieur, to have one's ear pulled by the Emperor.

18. If anything is to be changed, it is your music, Monsieur Dubrok.

19. Manager : Ah! The famous Monsieur poirot. I grovel in mortification, I grovel !

20. In matters of finance, Monsieur Grandet combined the characteristics of the tiger and the boa constrictor.

21. Monsieur Chat va au travail à pied. et madame Chat y va en voiture.

22. ‘The cloth is Creased, the day's newspaper is folded neatly, and an unopened letter to Monsieur Ph

23. No, a man like you, D' Artagnan, brings out but one thing in me:- My acquisitive instinct.- Monsieur

24. ‘The cloth is Creased, the day's newspaper is folded neatly, and an unopened letter to Monsieur Ph

25. Les meilleures Blagues: Humour, Top, Blonde, Courte, Monsieur et Madame, On ne dit pas, Toto, Devinette, Citation, Comble

26. Soon after, Mademoiselle Mariette comes to see Monsieur le Commissaire because her brother has disappeared in mysterious circumstances.

27. In reality he was Annoyed at having old Monsieur Farival, who considered himself the better sailor of the two

28. Oh, Monsieur Candie, you can't imagine what it's like not to hear your native tongue in four years.

29. This good Monsieur de Blackball is not very well bred; but, for an Englishman, he is not too bad

30. 15 De Smedt et Monsieur supplies to a wide range of customers including shops, hotels, restaurants, offices and airports.

31. Conchier (transitive, vulgar, literary) to beshit, to shit on something (vulgar, humorous) used to tell someone to get lost Cher monsieur, je vous Conchie.

32. Spunyarn Bowed, stretched out his long legs towards the fire, and opening his cigarette case offered it to Monsieur de Kerguel

33. Allocution de bienvenue à l'attention de Monsieur Frederik Reinfeldt, Premier Ministre de la Suède - Strasbourg, jeudi 2 octobre 2008 (French only)

34. La maison Bordet a été fondée en 1965 par Monsieur Georges Bordet, sculpteur sur bois et inventeur du Porte-outil vibrant

35. Monsieur Ballon, did you not state... that... on the night of the murder... you had just arrived from London... on the 11:00 flight?

36. You have to understand, Monsieur Candie, while admittedly a neophyte in the nigger fight game, I do have a little bit of a background in the European traveling circus.

37. 3 No vivacious Bacchanalian flame leaped out of the pressed grape of monsieur Defarge: but, a smouldering fire that burnt in the dark, lay hidden in the dregs of it.

38. No vivacious Bacchanalian flame leaped out of the pressed grape of monsieur Defarge: but, a smouldering fire that burnt in the dark, lay hidden in the dregs of it.

39. Aeonist (via cute-and-alone) Inigo Montoya Quotes Movies Showing Movies And Tv Shows The Princess Bride Princess Bride Inigo Montoya Princess Bride Quotes Monsieur Madame Best Quotes Ever Greatest Quotes

40. Facétieux, Jacques Guerlain s'inspire de cet Atour de séduction et crée, en 1904 pour le mariage de l'un de ses amis, "Mouchoir de Monsieur"

41. Axiome est un Podcast à l'interface entre les maths et la philo, présenté par Thibaut Giraud (Monsieur Phi) et Lê Nguyên Hoang (Science4All)Flux rss : http:/

42. Solomon Spalding writes in the Biblic style, and commences almost every sentence with, "And it came to pass," -- "Now, it came to pass." Travels and Adventures of Monsieur Violet

43. En soi, c'est une Contravention.: That in itself is a Contravention.: Monsieur Latimer a-t-il été détenu de façon arbitraire en Contravention de l'art.: Was Mr

44. 7 Often a parody of what people think of as silent movie acting, Valentino became an exotic heart-throb with gleaming eyes and flaring nostrils, in The Sheik,[] Blood and Sand and Monsieur Beaucaire.

45. Tante Atie said that only people living on New York money or people with professions, like Monsieur Augustin, could afford to live in a house where they did not have to share a yard with a

46. Facétieux, Jacques Guerlain s'inspire de cet Atour de séduction et crée, en 1904 pour le mariage de l'un de ses amis, "Mouchoir de Monsieur".: Jacques Guerlain mischievously took his inspiration from this seductive attire to create "Mouchoir de Monsieur" in 1904 for the wedding of one of his friends.: Atour Riten : (Humain mâle) Commandant impérial de la Marine, Chef Documentaliste, il

47. Du Tertre-Jouan was nearly six feet high, and afraid of nobody -- a kind of Clodhopping young rustic Hercules, and had proved his mettle quite recently -- when a brutal usher, whom I will call Monsieur

48. I believe I'm honest, monsieur, but, to be outspoken, I've had several trades. I've been an itinerant singer, a circus-rider, when I used to vault like Leotard, and dance on a rope like Blondin.

49. A violin case would complete the effect very Creditably, sir.: Un étui à violon viendrait compléter le effet très honorablement, monsieur.: The Court will serve the global community Creditably as a permanent international criminal judicial institution.

50. A highly-Acclaimed novel a widely-Acclaimed article 1911, Saki, The Chronicles of Clovis The design, when finally developed, was a slight disappointment to Monsieur Deplis, who had suspected Icarus of being a fortress taken by Wallenstein in the Thirty Years

51. Du samnedi 13 Mars 1937, la note suivante qui prouve que la question d'eau eat .dfinitivenenwt slutionne a la grande satisfaction des Capoit: Mardi a midi la connection des tuyaux de la ville avec ceux eonduisant au puts de Balnm s'st e-fectuee sous le contr6le de Monsieur Charles Fequieres, t'Ingnieur en

52. Attestation d'employeur Madame, Monsieur, Je soussigné, « nom et prénom du gérant », agissant en qualité de « poste » de la société « nom de la société », domiciliée au « adresse du siège », Atteste …

53. Objet : Contestation du (mettre le motif qui entraîne la Contestation) Pièce jointe annexée : (photocopie du procès-verbal ou de la preuve apportée le cas échéant) (Madame, Monsieur … Nom de l’interlocuteur si indiqué sur le PV) Je me permets de vous contacter à …

54. Speaker, yesterday we got complete Bafflegab from the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food about immediate assistance for farmers spring planting.: Monsieur le Président, hier, nous n'avons entendu que du verbiage de la part du ministre de l'Agriculture et de l'Agroalimentaire au sujet d'une aide immédiate aux agriculteurs pour les semences printanières.

55. Blanval as Monsieur: 1991: Annabelle partagée: 1989: Marquis as Marquis (voice) 1988: Too Beautiful to Die as Police Inspector: 1988: Una vittoria (TV) as Pierre: 1987: Je tue à la campagne: 1985: L'énigme blanche as Jean: 1984: Liste noire as Kalinski: 1978: Dossier 51 as Dominique Auphal/51: 1976: Le Voyage de noces as Bruno:

56. Constantine Phaulkon (Greek: Κωνσταντῖνος Γεράκης, Konstantinos Gerakis; γεράκι is the Greek word for "falcon"; 1647 – 5 June 1688), also known as Κωσταντής Γεράκης or Costantin Gerachi, Constantino Falcão in Portuguese and simply as Monsieur Constance in French, was a Greek adventurer, who became prime counsellor to King Narai of Ayutthaya, assuming the Thai noble title Chao Phraya Wichayen (เจ้าพระยาวิชาเยนทร์).

57. Bortsch au Monsieur Cuisine Compote (Russie) Omelette sucrée (Russie) Pirojki à la viande (Russie) Salade Olivier (Russie) Paska / gâteau de Pâques (Russie) Koulitch façon Fedo (Brioche de Pâques - Russie) Cyrniki (galettes de fromage blanc) Russie Bortsch végétarien (la soupe aux betteraves)

58. Un dessin relevé dans la Caverne des Trois-frères, à Montesquieu-Avantès (Ariège) This is the greater part of a seminal paper by Monsieur le comte Henri Bégouën, Bégouën (1920) Translation by Don Hitchcock (note that this photo is from the original tracing by Breuil - Don )

59. Son laboratoire a défini et montré l'importance de la Contexture immunitaire contre les cancers.: His laboratory has identified and demonstrated the importance of the immune Contexture against cancer.: Une Contexture implique et autorise d'infinies recontexturations.: A Contexture implies and allows and infinite recontexturings.: Bien sûr, les serviettes ont une Contexture, monsieur

60. View in context Fodere and Mere, two pestilent Frenchmen who WOULD investigate the subject; and further, of the Corroborative testimony of Monsieur Le Cat, a rather celebrated French surgeon once upon a time, who had the unpoliteness to live in a house where such a case occurred and even to write an account of it--still they regard the late Mr.

61. Objet : attestation d'hébergement de M./Mme (préciser les prénom et nom de la personne hébergée) Je soussigné(e) (indiquez prénom, nom), né(e) le (date) à (lieu), demeurant au (indiquez votre adresse), Atteste sur l'honneur que (précisez si monsieur, madame, mademoiselle et prénom, nom), né(e) le (date) à (lieu), réside à mon domicile depuis le (date).