Use "modus vivendi" in a sentence

1. The old modus vivendi is fading, for ever.

2. The two states reached a kind of modus vivendi.

3. We managed to achieve a kind of modus vivendi.

4. After years of confrontation, they finally have achieved a modus vivendi.

5. We hope President Ma's modus vivendi will demonstrate more dynamism and substance.

6. Some experts suggest this is because the two have established a modus vivendi.

7. After year of confrontation, they finally have achieve a modus vivendi .

8. After 19 a modus vivendi between church and state was achieved.

9. Armistices and instruments of surrender are intended to achieve a modus vivendi.

10. Our two countries must put aside the memory of war and seek a modus vivendi.

11. Like fanatics and zealots everywhere, they want to disrupt any attempts at a modus vivendi or reconciliation.

12. Yet the Chinese are not necessarily prisoners of their past and they have overwhelming economic reasons to seek a political modus vivendi with America.

13. Blizzard was part of the Vivendi Games group of Vivendi.

14. Unfederatively coenla racemosely chanfrin riverbed Tiersten Bogydom Stambaugh cevitamic semierect vivendi

15. Conclusion:percussopunctator is the modus operandi to treat habitual constipation.

16. Bad bosses often have a recognizable modus operandi!

17. But also a useful modus operandi at this stage.

18. Aspectus est categoria coniugationis (), sicut tempus vel modus

19. " Mode " is derived from Latin modus, meaning " due or proper measure. "

20. Genod thus obtained the modus operandi of the aggressor.

21. It could therefore be allowed to absorb the modus.

22. The police gave a full description of the thief's modus operandi.

23. This is what we can conclude from the modus operandi.

24. This kind of modus operandi fall short of our policy.

25. I believe they want to alter its culture and modus operandi.

26. bx1 – the Analogue 3-Channel Modus Equalizer By Brainworx (prototype stage!

27. Finally, political parties will have to change radically their modus operandi.

28. 17 This kind of modus operandi fall short of our policy.

29. It also put forward some viewpoint and advice about the modus operandi of roof structure.

30. An example of her modus operandi was provided during a terse exchange with the defendant.

31. Eiusmodi apostolatus fundamentalis modus non potest festinanter mutari per mentis Conformationem huic saeculo (Cfr

32. You are the categorical uncatogrerised, thinking out of the box is your modus operandi.

33. There is no reason to believe in enforcement of a modus in private circumstances in classical law.

34. Verum cum nullus sit modus, qui non ad quemvis affectum exprimendum adduci possit, modò accedat peritus artifex, ita hic Modus hodie plerunque ita flecti solet, vt Commiserationem excitet, et religione quadam animum imbuat, vnde et apud Apuleium religiosi nomen accepit.

35. • The emperor is Confronted with the case of a modal legacy, the modus being restitution of some property to

36. Child abductors are characteristically habitual offenders and carry out their assaults in a highly stereotypical modus operandi".

37. Given Takeshita's modus operandi, bribes were necessary, and he argued that the Recruit deal was above board.

38. Objective: The study relieving Qi Stagnancy modus treat menstruation front of fretting depression clinical curative effect.

39. It also gave the opening for reaching a more satisfactory modus operandi with the Writers' Union.

40. Dissatisfaction with this highly indirect method of attempting to secure a modus must have been considerable.

41. Matters are somewhat different when we come to dispositions where the modus is in the public interest.

42. Our artist sent us with this sketch of ‘Bummers Foraging’ a graphic account of their modus operandi

43. The mobile communications and technology platform comprises a range of industrial players, from Alcatel and Bertelsmann to Vivendi Universal and the Vodafone group.

44. Advocacy strategies require the identification of specific incentives based on the military structure, size, modus operandi and other characteristics of armed groups.

45. Life can not possibly function without scale and levels of being; they are part of its modus operandi.

46. M.M.S.'s modus operandi was more like setting a thief to help other thieves get away with the loot.

47. Illicitum est ut a capite usque nolunt respondere ad petitionem modus seu aliqua rationabili rationabile Accommodationem per persona per vitium

48. Sextus modus est iuxta Abstractionem speciei a materia, sicut sensus accipit speciem a re sensibili, ubi deest aequalitas simplicitatis spiritualis

49. In the Liber Abaci, Fibonacci says the following introducing the so-called "Modus Indorum" or the method of the Indians, today known as Arabic numerals .

50. Yet as a blue-blooded politician from a hugely wealthy family, Hatoyama can hardly claim to represent a fresh alternative to Japan's political modus operandi.

51. Capone Bege has a modus operandi of infiltrating groups and organizations so that he can murder the leaders of these groups for his own pleasure

52. The modus operandi is one of a Multi-Region Trust Fund based on voluntary contributions from participating regions to finance the activities of the Bioregions Facility

53. Yet as a blue-blooded politician from a hugely wealthy family(Sentence dictionary), Hatoyama can hardly claim to represent a fresh alternative to Japan's political modus operandi.

54. La struttura organizzativa della Camorra è divisa in singoli gruppi chiamati clan, diversi tra loro per tipo di influenza sul territorio, struttura organizzativa, forza economica e modus operandi.

55. Some possible relationships were observed between the offenders' paraphilic orientation and their modus operandi, e.g., all of these serial killers strangled victims-suggesting an association between their sadistic and Asphyxiative …

56. 4, 567-8: "Secundum hoc apparet, quod triplex est modus cognoscendi, quorum primus est per credulilatem piae assensionis, secundus per Approbationem rectae rationis, tertius vero per claritatem mundae contemplationis.

57. Some possible relationships were observed between the offenders’ paraphilic orientation and their modus operandi, e.g., all of these serial killers strangled victims—suggesting an association between their sadistic and Asphyxiative …

58. ‘The modus operandi, they said, was for divers with Aqualungs to collect perlemoen which they then took ashore at dusk in sacks and left in a hideout in the bush and dunes.’

59. MODUS Bark Control Device - Anti Barking Device, 2-in-1 Dog Training Tool, 16.4 Ft Large Control Range, Safe to Use, Dog Silencer Dogs, Ultrasonic Dog Repeller Pet Corrector Dog Whistle… 3.7 out of …

60. Systems Architecting is the use of Architecting tools and techniques (e.g.,analysis, insights, heuristics metaphors, practice, ethics and modus operandi) to systems (collections of different things which collectively produce results not producible by the components, alone

61. Investigation of abortion –, premature birth rate, fetal retardation, malformation, hospitalization, modus of labour, birth weight, gestational age, perinatal mortality, hypertonia, preeclampsia, anemia, kidney function, rejection crisis, mechanical compression, kidney function after 1 and 5 years postpartum.

62. Divortio seiuncti et iterum matrimonio coniuncti, tamen, praeter hunc statum, ad Ecclesiam pergunt pertinere, quae eos peculiari cura prosequitur, desiderans ut illi, quantum fieri potest, christianum colant vivendi modum per sanctam Missam participandam, licet Communionem non recipiant, divini Verbi auscultationem, eucharisticam Adorationem

63. When on-line papers include phrases such as "2.5ml of recondite distillate, prepared in situ aperitivus using a follectis retort in modus operandi, were foremixed without Assizement before a totic aromandius", we will all rest easy in our labs

64. Sneddon, now confronted with the looser-position knew a way out though: the admission of witnesses from the 1993-case. That was certainly not because his own case proved to be anchorless and not reliable but with the pretense to demonstrate the defendant have had a certain modus operandi.

65. Closed-door discussions about which technologies in the clean tech landscape get how much from our government Coffers is the modus operandi for the fits-and-starts approach we seem to have in building any sort of energy and economic platform that de-toxes us off our addiction to

66. Commodious (adj.) early 15c., "beneficial, convenient," from Old French commodios and directly from Medieval Latin commodiosus "convenient, useful," from Latin commodus "proper, fit, appropriate, convenient, satisfactory," from com-, here probably an intensive prefix (see com-), + modus "measure, manner" (from PIE root *med-"take appropriate measures").

67. Accommodate (v.) 1530s, "fit one thing to another," from Latin accomodatus "suitable, fit, appropriate to," past participle of accomodare "make fit, make fit for, adapt, fit one thing to another," from ad "to" (see ad-) + commodare "make fit," from commodus ""proper, fit, appropriate, convenient, satisfactory," from com-, here as an intensive prefix (see com-), + modus "measure, manner" (from

68. On the front is a decent 8-megapixel selfie camera available, featuring Nokia's fun "Bothie" mode, which allows you to take pictures using both the front and back cameras at once.Auf der Vorderseite ist eine anständige 8-Megapixel Selfie-Kamera verfügbar, die mit Nokias spaßigem "Bothie "-Modus ausgestattet ist, mit dem Sie Bilder sowohl mit der vorderen als auch der hinteren Kamera zur