Use "modus vivendi" in a sentence

1. The old modus vivendi is fading, for ever.

2. The two states reached a kind of modus vivendi.

3. We managed to achieve a kind of modus vivendi.

4. After years of confrontation, they finally have achieved a modus vivendi.

5. We hope President Ma's modus vivendi will demonstrate more dynamism and substance.

6. Some experts suggest this is because the two have established a modus vivendi.

7. After year of confrontation, they finally have achieve a modus vivendi .

8. After 19 a modus vivendi between church and state was achieved.

9. Armistices and instruments of surrender are intended to achieve a modus vivendi.

10. Our two countries must put aside the memory of war and seek a modus vivendi.

11. Like fanatics and zealots everywhere, they want to disrupt any attempts at a modus vivendi or reconciliation.

12. Yet the Chinese are not necessarily prisoners of their past and they have overwhelming economic reasons to seek a political modus vivendi with America.