Use "mocking" in a sentence

1. Her tone was mocking.

2. Or... he's mocking us.

3. Her voice was faintly mocking.

4. She gave a mocking smile.

5. His tone was faintly mocking.

6. It's a Mocking Jay pin.

7. They are mocking the gods.

8. He gave her a mocking glance.

9. Mocking looks came from his Accosters …

10. He was not, however, mocking Sammler.

11. He smiled, glancing askance at her mocking eye.

12. The brilliant sunshine seemed to be mocking her.

13. He derided authority, mocking it, Chastening it, and …

14. Mrs Bean gave a mocking ghost of a laugh.

15. She made fun of him by mocking his limp.

16. 'You mocking birds, ' quoth she, your tunes entomb.

17. His slight emphasis on the word "Lady" was definitely mocking.

18. His mocking smile rattled her more than his anger.

19. Behind the mocking laughter lurks a growing sense of unease.

20. There was no mistaking the mocking glitter in his eyes.

21. He made several mocking asides about the inadequacy of women.

22. To Ape someone is to imitate them, often in a mocking way

23. During heartbreak , love is a doggerel, caustic and mocking, eloquent and glib.

24. She could see only outrage and humiliation, leering at her, mocking her.

25. Oh, hogwash! I tell you, this cat is mocking us at every turn.

26. President Barack Obama used the occasion to present several prepared jokes mocking Trump.

27. Don't exaggerate your Congratulatory words Your letter may seem sarcastic or mocking

28. America's worst Adversaries are mocking, trolling and rebuffing the Joe Biden administration

29. In mocking the army of Jehovah’s people, however, Goliath seals his doom.

30. He made the boys laugh by mocking the way the teacher spoke.

31. The scar gave his face a mocking, sardonic cast except when he smiled.

32. He made the other boys laugh by mocking the way the teacher spoke.

33. 29 Oh, hogwash! I tell you, this cat is mocking us at every turn.

34. Similarly, mayoral candidate Ben Stuckart criticizes that the posts mocking his opponent as Bubbleheaded

35. There was a touch of gently mocking amusement in the voice, at this point.

36. Blackeyes was the subject of mocking cartoons in several tabloids, again focusing on the nudity

37. She greeted him with a pot of coffee and a brisk, slightly mocking, offhand smile.

38. They were incredibly sarcastic and mocking, and their general treatment of you was so demeaning.

39. Synonyms: sceptical, mocking, ironic, sneering More Synonyms of Cynical Cynically adverb [ADVERB with verb]

40. During heartbreak , love is a doggerel, caustic and mocking(sentencedict .com), eloquent and glib.

41. Synonyms for Booing include jeering, heckling, decrying, catcalling, hissing, taunting, barracking, hooting, mocking and razzing

42. As COVID-19 deaths cross 200K, Trump Barnstorms PGH, mocking Biden for wearing a mask

43. The garrulous waves ceaselessly talked of hidden treasures, mocking the ignorance that knew not their meaning.

44. She was much more fun after a few drinks, gently mocking her dedication to saving this planet.

45. And damn him for daring to pry into my affairs and for subtly mocking my singular state!

46. His English dubbed voice is also formal and polite, but with a rather mocking and facetious undertone.

47. For the Bitterest pill Is mine to swallow The love I gave hangs In sad colored, mocking shadows

48. The Israelites “were continually . . . mocking at his prophets, until the rage of Jehovah came up against his people.”

49. 15 Looked at this way,( Tigress wasn't mocking him but was honestly showing her concern for him.

50. And in Lehi’s dream, those coming to the Savior also endured “mocking and pointing ... fingers” (1 Nephi 8:27).

51. Faux Affably Evil, which is a villain who adopts an affable demeanor that isn't genuine, basically mocking Affably Evil

52. Faux Affably Evil, which is a villain who adopts an affable demeanor that isn't genuine, basically mocking Affably Evil

53. They were all in an attitude of mocking and pointing fingers toward those who were partaking of the fruit.

54. Faux Affably Evil, which is a villain who adopts an affable demeanor that isn't genuine, basically mocking Affably Evil

55. In addition to the increasing use of racial and ethnic taunting and mocking, serious physical injuries continue to occur.

56. Southern newspapers denounced him as “the great Amalgamationist.” A mocking cartoon showed a distraught Johnson with a hand over his …

57. An Australian man has pleaded guilty to filming and mocking dying police officers at a crash scene, according to reports

58. When I get to the point where I'm ready to hear cruel, mocking jokes about Mike, I'm gonna come to you.

59. It was a tonic to watch Mr... Thatcher making rings round Mr. Short and mocking the intellectual inanity of this case.

60. He discerned turtles, mocking-birds, merles, nightingales, Cushats and stone-curlews inside, and marvelled and was moved to much joy and solace

61. My boyfriend and I invented a mocking noise we invoke when one of us realizes our Bickering has gotten out of control

62. “They were continually making jest at the messengers of the true God and despising his words and mocking at his prophets.”

63. (Lamentations 4:16; 5:12) Neither has he urged them to take sadistic pleasure in mocking their Jewish captives. —Psalm 137:3.

64. Indeed, “they were continually making jest at the messengers of the true God and despising his words and mocking at his prophets.”

65. Catcall By the final act, the gallery had taken to singing back to him in mocking high Catcalls whenever he made his entry

66. An Australian man pleaded guilty this week to filming and mocking dying police officers at a crash scene last year, according to reports

67. Former President Obama is mocking the "Birther" conspiracy theory about him touted for years by President Trump Donald Trump Biden hampered by …

68. The occupants of the “great and spacious building” Lehi saw were “mocking and pointing” the “finger of scorn” (1 Nephi 8:26–27, 33).

69. In all cases, Blasphemy in the Old Testament means to insult the honor of God, either by attacking him directly or mocking him indirectly

70. Submerged into the liquid world of the rain stick, the horn emerges again and again, dancing and mocking, emitting a never-ending acid song.

71. Shockingly, the mocking even convinced some people who had reached the tree and tasted the wondrous fruit to begin to feel ashamed and wander away.6

72. Angela Merkel has expressed "contempt" for the disgraced Anglo irish Bank executives caught on tape mocking Germany's involvement in the institution's €30bn (£25.7bn) bailout.

73. More sportingly, the 5th century BC tragedian Euripides often played with the old traditions, mocking them, and through the voice of his characters injecting notes of doubt.

74. The drunken Skula and Yeroshka, who do not know about the prince ́s return, are mocking their captivated prince. They are quite taken aback on meeting him suddenly.

75. Phil’s studio audience was mocking and laughing at her, the teen Blurted out “Catch me outside, how ’bout that?” challenging whoever wanted the smoke to a fight.

76. Yet he resolutely suffers it all, without reproaching the Jews who are watching, the Roman soldiers mocking him, or the two condemned criminals hanging on stakes alongside him.

77. Cochrane is by turns winsomely antisocial, delightedly self-mocking, Crapulously good-hearted, and very, very smart — this book is a bit like an extremely well-curated social media page

78. The book depends for much of its charm on the notion that the ability to laugh at others without mocking them to their faces is connected with perceptiveness.

79. And I don’t want to sound like I’m mocking on you, but I was fully engaged and forever curious where all this lunacy was headed, so consider me Buffaloed

80. To use the word Butthurt as a way to mock someone who is whining is also mocking anal rape, a very real risk for queer men and transgender women.