Use "missionary activity" in a sentence

1. Why was Paul so effective in his missionary activity?

2. What was the secret of his effective missionary activity?

3. The document on missionary activity seemed a likely occasion.

4. Decree on the Church's Missionary Activity Ad Gentes, 35: AAS 58 (1966), p. 983.

5. Although Father did not have Mother’s missionary spirit, he supported her in her activity.

6. Activity: Provide teachers with copies of the “Attribute Activity” on page 126 of Preach My Gospel: A Guide to Missionary Service (2004).

7. (Isaiah 60:22) (b) What part have those of the “great crowd” played in missionary activity?

8. New missionary activity only set in after the Second Opium War in the mid-19th century.

9. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Decree on the Church's Missionary Activity Ad Gentes, 7: AAS 58 (1966), p. 955.

10. I am the best missionary in the missionary training center.”

11. In your Missionary Daily Planner, locate the page titled “Events That Lead to Baptism, Confirmation, and Activity in the Church.”

12. To Missionary Service

13. A Missionary Assignment

14. First Missionary Trip

15. They were detained at the police station, interrogated, and then brought before an administrative court judge, who found them guilty of “missionary activity.”

16. Missionary Apostolic definition is - a Roman Catholic missionary sent by commission from the pope.

17. Altruisms The Missionary Position

18. 10 Joseph Edkins ( 1823 - 1905 ) is a famous sinologist and missionary of London Missionary Society.

19. Australian Baptist Missionary Society (Australia) Abms

20. Missionary work became my passion.

21. Pray for a missionary experience.

22. * A Missionary without a Tag

23. A Visit by a Renowned Missionary

24. Missionary work officially began in 1980.

25. Missionary, Family History, and Temple Work

26. A returned missionary walked into my life.

27. We Use It as a Missionary Tool

28. These little churches were themselves missionary beehives.

29. 3 Is Missionary Training a Requirement?

30. Until 1905, only the Russian Orthodox Church could engage in missionary activity to convert non-Orthodox people, and apostasy was treated as an offense punishable by law.

31. Her missionary assignment had become her home.

32. We can all participate in missionary work.

33. Crouches Creek Missionary Baptist Church, Jellico, Tennessee

34. Their dispute concerned a third missionary —Mark.

35. Monson has taught: “Missionary work is difficult.

36. He approached the job with missionary zeal.

37. Antioch Missionary Baptist Church - Beaumont, TX Live Streaming Worship Service of Antioch Missionary Baptist Church of Beaumont, TX Dr

38. Favorite Add to Custom Missionary Watercolor Painting AnnaleePrintsAlp

39. My family could not possibly support a missionary.

40. Mark developed the qualities of a good missionary.

41. That would be missionary or reverse cowgirl.

42. Our missionary efforts are going forward unhindered.

43. “Our missionary efforts are going forward unhindered.

44. Adventist Colporteur Society, is a missionary movement

45. An Inspired Pattern of Christian Missionary Work

46. God gathers His children through missionary work.

47. My friend had disqualified himself from missionary service.

48. * Pay tithing and donate to the missionary fund.

49. Upstairs missionary quarters were later added to the hall.

50. Familiarize yourself with the missionary handbook Preach My Gospel.

51. We always had a missionary presiding over the branch.

52. Then, be more specific in your missionary efforts.

53. Skill is required to be an effective missionary.

54. Worthiness is ascertained; a missionary recommendation is completed.

55. Our Missionary Heritage in the Doctrine and Covenants

56. Professor Papert deserves high marks for missionary zeal.

57. Right at the convention, we applied for missionary training.

58. That passion is what keeps the missionary cycle rolling.

59. She spoke about her new project with missionary zeal .

60. The Arcadians is unique in that up to the interval it is one thing, and after it is definitely the other! The storyline is basically a satire on missionary activity.

61. McKay, who phrased the familiar “Every member a missionary!”

62. His personal missionary effort, his supervisory work of the Missionary Department, and his calling and training of mission presidents have been undertaken with enthusiasm.

63. After seeing Paul start his missionary work, Ananias went to

64. At the same time missionary monks helped to conquer Siberia.

65. Tactfully, the missionary replied: “That would be very nice.

66. Missionary Training Centers Help Hasten the Work of Salvation

67. 5 synonyms for apostolic: missionary, Apostolical, Apostolical, papal, pontifical

68. Every member—a million and a half—a missionary!”

69. From left: Portrait of the Welsh missionary Dan Jones.

70. Jehovah Richly Rewarded My Desire to Be a Missionary

71. I feel like a missionary in my own country.”

72. He spent 15 years as a missionary in Africa.

73. Halfway through the course, we received our missionary assignment —India!

74. In time, five missionary couples lived in the same house.

75. Its “vision of a humanity in need of the gospel of Christ,” as one writer described it, finally helped boost Protestantism aboard the “ship” of missionary activity in the late 18th century.

76. What blessings may come to those who enter missionary service?

77. Ballard once served as a missionary among the North American Indians.

78. Francis is hardly the first missionary to have visited the Amazon.

79. My missionary companion, Paul, was someone who always radiated good cheer.

80. All of them were helping to support the missionary service.