Use "millennia" in a sentence

1. AAchen has been around for millennia

2. Aachen has been around for millennia

3. These pages contain the trends of millennia and Centuries

4. Because India has been an open society for millennia.

5. Their work, accumulated over millennia, could be seen everywhere.

6. Millennia ago, the Black Sea was a freshwater lake.

7. Ambergris has been a unique phenomenon for millennia

8. I've had many names throughout the millennia, Young prodigal.

9. They are accurate, extensive, and consistent over three millennia.

10. For millennia people have tried to forecast the weather.

11. 20 I've had many names throughout the millennia, Young prodigal.

12. Philosophers have searched for millennia but they haven't found the meaning of life.

13. For two millennia, exogamy was a major transgression for Jews.

14. Over the course of millennia, Paleo-Indians spread throughout North and South America.

15. 9 This is axiomatic, for how else is balance maintained over the millennia?

16. It’s no wonder that mankind has been cultivating Adzukis for five millennia

17. This is axiomatic, for how else is balance maintained over the millennia?

18. Changes which may not manifest even for millennia, until circumstances warrant it?

19. Archaeological digs have discovered beautiful Brooches all over the world that date back many millennia.

20. Over the millennia it has come to be surrounded by a dense thicket of folklore.

21. Nevertheless, in the new millennia many young choreographers have created new, ground-breaking Ballets

22. The corpse had lain preserved in the soil for almost two millennia.

23. Battering Ram "Knock, knock!" Battering rams in their simplest form have existed for millennia

24. Amphitheaters, with their gladiators, executions, and macabre contests, have fascinated people for millennia

25. The Phoenicians discovered the metal there some two and a half millennia ago.

26. Thousands of Bushmen lived in the vast expanse of the Kalahari Desert for many millennia

27. Antipyretic agents have been used to lower febrile body temperature for well over two millennia

28. India is a living civilization with millennia old tradition of assimilation, accommodation and tolerance.

29. Our oldest dream story, inscribed in cuneiform millennia ago, tells of the Sumerian shepherd king Dumuzi.

30. It was a broken hulk, millennia of dust particles covering the displays and floors.

31. Cannabis, also referred to as marijuana, has been an integral part of human civilizations for millennia

32. The Athapaskans in Oregon originally migrated into this area over two millennia ago from northern Canada and Siberia

33. For millennia, it was accepted that the earth was at the centre of the universe.

34. John Locke bucked the tide of millennia that had regarded the practice as perfectly natural.

35. Diamonds and rare jewels were strewn across the floor as if they had been there for millennia.

36. The ethnic history of the Crimean Tatar people over the millennia was formed in Crimea.

37. Thousands of Bushmen lived in the vast expanse of the Kalahari Desert for many millennia

38. It also seems to come back regularly during the final years of centuries and millennia.

39. Nuclear weapons threaten to annihilate human civilization and all that mankind has built through millennia of labour and toil.

40. Cyprus's geographic position has caused Cyprus to be influenced by differing Eastern Mediterranean civilisations over the millennia

41. Armies are the main conventional weapon and have been around for over five millennia in various forms.

42. Patriarchal religion is built on many millennia of repressed fear of the power of female bodily processes.

43. Over the millennia, cultures have changed very substantially as they have learned to cope with environmental vicissitudes.

44. Electric fish were again reported millennia later by ancient Greek, Roman and Arabic naturalists and physicians.

45. Atheist / Agnostic Why life exists and for what purpose—humans have struggled to answer that question for millennia

46. A legendary figure, Liall a Mahajetsu, led an army of warriors for millennia, in distant battles across the cosmos.

47. Climatic changes may be shod term, like El Nino, or long term, like global cooling or warming over millennia.

48. The Batwa lived in harmony with the forest and its creatures, including the mountain gorillas, for millennia

49. Over millennia, Bahrain has been an oasis of peace, embracing people of all religions, creeds and races.

50. Archaeological and historical studies indicate that Antimony and its mineral sulfides have been used by humans for at least six millennia

51. Despite the Hinduism of most Tamils and the Buddhism of most Sinhalese, they coexisted for those two millennia without much hostility.

52. 3 The phenomenon of gerontocracy has existed for millennia because the young are accustomed to following the aged.

53. Humans, as a species, throughout the millennia and all over the globe, have been worshippers of the Holy.

54. Each storm scours the atmosphere, washing out dust, soot, trace chemicals, and depositing them on the snow pack year after year, millennia after millennia, creating a kind of periodic table of elements that at this point is more than 11,000 feet thick.

55. Each storm scours the atmosphere, washing out dust, soot, trace chemicals, and depositing them on the snow pack year after year, millennia after millennia, creating a kind of periodic table of elements that at this point is more than 11, 000 feet thick.

56. However, many Ancient technology mysteries were forgotten, lost to the pages of history, only to be re-invented millennia later

57. Betelgeuse is classified as a semiregular variable star, meaning that its brightness semiregularly changes. Millennia ago, Australian Aborigines noted …

58. Inspired by millennia of history and heritage, our Aqaba resort blends authentic Jordanian tradition with the tastes of the refined global traveler.

59. 17 The mammalian gut has been stable for many millennia and acts to constrain the flexibility of E. coli's genome.

60. Cumin is native to Egypt and has been cultivated in the Middle East, India, China and Mediterranean countries for millennia

61. Associated with eternity, this lovely Celtic knot ring will endure just as the meaning behind it has done for millennia.

62. Rudimentary variations on Agrochemicals have been used for millennia to improve crop yields and control the populations of agricultural pests.

63. 4 Climatic changes may be shod term, like El Nino, or long term, like global cooling or warming over millennia.

64. 14 Despite the Hinduism of most Tamils and the Buddhism of most Sinhalese, they coexisted for those two millennia without much hostility.

65. About Kolkata (Calcutta) This former British colonial stronghold boasts evidence of over two millennia of habitation, with ornate, architecturally diverse buildings, ranging from …

66. 75 rows  · This is a list of decades, Centuries, and millennia from 10,000 BC to 10,000 AD, including …

67. Turning the soil has been part of agriculture for millennia, but I guess with muscle power alone, the damage was slow to show.

68. Although Bowlines have been used for centuries (maybe even millennia) in nautical applications, it’s use in climbing is something of an anomaly

69. The Circassians lived in Sochi for millennia, says Frankie Martin, a research fellow at American University’s School of International Service in Washington

70. To Pastor, Afterlife Is Where We 'Learn To Live Together' October 7, 2013 • Humans have debated the concept of an Afterlife for millennia

71. Six-millennia-old skeleton of child also unearthed during dig in Judean Desert by Israeli Archeologists Oliver Holmes in Jerusalem Haim Cohen (L) …

72. Over millennia of focusing on life-and-death issues, our nervous systems have evolved to pay attention to some things more than others.

73. Fora and Agorae The public spaces of ancient Greek and Roman cities are one of the most admired features from the distance of two millennia

74. Coruscant, also known as Coruscanta in Mando'a, and Imperial Center during the reign of the Galactic Empire, was the political center of the Galaxy for millennia

75. Dr Stephen Buckley of the University of York, who helped research Egyptian mummification techniques before the programme, said Mr Billis's body could now last several millennia.

76. Aleppo, Syria One of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world, Aleppo preserves remnants of more than four millennia of Near Eastern history

77. The world that we often strive to achieve is the same world that Aeschylus hoped to achieve, more than two and half millennia ago

78. Amorite definition is - a member of one of various Semitic peoples living in Mesopotamia, Syria, and Palestine during the third and second millennia b.c..

79. I believe that we can overcome the threats to our consciousness, that the Human Show can stay on the air for millennia to come.

80. Auroras, the beautiful and often eerie curtains of light in the night skies of the far north and south, have been enjoyed for millennia