Use "military jurisdiction" in a sentence

1. In 1992, the military cantonment passed into the jurisdiction of Govisümber Province, according to the 1992 constitution.

2. Analytically, such authority involves three types of jurisdiction, namely: (a) prescriptive jurisdiction; (b) enforcement jurisdiction; and (c) adjudicatory jurisdiction

3. Significantly, by 1830 the administration of Indian affairs in the Canadas had passed from military to civilian jurisdiction.

4. It is the sole military wing of the Israeli security forces, and has no civilian jurisdiction within Israel.

5. For example, the Military Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act (MEJA) allows the prosecution of contractors who work for the Department of Defence.

6. However, Comity licensure provisions vary significantly from jurisdiction to jurisdiction

7. Adjudicatory jurisdiction is perceived to be a refinement of enforcement jurisdiction

8. Jurisdiction Percent (By Jurisdiction) Apportion Distance of Total X 80,000 lbs

9. Jurisdiction The jurisdiction of the Archbishop is twofold, episcopal and archiepiscopal

10. Adjudicatory jurisdiction is perceived to be a refinement of enforcement jurisdiction.

11. * Foreign Jurisdiction.

12. Other Allegations are required in a pleading to establish the correct jurisdiction, personal jurisdiction and subject matter jurisdiction

13. UN's jurisdiction, 64.

14. The other jurisdiction of the High Court is the exercise of admiralty jurisdiction

15. Admiralty and maritime Jurisdiction

16. Jurisdiction has currently Adopted

17. Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments - Special jurisdiction - Jurisdiction "in matters relating to tort, delict or quasi-delict" - Concept - "Action paulienne" - Not included

18. All currency is my jurisdiction.

19. Comity is the courtesy one jurisdiction gives by enforcing the laws of another jurisdiction

20. New Mexico's not a retreat jurisdiction.

21. Basically any trial court will verify whether it actually has jurisdiction under the rules of international jurisdiction.

22. 1 word related to Archbishopric: jurisdiction

23. 1 word related to Archdeaconry: jurisdiction

24. Various defendants Contended that the Italian courts lacked jurisdiction because of the jurisdiction clause contained in the prospectus

25. Brussels Convention - Special jurisdiction - Jurisdiction ‘in matters relating to tort, delict or quasi delict’ - Concept - ‘Action paulienne’ - Not included

26. Good afternoon comrades from the Anarchist jurisdiction

27. 12 This case falls outside my jurisdiction.

28. Archturncoat Can submit but not jurisdiction

29. Some courts have both original jurisdiction (that is, cases may be tried first in the court) and appellate jurisdiction.

30. We don't have jurisdiction over that area!

31. The commissioners had exclusive jurisdiction to decide.

32. We have no jurisdiction on the reservation.

33. Welcome to Committee on Appropriations Committee Jurisdiction: Primary jurisdiction is fiscal bills, including bonds and alternative public financing

34. MST, MST Coordinators, military sexual trauma statistics, military sexual trauma disability rating, military sexual trauma definition, military sexual trauma compensation, military sexual trauma treatment, military sexual trauma policy, military sexual trauma training, military sexual trauma stories, military sexual trauma story

35. Beadlery - Office or jurisdiction of a beadle

36. A coherent theory of jurisdiction is produced.

37. The South-North demarcation line and areas for non-aggression shall be identical with the Military Demarcation Line specified in the Military Armistice Agreement of July 27, 1953 and the areas that have been under the jurisdiction of each side until the present time

38. Other techniques limiting the exercise of adjudicatory jurisdiction

39. In 1972 the civil jurisdiction of Assizes was transferred to the High Court, and the criminal jurisdiction to the Crown Court.

40. Judicial authority having Competent jurisdiction ; Adequate for …

41. Territorial Extent of Admiralty and Maritime Jurisdiction

42. I want you out of my jurisdiction.

43. 23 A coherent theory of jurisdiction is produced.

44. 13 The territory is still under Russian jurisdiction.

45. 1 The commissioners had exclusive jurisdiction to decide.

46. Because once again, it's outside the US jurisdiction.

47. Chapter five is an introduction to admiralty jurisdiction.

48. This division continued to exercise the admiralty jurisdiction.

49. The foreign criminal jurisdiction and extraterritorial criminal jurisdiction which are relatively independent and interactive, are both important concepts of foreign criminal law.

50. Officials ° Actions ° Unlimited jurisdiction ° Claim for payment ° Admissible

51. They keep records of anything in their jurisdiction.

52. This case falls squarely within the committee's jurisdiction.

53. (Military) military Armoured fighting vehicles in general; military units equipped with these

54. The recognition of particular Aggravating factors varies by jurisdiction.

55. Massachusetts asserted jurisdiction, and prevailed after a boundary survey.

56. 5 The offshore government claims jurisdiction over the mainland.

57. Jurisdiction independence is one important part of republic polity.

58. Since when does the Justice League have a jurisdiction?

59. 4 The offshore government claims jurisdiction over the mainland.

60. He had sole jurisdiction in maritime and seafaring causes.

61. Military Aviatrices honored Military Aviatrices honored

62. In 1972 the civil jurisdiction of Assizes was transferred to the High Court, and the criminal jurisdiction to the Crown Court.

63. Noun Abbacy the office, term of office, or jurisdiction of an abbot or abbess 3; noun Abbacy an abbot's position, jurisdiction, or term of office 3; noun plural Abbacy the rank, rights, privileges, or jurisdiction of an abbot

64. Abbacy: 1 n the jurisdiction or office of an abbot Type of: jurisdiction in law; the territory within which power can be exercised

65. Beadlery: The office or jurisdiction of a beadle

66. The court has no jurisdiction in this case.

67. The offshore government claims jurisdiction over the mainland.

68. Abbacy: The office, term, or jurisdiction of an abbot

69. Admiralty definition, the office or jurisdiction of an admiral

70. 11 The committee has jurisdiction over all tax measures.

71. 10 She acted beyond the jurisdiction of any teacher.

72. Which means this case falls outside the DEO's jurisdiction.

73. Chapter four is about jurisdiction under English common law.

74. - The security is registered offshore in an acceptable jurisdiction

75. Provincial jurisdiction was based on Felix’s power and authority.

76. 8 This case falls squarely within the committee's jurisdiction.

77. 7 These matters do not fall within our jurisdiction.

78. In the United States, Bankruptcy falls under federal jurisdiction

79. Taxes are determined separately by each jurisdiction imposing tax.

80. 9 School admissions are not under/within our jurisdiction.