Use "military action" in a sentence

1. Military action in Indochina

2. Military action in Indochina.

3. Trump Acknowledges UFOs, Threatens Aliens With Military Action

4. FORMAL verb a formal statement Abjuring military action

5. Players control mostly the military action of their nation.

6. With yesterday’s military action, our message was crystal clear.

7. Military action at this point... would be a huge mistake.

8. Military action cannot be considered the only variable of success.

9. Is the administration considering military action in response to the attack?

10. 10 They have threatened military action but held off until now.

11. We view unilateral military action as an illegitimate act of aggression

12. Monash's approach to the planning of military action was meticulous, and unusual for military thinkers of the time.

13. Nor were these houses otherwise making any effective contribution to military action.

14. Counterinsurgency involves military action but also depends on civilian relationships to succeed.

15. The US urged the United Nations to take military action against Iraq.

16. Hence the description of these new forms of military action as "effects-based".

17. Many people feel that military action is a necessary form of self-defense.

18. EU Presidency Statement on the military action undertaken by Turkey in Iraqi territory .

19. At once, the accusing tribes made preparations for military action.—Joshua 22:10-12.

20. Second, it attaches careful conditions to the type and scope of American military action.

21. QUESTION: Does that mean military action is still on the table for chlorine gas attacks?

22. Since widely deployed, Boomerangers are often spotted in action in international military and peacekeeping operations.

23. After the US military action in Iraq, the tables may be turning in surprising ways.

24. Imposing sanctions is a moderate action when you consider that the alternative is military intervention.

25. The bombardment of Fort Sumter was the first military action of the American Civil War.

26. This process largely entails increased diplomatic action on the heels of our ongoing military successes.

27. I have been authorized by the White House... to destroy the threat, through military action.

28. The military machine is ready to change its defensive posture to one prepared for action.

29. We also agree that direct military action is the last solution after all others have failed.

30. This motion is here today to say stop accelerating military action and start accelerating diplomatic alternatives

31. It is understood to cover pacifists (such as Quakers) where the objection to military action is absolute.

32. But he was quick to insist the Russians would not be the first to initiate any military action.

33. During his army career, Churchill saw military action in India, in the Sudan and the Second Boer War.

34. I hope you're not planning to take any military action Without an order from your commander in chief.

35. Bolt action - Warlord Games Napoleonic British Starter Army Waterloo Campaign and British Paint Set Military Action Figures - WW2 Model Miniatures and World War II Games by Wargames Delivered

36. The Government of India had hoped that military action by Israel against targets in the Gaza strip would abate.

37. Military Blockade - the action of an armed force that surrounds a fortified place and isolates it while continuing to attack beleaguering, besieging, siege Blockade, encirclement - a war measure that isolates some area of importance to the enemy armed forces, armed services, military, military machine, war machine - the military

38. The S S Bodegraven was an elderly steam freighter, serviceable for short hauls but not built for military action.

39. It was in action at the Battle of Amiens where its commander – Lt. HA Whittenbury – was awarded the Military Cross.

40. The actions, underway or being recommended, would range from "routine propaganda to lethal covert action in preparation for military attacks.

41. MST, MST Coordinators, military sexual trauma statistics, military sexual trauma disability rating, military sexual trauma definition, military sexual trauma compensation, military sexual trauma treatment, military sexual trauma policy, military sexual trauma training, military sexual trauma stories, military sexual trauma story

42. Bolt action Miniatures - Warlord Games German Grenadiers and Panzer IV Ausf F1/G/H Medium Tank Set Military Action Figures - WW2 Model Miniatures and World War II Games by Wargames Delivered

43. Counterinsurgency Is defined as ? Is those military, paramilitary, economic, psychological and civil action taken by a government to defeat an insurgency

44. Casualty definition is - a military person lost through death, wounds, injury, sickness, internment, or capture or through being missing in action

45. ‘definite military action’ to end the ‘intertribal Alfurese wars’ (Locher-Scholten, 1994: 108), by standardising village administration based on the small

46. At Gamescom 2011, the company unveiled the third part of its military saga—the naval action online game World of Warships.

47. Now, you know I've always shown restraint in the past, but... I'm going to be making an executive order for military action.

48. (Military) military Armoured fighting vehicles in general; military units equipped with these

49. Embedded technologies are in action everywhere -whether in the car, data and telecommunication systems, industrial and consumer electronics, military systems or aerospace.

50. Military Aviatrices honored Military Aviatrices honored

51. Project:Anzacs; Wikitree Roll of Honor - The Wikitree Roll of Honor Page is a page to add Military Personnel from any country and any war there are links on this page to Killed in Action,Prisonor of War,Wounded in Action and Missing in Action …

52. Military says it flew two B-52H Bombers over the Persian Gulf Thursday, part of an ongoing effort to deter Iran from aggressive action.

53. Organizationally UN peacekeeping missions today have become a "multi-disciplinary effort”, involving simultaneous and coordinated action in the political, military and human rights fields.

54. Action synonyms, Action pronunciation, Action translation, English dictionary definition of Action

55. action synonyms, action pronunciAtion, action translAtion, English dictionary definition of action

56. Bolt action We have a wide range of rifle parts kits, covering everything from trusty bolt actions to advanced semi-automatic and even military rifles

57. Roman Military Equipment Back to Mainpage Roman Military Mainpage Roman Military Equipment Sword Belt / Cingulum / Balteus


59. Military trained.

60. Military training.

61. ‘The provision of aid became an excuse for doing nothing, a kind of Busywork that governments undertook so they could avoid decisive political and military action.’

62. Ex-military.

63. Military secret.

64. Military Zone!

65. (c) emergency requirements regarding routeing or parking of vehicles carrying dangerous goods resulting from extreme weather conditions, earthquake, accident, industrial action, civil disorder or military hostilities;

66. (c) emergency requirements regarding routing or parking of vehicles carrying dangerous goods resulting from extreme weather conditions, earthquake, accident, industrial action, civil disorder or military hostilities;

67. Note 4 For the purposes of ML10.a., military use includes: combat, military reconnaissance, assault, military training, logistics support, and transporting and airdropping troops or military equipment.

68. Reference designs to the military ranks system of the French military.

69. When you hear Babangida, you remember the military and military coups.

70. Phalanx gun in action used by the us military anti missile defense system arma3 game play looks just like the real thing!Cram missile defense system shooting

71. Rejecting any U . S . military action against Iraq , President Jacques Chirac said that " War is always the admission of defeat , and is always the worst of solutions .

72. VHS Movie Lot 23 films action, war, action, Badassery, action, (J)

73. Beleaguering n 1: the action of an armed force that surrounds a fortified place and isolates it while continuing to attack [syn: siege, besieging, Beleaguering, military blockade]

74. From dugouts, shell holes and trenches, men sprang into action, fell into military formations and advanced to the ridge – every division of the corps moved forward together.

75. I'm ex-military.

76. Shareholder action system comprises shareholder direct action and shareholder derivative action.

77. Senior Military Advisor

78. The military base?

79. Buzzy is a young and diminutive recruit for Cranium Command, a military-like organization which finds individuals (shown as cartoons) to pilot brains (shown as live-action actors)

80. Military Commissariats of the Soviet Army and modern Russian Army is а local military administrative agency that prepares and executes plans for military mobilization, maintains records on military manpower and economic resources available to the armed forces, provides pre-military training, drafts men for military service, organizes reserves for training, and performs other military