Use "metabolite" in a sentence

1. CytArabine is an anti-metabolite synthetic

2. 1,4-Benzoquinone is a major metabolite of benzene

3. Canonic’s current workplan focuses on three main product types, through a non-GMO approach: (i) high metabolite yield cannabis varieties (ii) stable varieties with consistent metabolite performance and (iii) cannabis varieties with a unique metabolite profile tailored to …

4. Butyrate is the single biggest metabolite of fiber.

5. Acetaminophen is the major metabolite of phenacetin and acetanilid

6. The efficiency of this reversing effect was estradiol-17 greater than Metabolite E greater than Cistam greater than OHTAM greater than TAM = Metabolite Y

7. the toxicological properties of the plant metabolite trifluoroacetic acid;

8. Creatinine is a more long-term metabolite of protein metabolism

9. Cholate is a bile acid anion that is the conjugate base of cholic acid.It has a role as a human metabolite and a mouse metabolite

10. TAurine is a metabolite of the amino acid L-cysteine

11. (a) the toxicological properties of the plant metabolite trifluoroacetic acid;

12. Cyclosporin B, EvoPure® is the dihydroxylated metabolite of Cyclosporin A

13. Proguanil is converted by the liver to its active metabolite, cycloguanil.

14. Antimetabolites Chemical agent by virtue of its similarity in structure to a metabolite,blocks its action Prevent combination of metabolite with specific enzyme Combine with specific enzyme-get transformed 5

15. Acetaminophen is the major metabolite of the chemicals acetanilid and phenacetin

16. the analytical methods in soil and surface water for the metabolite NOA457654;

17. CONCLUSION Antimetabolites is a chemical that inhibit the use of a metabolite

18. — further information on the fate and behaviour of the soil metabolite diisopropylamine,

19. Actinomyces-origin plasmid and process for producing secondary metabolite using the same

20. Biosynthetic pathways give rise to two distinct classes of metabolite, primary and secondary

21. We evaluated the DNA damaging effects of ethanol and its major metabolite, Acetaldehyde

22. A primary metabolite is directly involved in the normal growth, development, and reproduction.

23. Transfer in aerobic culture, and Consequenting improves the cell growth and metabolite synthesis

24. There are 4 possible outcomes of a Biotransformation reaction: The active parent drug is converted into an inactive metabolite (most common) The inactive parent drug is converted into an active metabolite.

25. (2) the analytical methods in soil and surface water for the metabolite NOA457654;

26. Cresol is a well-known environmental pollutant, toluene metabolite, uremic toxicant and accidental poisoning product

27. Metoprolol did not alter the pharmacokinetic profile of venlafaxine or its active metabolite, O-desmethylvenlafaxine

28. Androsterone is a major metabolite of testosterone and androstenedione along with the enantiomer etiocholanolone

29. The complex of reactive metabolite and DNA structure is known as a DNA Adduct

30. Benzoquinone, a leukemogenic metabolite of benzene, catalytically inhibits the protein tyrosine phosphatase PTPN2 and alters STAT1 signaling Benzoquinone, a leukemogenic metabolite of benzene, catalytically inhibits the protein tyrosine phosphatase PTPN2 and alters STAT1 signaling

31. It has a role as a plant metabolite, an Antifeedant and an insect growth regulator

32. Central to this immune response modulation is retinoic acid, the active metabolite of vitamin A.

33. Thereby fumarate (also a metabolite of the citric acid cycle) and acetoacetate (3-ketobutyroate) are liberated.

34. the analytical methods for the monitoring of the soil metabolite trifluoromethylaniline in soil and water;

35. Ramiprilat, the active metabolite of ramipril is poorly removed from the general circulation by haemodialysis

36. An outline of reactive oxygen metabolite chemistry in biological tissues is given in the Figure.

37. Glycolysis and glutaminolysis Cooperatively control T cell function by limiting metabolite supply to N-glycosylation Elife

38. Azt triphosphate (3'-Azido-3'-deoxythymidine-5'-triphosphate) is a active triphosphate metabolite of Zidovudine (Azt)

39. Acetylcholine is actylcholine is an ester of acetic acid and choline, which acts as a neurotransmitter.It has a role as a vasodilator agent, a muscarinic agonist, a hormone, a human metabolite, a mouse metabolite and a neurotransmitter.

40. ADP-ribosyl cyclase: an enzyme that Cyclizes NAD+ into a calcium-mobilizing metabolite Cyclic ADP-ribose (cADPR) is a metabolite of NAD+ that is as active as inositol trisphosphate (IP3) in mobilizing intracellular Ca2+ in sea urchin eggs.

41. Aflatoxin is excreted in the form of its metabolite Aflatoxin M1 in the milk of lactating animals

42. Oo Mya Sanda, also of Myanmar, silver medalist for 75 kilogram weightlifting, tested positive for a metabolite.

43. (c) the analytical methods for the monitoring of the soil metabolite trifluoromethylaniline in soil and water;

44. What does Antimetabolite mean? A substance that closely resembles an essential metabolite and therefore interferes wi

45. During once-daily dosing with # mg, neither losartan nor its active metabolite accumulates significantly in plasma

46. Butyrate is a short-chain fatty acid anion that is the conjugate base of butyric acid, obtained by deprotonation of the carboxy group.It has a role as an EC (histone deacetylase) inhibitor, a metabolite and a human metabolite.

47. In contrast, little glucuronidation was observed in rats with N, N'-diacetylBenzidine, the major metabolite of

48. There is no accumulation of rivastigmine or the decarbamylated metabolite in patients with Alzheimer s disease

49. Anxiolytic- and antidepressant-like effects of the methadone metabolite 2-ethyl-5-methyl-3,3-diphenyl-1-pyrroline (EMDP).

50. In contrast, restoration of tissue metabolite and acid–base status in control fish required up to 8 h.

51. The formation of phenylhydroxylamine from Aniline appears to be the reactive metabolite responsible for its toxic activity.

52. At present there are over 3000 workers in 100 factories which are periodically screened for this metabolite.

53. Peak plasma concentrations of ramiprilat, the sole active metabolite of ramipril are reached # hours after ramipril intake

54. In humans, L-2-Hydroxyglutaric aciduria was the first disease linked to a missing metabolite repair enzyme.

55. Therefore, Aspartate may be a limiting metabolite for tumour growth, and Aspartate availability could be targeted for cancer

56. Sodium Ascorbate is an organic sodium salt resulting from the replacement of the proton from the 3-hydroxy group of ascorbic acid by a sodium ion.It has a role as a water-soluble vitamin, a vitamin C, a food antioxidant, a flour treatment agent, a coenzyme, a plant metabolite, a human metabolite, a Daphnia magna metabolite and a reducing agent.It contains a L-Ascorbate.

57. Analysis of tissue metabolite and acid–base status indicated that cortisol-blocked fish recovered faster than did controls.

58. As a result, Biphenyl columns are extremely useful for bioanalytical testing applications like drug and metabolite analyses, especially

59. 1-Androsterone is a non-methylated compound whose primary Metabolite is 1-Androstendione (1-AD) in the body.

60. The ultimate goal was to study the mechanisms that explain disease phenotype and the effects of metabolite accumulation.

61. Der gleichzeitige enantiospezifische Nachweis mehrerer Chiraler Metabolite, welche in einem wässrigen Gemisch in physiologischen Konzentrationen vorliegen, wird beschrieben.

62. These activities were determined as an adjunct to the respective metabolite data reported in the first paper in this series.

63. Biliverdin(2-) is dicarboxylate anion of Biliverdin; major species at pH 7.3.It has a role as a human metabolite

64. Isopropanol and its metabolite acetone and ethanol were determined in several tissues and body fluids by head space, gas chromatography.

65. Colibactin Alkylates DNA with an unusual electrophilic cyclopropane.We show that this metabolite is formed in mice colonized by colibactin-producing E

66. Brazilein is a secondary metabolite of sappan wood that can be used empirically for the treatment of disease as a medicine

67. We compare Antemortem whole-blood to postmortem peripheral blood concentrations of methamphetamine and its metabolite amphetamine in three medical examiner cases

68. Studies with both hemodialysis and CAPD (chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis) indicate that A#, the primary metabolite of leflunomide, is not dialysable

69. What is 1-Androsterone (1-Andro)? 1-Androsterone is an androgenic sex hormone and is a metabolite of testosterone or androstenedione

70. Aldicarb (and its sulfoxide metabolite) binds and inhibits acetylcholinesterase, the enzyme responsible for metabolizing the neurotransmitter acetylcholine at cholinergic nerve terminals

71. An Antimetabolite is a chemical that inhibits the use of a metabolite, which is another chemical that is part of normal metabolism

72. Metabolite E and Cistam behaved as full estrogens, that is, they increased the cell yield to the maximal levels achieved by E2

73. Alerce wood is renowned for its durability and resistance to biological degradation due to the presence of a particular class of secondary metabolite.

74. By means of the ion exchange chromatography it could be shown that the anti-metabolite is found almost exclusively bound to the nucleotides.

75. Serotonin-secreting Carcinoids are suspected based on their symptoms and signs.Diagnosis is confirmed by demonstrating increased urinary excretion of the serotonin metabolite 5-HIAA

76. You were randomly mutAgenizing yeast and discovered a new set of auxotrophic mutants and believe that they are auxotrophic for your favorite metabolite (Fav).

77. Antimetabolite, a substance that competes with, replaces, or inhibits a specific metabolite of a cell and thereby interferes with the cell’s normal metabolic functioning.

78. As a secondary metabolite of sugar fermentation by lactic acid bacteria, acetic acid may be promoted in the presence of O2 or H+ acceptors.

79. Importantly, these results also suggest strongly that the primary pharmacologically active metabolite in coca leaf infusions is actually cocaine and not the secondary alkaloids.

80. Mass spectrometric characterization of circulating covalent protein adducts derived from a drug acyl glucuronide metabolite: multiple albumin Adductions in diclofenac patients J Pharmacol Exp Ther