Use "mentioning" in a sentence

1. They all avoided mentioning that place.

2. No documents mentioning Creances was known

3. Mentioning his baldness wasn't very tactful.

4. Now, mentioning time might lead you to think,

5. Such a trifling thing is hardly worth mentioning.

6. By mentioning “God,” was Ehud referring to Chemosh?

7. He forbade them from mentioning the subject again.

8. Maues issued joint coins mentioning a queen Machene ("ΜΑΧΗΝΗ").

9. Briefly mentioning, we have an asthma epidemic in this country.

10. So, other than achy feet, anything else worth mentioning?

11. Modesty forbade me from mentioning that my novel had been published.

12. We could then concentrate on mentioning ETA in our publicity.

13. She purposely abstained from mentioning Mrs. Wale's more special insinuation.

14. Mentioning religion is a sure way to make him squirm.

15. By accusing me of ridiculous things that aren't even worth mentioning.

16. Skyler, we should not even be mentioning the words " car wash "

17. Dan's mentioning Julia pricked my conscience and I gave her a call.

18. After mentioning “greediness” at Col 3:5, Paul adds, “which is idolatry.”

19. After mentioning a disturbing news item, ask: “Why do people do such wicked things?

20. The most eye-popping parts of the movie worth mentioning are the actresses' cleavages .

21. " At the Waldorf,'she answered, mentioning the fashionable hostelry then but newly erected.

22. It's worth mentioning though that I didn't hate my body or my genitalia.

23. Bequeathing typical property to others involves simply mentioning both the item and the beneficiary

24. No list of mixed Alcoholic drinks would be complete without mentioning the Old-Fashioned

25. Any Aphid control suggestion would be incomplete without mentioning the advantages of beneficial insects

26. 19 It takes a long time to work around to mentioning a possible increase in pay.

27. This is no longer mentioned about the Cubical Quad in the ARRL, but deserves mentioning

28. It takes a long time to work around to mentioning a possible increase in pay.

29. ( 20 ) It is worth mentioning that the NPP constructor receives the first FA load contract.

30. Synonyms for Alluding include implying, suggesting, hinting, indicating, inferring, insinuating, intimating, mentioning, adverting and citing

31. Synonyms for Bandying include citing, debating, discussing, exchanging, mentioning, throwing around, tossing around, arguing, quarrelling and quarreling

32. It is worth mentioning here that the tightly wound dialog compliments Amulet’s specific style of storytelling by

33. As a good teacher, he began by mentioning something that he and Agrippa could agree on.

34. 20 But on the morning after the birth of his daughter, even mentioning Watergate seemed wrong.

35. You can add people to a room in Hangouts Chat by mentioning them or inviting them.

36. A stela mentioning the king's dogs was also said to be set up before the tomb.

37. I probably shouldn't be mentioning this but, yeah, I got a pretty sweet case going on.

38. This time, also mentioning a thermos bottle , land being added to the water room to water.

39. Candidates are asked to report any change of address in writing without delay, mentioning the competition number.

40. Non- Active Searchers - Most favoured attributes wanted when searching clinical trials - % of cases mentioning aspect n=43

41. Mrs Browning was as aware of this as Wilson and indeed appeared to find nothing hurtful in mentioning it.

42. Beginning in April 2020, consumers began to submit more than 3,000 Complaints mentioning coronavirus keywords nearly every month.

43. Matis: Am afraid the Besmircher is guilty as charged! Will solemnly vow to refrain from mentioning *her*, i.e

44. Until very, very recently, mentioning “Antiquarianism” to most historians would elicit expressions of disdain and, even more tellingly, disassociation

45. The Confutation also speaks of old and new Zwinglians, without mentioning whom they refer to by the term new

46. Synonyms for Bandying about include citing, debating, discussing, exchanging, mentioning, throwing around, tossing around, Bandying around, Bandying and broadcasting

47. “But what I do desire,” he added, mentioning a third possibility, “is the releasing and the being with Christ.”

48. Jeanne made many quips about the secrets of longevity, mentioning such factors as laughter, activity, and “a stomach like an ostrich’s.”

49. Without mentioning the cervico-facial actinomycosis caused byActinomyces isreali, 20 cases of mycetoma were reported in Romania up to now.

50. $ git Bisect bad # stating that the current commit (v1.5) has the regression/ setting 'bad' point $ git Bisect good v1.0 # mentioning it the last good working commit (without regression) This mentioning of 'bad' and 'good' points will help git Bisect (binary search) pick the middle element (commit v1

51. Due to the abandonment of a specific target date, it abstains from mentioning specific dates and refers to "€-day" instead.

52. Synonyms for Adducing include citing, quoting, mentioning, naming, instancing, referring to, making reference to, alluding to, specifying and pointing out

53. You use Barring to indicate that the person, thing, or event that you are mentioning is an exception to your statement

54. Some Admonishers point out the potential dangers of the new concentrates, mentioning the hazards involved in both making and enjoying them

55. At the risk of repetition , it is worth mentioning again that young children are particularly vulnerable to accidents in the home.

56. At this point, it is worth mentioning that many people who were adopted as babies have no desire to meet their biological parents.

57. A possible vindication of this hypothesis is the copper mallet mentioning a team of paid workers from the nome of Wadjet.

58. You'll see this error if you add a product group mentioning such a category into a campaign targeting that country of sale.

59. 14 At the risk of repetition , it is worth mentioning again that young children are particularly vulnerable to accidents in the home.

60. At this point, it's worth mentioning that the logger might be set to write output into a separate file to simplify debugging.

61. Transferring the membership fee to the account number of Bsed (BE10 0689 3846 3004), mentioning your name and “membership fee 2021” and 2

62. Caring role • Family relationships were also felt to suffer, with l6 carers specifically mentioning the friction and tension caused by their Caring role

63. Aswim said it was also worth mentioning the UN Secretary-General’s recent report which revealed that women were Heads of State or Government …

64. Or Matthew and Luke could have been referring to a period of time marked by the Crowings, while Mark was mentioning the actual Crowings

65. Let me close by mentioning two particularly tough barriers to African well-being which must be tackled more aggressively—those of debt and disease.

66. 15 Immediately after mentioning Enoch’s transference, Paul again stressed the importance of faith, saying: “Moreover, without faith it is impossible to please [God] well.”

67. Worth mentioning were the precocious manifestations of the first subarachnoid hemorrhages, already in adolescence, and the complete thrombosis of the relatively scanty aneurysmal sac.

68. Coleman exploited the issue Adroitly, never making it personal or disrespectful, but always mentioning the need for new ideas and fresh energy in Washington.

69. There are people worth mentioning in an Acknowledgment sample, and this usually refers to those who have helped the person during the course of his work

70. Ama (Cuneiforme).JPG 118 × 110; 5 KB Amarna tablet.jpg 450 × 600; 92 KB An Inscribed stand's head mentioning the name of Entemena, ruler …

71. But it is worth mentioning that the phrasal verb "Confide" usually goes with the preposition "in", and it is actually an idiom

72. It is worth mentioning here another respect under which epistemic assessments are context sensitive in a way affecting the strength of criticizability and Blamability of agents

73. He is attested by a series of inscriptions mentioning a mining expedition to the rock quarries at Wadi Hammamat in the Eastern Desert during his reign.

74. Do not necessarily avoid mentioning the departed one: “A lot of people wouldn’t even mention my son Jimmy’s name or talk about him,” recalls one mother.

75. (James 1:1-4) Not mentioning his family tie with God’s Son, he humbly calls himself “a slave of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

76. You use Barring to indicate that the person, thing, or event that you are mentioning is an exception to your statement. Barring accidents, I believe they will succeed

77. The military Advancements highlighted in the publication are remarkable and that’s without mentioning the vast arsenal of short to long-range rockets, including the continuous development of weaponized drone technology

78. The head of the Michigan GOP came under fire Friday for calling three female Democratic leaders “witches” to be burned “at the stake” and for mentioning “Assassination” as an option

79. It is worth mentioning here that the results of Gunotsav-2009 were assessed by the UNESCO which has recognised the gradation method adapted by the State Education Department as unique and innovative.

80. Analogous load tests on healthy prematures with 3,6 mval/kg sodium bicarbonate resp. 6,7 mval/kg THAM acetic acid (pH 8,2) were endured without worth mentioning shifting of the acid base balance.