Use "medically" in a sentence

1. It's known medically as Amblyopia

2. What it wouldn't have done was medically disappear.

3. Affluenza is not a medically recognized disease

4. *Brain tumor facts medically edited by Charles P

5. The highest quality of medically-compounded Anesthetizers, equipment, …

6. A tincture of iodine may be used medically.

7. Benzyl benzoate was first studied medically in 1918.

8. Baubly can also refer patients to specialists when medically necessary.

9. After a medically-induced three-month coma, the patient survived.

10. An enlarged heart is medically known as Cardiomegaly

11. Medically, it is known as peritonsillar Abscess or quinsy

12. Here are The Ways How To Treat Anosmia: Medically and Naturally

13. Assured Headache PM (Aspirin Free) Medically reviewed by

14. Medically, when a body part is Atrophied, it's started to waste away.

15. Ctenus Captiosus has not been shown to be medically significant

16. Once she is cleared medically effectuate her repatriation will resume.

17. Authorizations are a way for health insurers to make sure members get care that is medically necessary (“medically necessary” is a term that pops up frequently in discussions about Authorizations)

18. Medically speaking, Circumcision involves removing the foreskin of the penis

19. What medically accurate position regarding blood have Witnesses long held?

20. The Act on Medically Assisted Procreation (entered into force in 2001).

21. 18 Suppose you had a health problem that seemed medically inexplicable.

22. They usually work in rural, remote and other medically underserved areas.

23. The Dangers of Abruptly Stopping Antidepressants Medically reviewed by Timothy J

24. During the study, five subjects were medically evaluated for suspected intussusception.

25. Acupuncture should only be practiced by a skilled, medically trained therapist.

26. 3 Medically,( we will derive great benefit from this technique.

27. In the United States, heroin is not accepted as medically useful.

28. *SAlivary gland cancer facts medically edited by Charles Patrick Davis, MD, PhD

29. Beclometasone dipropionate was first patented in 1962 and used medically in 1972.

30. The highest quality of medically-compounded Anesthetizers, equipment, and pigments are used.

31. Semiquartile normalness metasomatism sabbing poor-spirited clypeal Eraste Koirala quasi-medically Britzskas

32. Belching or burping is also medically referred to as eructation or ructus

33. Through his father's machinations, young Antonio was dismissed as medically unfit for service.

34. Medically termed as xerosis Cutis, the condition is increasingly reported in older people

35. In another, scientists will investigate the crystallisation of medically relevant proteins in space.

36. Itchy Ankles (Pruritus) The itchiness in the Ankles is medically referred to as “pruritus”

37. Male pattern Baldness, medically referred to as androgenic alopecia, does mostly come from genetics

38. Pulmonary Crackles medically referred to as rales are quite common in the elderly population

39. One or more medically useful agents may be provided in addition to the radioactive material.

40. 19 Jesse : Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Medically, the liver transplant was impossible with her condition.

41. (20) 20 product ratings - BABY VAC NASAL Aspirator Medically recommended for Newborn Toddler Children Kids

42. Occasional teeth grinding, medically called Bruxism, does not usually cause harm, but when teeth grinding occurs

43. General Anesthesia is, essentially, a medically induced coma, not sleep.Drugs render a patient unresponsive and unconscious

44. Coroners must be legally and/or medically qualified; most are now drawn from the legal profession

45. Absences due to personal illness beyond an employee's 10 self-treated days must be medically certified

46. It occurs with no underlying medical condition such as trauma, hemorrhagic diathesis, or medically induced anticoagulation.

47. Medically, the term Automatism refers to motor behavior that is automatic, undirected, and not consciously controlled.

48. Medically Clubfoot (also known as club foot) is referred to as congenital talipes equinovarus or CTEV.

49. Medically, the term Automatism refers to motor behavior that is automatic, undirected, and not consciously controlled

50. Medical services all relating to ultrasound waves to enhance drug delivery and/or medically activate drugs

51. To cause to have a medically or psychologically significant addiction: The thief was Addicted to cocaine.

52. Generic Name: Acetylcholine (a se teel KOE leen) Brand Name: Miochol-E Medically reviewed by

53. If you really need an injection, make sure it is administered by someone who is medically qualified.

54. Amyl nitrite is employed medically to treat heart diseases such as angina and to treat cyanide poisoning

55. Medically speaking, an Angioma is a small, benign tumor that grows on the surface of the skin

56. Medically referred to as hyperAlbuminemia, high albumin levels in the blood could be a sign of chronic or severe dehydration

57. Medically, fentanyl is used by injection, as a patch on the skin, as a nasal spray, or in the mouth.

58. In Medically Challenging Cases Criteria (MCC CASES) : in Anaesthesiology 2015 (By ASA) on 24 th – 27 th October

59. Medically , it is a condition in which the body contains an insufficient volume of water for normal functioning.

60. It is recommended that labor not be medically induced before 39 weeks unless required for other medical reasons.

61. There are a number of uses for Astringents medically, and many cosmetic companies also sell Astringents for skin care

62. Medically known as cheilitis, Chapped lips are characterized by peeling, fissuring and cracking of the lip skin, says Shari Marchbein, MD,

63. Shortly after his arrival, McConnell was diagnosed with optic neuritis and was deemed medically unfit for military service as a result.

64. A Bruise is medically referred to as a contusion. Bruises occur when tiny blood vessels are damaged or broken

65. A bruise is medically referred to as a contusion. Bruises occur when tiny blood vessels are damaged or broken

66. In the 1980s, antibiotics that were determined medically important for treatment of animals could be approved under veterinary oversight.

67. Unusual anatomic and physiological features, such as the shell and being ectothermic, make Chelonians medically challenging for the veterinarian.

68. There are a number of uses for Astringents medically, and many cosmetic companies also sell Astringents for skin care

69. However, things must be done clearly and accurately when we are legislating in the area of medically assisted reproductive technologies

70. Some benefits have been medically proven and research is continously being conducted to study the nutritional value of brown rice .

71. The Arc Beat Newsletter – Winter 2020; Contact Us; Home addictionsrec 2021-02-04T17:56:40+00:00 Medically-Monitored Detox

72. Why Cep? Cep is medically proven sports compression made by Medi, the world leader in medical compression stockings and garments

73. Medically, Anoxia describes the absence of oxygen with an emphasis on organs, muscle groups, or blood not getting sufficient oxygen.

74. This stage of liver cirrhosis brings with it the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, referred to medically as Ascites

75. Privacy & Trust Info Cracks in the lips are most commonly associated with Chapped lips, medically referred to as cheilitis simplex

76. A screening interview for Briquet syndrome consisting of 14 symptom questions was administered to a group of 50 medically ill women

77. Ricinolein is the active principle in the use of castor oil as a purgative and solvent for several medically useful alkaloids.

78. The CBD Clinicals Team is committed to producing CBD-related content that is current, factual, unbiased, evidence-based, and medically reviewed

79. Constipation is defined medically as fewer than three stools per week and severe Constipation is less than one stool per week.

80. Such alternative management is not quack medicine but consists of medically sound treatments and procedures that are documented in leading medical journals.