Use "matter of principle" in a sentence

1. It's not just a matter of principle.

2. They reject the proposal as a matter of principle.

3. I take this seriously. It's a matter of principle.

4. She refuses to allow her family to help her as a matter of principle.

5. However, the principle ‘you reap what you sow’ applies in this matter.

6. On the other hand, honesty is an absolutely necessary policy as a matter of principle and also credibility.

7. Prior to any amputation, possible use of spare parts for defect reconstruction should be considered as a matter of principle.

8. A white dwarf is supported by the exclusion principle repulsion between the electrons in its matter.

9. During the Westland affair he provided that rare occasion,[ ] the resignation of a cabinet minister on a matter of principle.

10. The subject-matter is based on the principle of ordinary universal joints with hinges and not rolling upon steel balls.

11. Principle of Bivalence synonyms, Principle of Bivalence pronunciation, Principle of Bivalence translation, English dictionary definition of Principle of Bivalence

12. 2 The uncertainty principle also predicts that there will be similar virtual pairs of matter particles, such as electrons or quarks.

13. 12.04 Further guidance for certain subject matter 12.04.01 Living matter 12.04.02 Medical treatment 12.04.03 Scientific principle or abstract theorem 12.04.04 Business methods 12.04.05 Computer implemented inventions 12.04.06 Games

14. To put the matter Abruptly, the advertising industry is a crude attempt to extend the principle of automation to every aspect of society

15. Principle of MFN treatment, principle of national treatment and principle of transparency are dealt with first.

16. What does Biogenesis mean? The principle that living organisms develop only from other living organisms and not from nonliving matter

17. English “The Conferment or deprivation of a nationality is the classical example of a matter which is in principle within the domestic jurisdiction of a State.

18. Faith is a principle—the principle—of action and of power.

19. (20) When a Member of Parliament makes a value judgment about a matter of general importance, no matter how upsetting or offensive some people may find it, he should, in principle, be able to avail himself of absolute privilege.

20. The principle of "double degré de juridiction" applies, which means that every matter may be abjudicated twice, both in facts as well as in law.

21. Confusion principle, Attention principle, Amphiboly

22. Bernoulli's principle can be derived from the principle of conservation of energy.

23. On the Independent Principle & Abstract Principle of Juristic Act of Real Right.

24. How much does Trump matter? Based on the principle of sharing out the booty, this Bipolarity on the political scene has destabilised the government and rendered …

25. The Principle of Compensation

26. Principle uses of inductors;

27. The Principle of Repentance

28. What about adapting the country of origin principle and the principle of media pluralism?

29. The principle of "double degré de juridiction" applies, which means that every matter may be Abjudicated twice, both in facts as well as in law

30. Chopper Circuit Principle of Operation


32. Principle of consistent accounting methods

33. Principle & Working: The principle of the Barograph is same as that of the aneroid baromoter

34. The homogenization principle of gravity blending silo and the working principle of blending pipe are recommended.

35. China maintains the principle of "continental nature extension", and Japan holds the principle of "equidistance midline".

36. As a matter of principle, organ transplantation programmes should be based on the principle of voluntary and unpaid donation, altruism of the donor and solidarity between donor and recipient while ensuring anonymity of the deceased donor, the living donor (when relevant) and the recipient(s) and the protection of personal data.

37. The pigeonhole principle is a important principle in combinatorics.

38. Discussing the difference between Addition Principle and Multiplication Principle.

39. 27 A different principle of development - indeed, a reversal of the principle of increasing elaboration - seems more probable.

40. Moreover, neither the principle prohibiting the abuse of rights nor the principle of proportionality precludes such legislation.

41. Destiny is not a matter of chance. It's a matter of choice.

42. The U.S. government, standing on this arbitrary principle, refused to pay restitutions, even when a United Nations General Assembly resolution on the matter had been passed.

43. Atman definition, the principle of life

44. Approval of a matter in principle is not considered authority to act until a minute entry records the action taken—usually when the minutes are approved in the next meeting.

45. Principle of Coagulase test for bacteria

46. As a Matter of Fact: Convincing the World That Archives Matter

47. Contrary to the principle of non-discrimination, the principle of proportionality is not specifically mentioned in the Agreement.

48. The pleasure principle would then be seen as one form of the more fundamental Nirvana principle.

49. CHAPTER 4: Principle of unit of account 10

50. Application of the principle of accrual-based accounting

51. These questions of principle can't mix well.

52. He acted out of expediency, not principle.

53. The committee responsible for respect of the principle of subsidiarity may decide to make recommendations for the attention of the committee responsible for the subject-matter in respect of any proposal for a legislative act.

54. Examination of advertising matter

55. Dissemination of advertising matter

56. Printing of advertising matter

57. The principle is one of absolute prohibition, and a violation of the principle in the bill creates an offence

58. Grey matter appears grey, matter white.

59. Where matters of law and equity conflict, the principle of equity applicable prevails over the legal principle in the case.

60. Bernoulli’s Principle Formula

61. - the principle of materiality and aggregation of data;

62. operation principle of lean NOx trap/absorber;

63. in the further alternative, violated Article # EC (principle of attribution of competence) and the principle of national procedural autonomy (section D

64. a matter of urgency.

65. Anonymity is a Core Principle of AA

66. They infringe the principle of non - discrimination.

67. Explain the significance of the exclusion principle.

68. The unbelief of God is our principle.

69. How is the principle of accountability illustrated?

70. Willful neglect, as of duty or principle.

71. Thus the institutions could be tempted to postpone sine die the adoption of measures in the matter in spite of the principle contained in Article 65(2) of the Staff Regulations which requires prompt action.

72. The principle of give and take is the principle of diplomacy - give one and take ten. Mark Twain 

73. When the principle of free speech collides with the principle of fair trial, the former may have to give way.

74. This principle is mainly applied to two kinds of situations: negotiorum gestio and donation, and principle of waiver and estoppel.

75. This article covers four parts: Part one. Its about the basic principle and legal principle of interpellation system.

76. It also challenges the permanent establishment principle fixed base principle and blurt the classifying of the international property.

77. Dissemination of advertising matter and advertising materials (leaflets, prospectuses, printed matter), outdoor advertising

78. While all these words mean "relating to or bearing upon the matter in hand," Applicable suggests the fitness of bringing a general rule or principle to bear upon a particular case

79. The quality or action of strongly supporting a person, principle, or political party, often without considering or judging the matter very carefully: There was a certain pArtisanship about the way that votes were …

80. To which principle of taxation do you subscribe?