Use "materialism" in a sentence

1. avoid materialism?

2. What is materialism?



5. Why do Christians avoid materialism?

6. (Zephaniah 1:9) Materialism was rife.

7. 7 Satan’s system relentlessly promotes materialism.


9. Materialism can make us forget Jehovah.

10. Materialism can choke a person spiritually.

11. Materialism represents the triumph of theory over experience.

12. It is sometimes a symbol of materialism.

13. 4 Idealism is opposite to / from materialism.

14. Crass materialism causes people to forget spiritual values.

15. We live in a time of crass materialism.

16. He continually criticized England for its crass materialism.

17. 12 The spirit of this world also stimulates materialism.

18. Hence, it is a sub-branch of emergent materialism.

19. Babylon definition is - a city devoted to materialism and sensual pleasure.

20. Materialism has until recently been virtually unknown in Confucian societies.

21. Commercialism and materialism are major flaws inherent within modern society

22. (Revelation 3:14-18) Materialism has a similar effect today.

23. Trans-Corporeality is a posthumanist mode of new materialism and material feminism

24. Yes, missionary life has been a real blessing and protection against materialism.

25. How might the anxieties of this system of things lead to materialism?

26. So have we become a self-centred society, preoccupied with materialism?

27. They were accused of materialism, wanting designer clothes instead of babies.

28. 8 To avoid being strangled by materialism, periodically reappraise your lifestyle.

29. 12 As such, it competes with other metaphysical theories like materialism.

30. For all the materialism, trees are still touchingly revered in Japan.

31. (2) Avoid dangerous spiritual terrain, such as the subtle trap of materialism.

32. Materialism is put in the background, since spiritual-mindedness is put to the fore.

33. Marx constructing historical materialism is the apotheosis of theory innovation in human anamnesis history.

34. But during the Eighties, when materialism and malfeasance predominated, the electorate suffered guilt pains.

35. Immorality and materialism were rampant, as wall paintings and other remains testify.

36. Television neatly packages materialism, explicit sex, graphic violence, and spiritism as entertainment.

37. The spirit has been reaffirmed... in the face of modern, scientific materialism.

38. 18 The spirit prevailing in the world today promotes materialism and competition.

39. The materialism in Clueless is almost as scary as the hopelessness in Kids

40. 9 In his homily the Pontiff focused on the ills of modern materialism .

41. Materialism says that the only things that exist are material things in space.

42. What a challenge to a life that is caught in the whirlpool of materialism!

43. The album is a concept album, with themes of the American Dream and materialism.

44. (1 Timothy 1:19) Perhaps they fell to materialism or an immoral life-style.

45. In all these respects, materialism functions just like theism, as one competing metaphysical scheme amongst others.

46. In this basic sense both historical materialism and Marxist political economy are undeniably structuralist.

47. It may be peer pressure, fleshly temptation, materialism, persecution, even the corrosive influence of doubts.

48. The same applies to ideology, idealism will be replaced by materialism and theism by atheism.

49. In the course of the discussion, we impinged on a theoretical problem of dialectical materialism.

50. The 1920s is a roaring period prevailed conspicuously by pragmatism, materialism, commercialism, mammonism , hedonism, etc.

51. The concept of Gross National Happiness has particular resonance in today’s world of unbridled materialism and consumerism.

52. Using the lure of materialism, Satan may even appeal to all of these at once!

53. The materialism was crass, everyone's expectations had been aroused, and few people had been satisfied.

54. As a dependent variable, post-materialism is seen to be a symptom of economic modernization.

55. The powerful impulse for co materialism based on rapid economic development : the antithesis of Tagore's invocation.

56. Our high desires for spiritual reality are transmuted into the sordid quest for consumerism and materialism.

57. An old garden rockery flowers a priceless abandoned antique bed of two values - nature and materialism!

58. The cynicism and materialism already so prevalent in our culture are given the imprimatur of policy.

59. IN THIS age of materialism and of spreading communism mankind stands in great need of adequately qualified ministers.

60. In this respect Bukharin's grasp and use of historical materialism was superior to that of Preobrazhensky.

61. His main target was vanity, and how materialism has put a brake on the human race.

62. Francis Bacon and Thomas Hobbes wrote on empiricism and materialism, including scientific method and social contract.

63. 18 In these lovely days, still unspoilt by materialism and television, there was always a singer.

64. Researchers have noted that an emphasis on materialism is, in fact, a hindrance to happiness and satisfaction.

65. Lang used Tyler's work and his own psychical research in an effort to posit an anthropological critique of materialism.

66. 25 In all these respects, materialism functions just like theism, as one competing metaphysical scheme amongst others.

67. Materialism is the one dogmatic explanation of the universe which could in any sense justify an Atheistic position

68. When attitudes or priorities are fixed on the acquisition, use, or possession of property, we call that materialism.

69. And materialism, they think they get out of it just by not existing, by dying, but they don't.

70. 7 Cartesianism and Visual Cognition; 8 Reintroducing Descartes in the History of Materialism; Part III Actions and Passions

71. Atheistic philosophy, materialism, crises in the churches, and the frightful increase in violence all tend to undermine true faith.

72. The First World's miserly materialism is enough to make any honest seeker yearn for a new alternative or age.

73. In the west some people think that ours is an age marked by a strong movement toward materialism.

74. The attraction of Spinoza's philosophy to late 18th-century Europeans was that it provided an alternative to materialism, atheism, and deism.

75. The lyrics identify with materialism, with Madonna asking for a rich and affluent life, rather than romance and relationships.

76. Affluenza is a one-hour television special that explores the high social and environmental costs of materialism and overconsumption

77. The overwhelming impression of Soul is of a science in retreat, forced to admit the inadequacy of its materialism.

78. In a culture consumed by materialism and covetousness, a spirit of Contentment provides a sharp contrast to the general way of thinking

79. 2 In general, what the theory of dialectic materialism states is that every society is structured around its material basis of production.

80. Heeding that warning called for determination, humility, a denial of materialism, and a spirit of self-sacrificing acceptance of hardship.