Use "marxism" in a sentence

1. And marxism? Marxism still remains the best map to post-modern times.

2. They openly revised Marxism.

3. Marxism began to gain currency .

4. Actually, Marxism is not abstruse.

5. Communism is based on Marxism.

6. The magazine Marxism Today did the same.

7. Modern socialism is dominated by Marxism.

8. Founder and pioneer of Chinesization of Marxism, Mao Zedong made outstanding contributions to the realization of Chinesization of Marxism.

9. He is also an opponent of Marxism.

10. But Marxism too has its roots in humanism.

11. The term Austro-Marxism was probably introduced by the American socialist Louis Boudin to characterize a specific Austrian version of Marxism

12. The proletariat must possess the truth of Marxism.

13. Both dogmatism and revisionism run counter to Marxism.

14. R/Communism: For the theory and practice of Marxism

15. 9 Both dogmatism and revisionism run counter to Marxism.

16. 8 Marxism has never been weaker as a political creed .

17. As a student, he experienced a fanatical conversion to Marxism.

18. More specifically, is there a profound gulf between the "mechanistic, " "passive, " and "fatalist" Marxism of Kautsky and the dialectical, activist, revolutionary Marxism of Lenin?

19. The essence of Marxism lies in its revolutionary dialectics.

20. Finally, we sketch the evolution of Marxism after Marx.

21. Materialistic dialectics is an important part of constituting Marxism.

22. Marxism can be a way to get rich or get laid.

23. But they left only tenuous intellectual ties between Maoism and Marxism.

24. Some Catholic theologians developed liberation theology, mixing Catholicism with revolutionary Marxism.

25. Marxism possesses the theoretical character of keeping pace with the times.

26. Basically, we should study Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought and try to integrate the universal principles of Marxism with the concrete practice of our modernization drive.

27. 19 Deng Xiaoping had a deep understanding of the quintessence of Marxism.

28. 16 Marxism can be a way to get rich or get laid.

29. Fredic Jameson is contemporary American famous western Marxism theoretician and critic.

30. Michael Ryan has looked for a rapprochement between deconstruction and Marxism.

31. There was a basic discrepancy between the revolutionary tenets of Marxism and surrealism.

32. 24 When dogmatism turns into its opposite, it becomes either Marxism or revisionism.

33. Congo-Brazzaville – Denis Sassou Nguesso's regime was pressured to abandon Marxism-Leninism in 1991.

34. 20 But what they are really attacking is the quintessence of Marxism.

35. Like Marxism, the theories of development have become more pluralistic and tentative.

36. Rome is the only city in the world where Marxism has truly existed.

37. Ken’s Corner: Bolshevikism, Zionism, Marxism, Socialism, Communism & the Death of Our Constitutional Republic

38. 29 The theory of the dictatorship of the proletariat is the quintessence of Marxism.

39. Marxism has been frequently derided for its explanations of political behaviour in Western democracies.

40. It will be instructive therefore to examine some of these different strands within Marxism.

41. He held onto the naive belief that Marxism would solve all the world's problems.

42. A Communist state is a state governed by one Communist party that follows Marxism-Leninism

43. Marxism was not primarily a scientific method designed to uncover the mechanisms of the capitalist economy.

44. That is one reason why we have remained opposed to dogmatism toward the theory of Marxism.

45. Another development of political philosophy was the emergence of the school of Analytical Marxism

46. But secularism and Marxism-Leninism were not alone in weakening the influence of religion.

47. Callinicos' Marxism has been repelled from the ramparts of pluralism for being ... well, Marxist.

48. The increasingly urgent political situation at home and abroad gave Marxism an appropriate context.

49. The retreat of Marxism has been paralleled by the ascendancy of the New Right.

50. Yet if Maoism is exhausted, this is not necessarily the case for other forms of Marxism.

51. 13 How many socialists have abandoned attempts to come to grips with Marxism after such experiences!

52. Russia was the first country to forge a new economic system under the banner of Marxism.

53. But in this instance, comrade Preobrazhensky has completely forgotten about this fundamental methodological demand of Marxism.

54. After the October Revolution the propagation of Marxism led the qualitative shanges the New Culture Movement.

55. Firstly, we mistook distillate for dreg during some phases of Marxism integrating with Chinese traditional culture.

56. Somek's theory of law has strong affinities to the legal philosophy of German idealism, Romanticism and Marxism.

57. 27 Russia was the first country to forge a new economic system under the banner of Marxism.

58. The image of mankind transforming nature-with its joint antecedents in Marxism and capitalism-is still dominant.

59. Adherents to Marxism disciple implies a devoted allegiance to the teachings of one chosen as a master

60. Like Marxism-Leninism, it entertains a sublime vision of human potential for social harmony and individual fulfilment.

61. 12 Some critics also argue that any qualification of economic determinism threatens the distinctiveness of Marxism.

62. This group of people called themselves Marxist-Leninigts, but actually they had not learned an iota of Marxism-Leninism.

63. Intellectuals play a correspondingly enlarged role in Gramsci's Marxism, which perhaps accounts for its popularity amongst academic Marxists.

64. The open essentiality of Marxism has determined that the generalization is its inhesion attribute of common philosophy education.

65. Shortly after the appearance of the article in Marxism Today, Labour lost a by-election in Greenwich.

66. 17 It is revisionism to negate the basic principles of Marxism and to negate its universal truth.

67. Lenin defined Bolshevism “as the adaptation of revolutionary Marxism to the particular conditions of the epoch” (ibid., vol

68. Atheism for Marxism is not an optional extra or a mere facet but the very essence of it.

69. Marxism and liberation theology condemn religion for supporting the status quo and legitimating the power of the oppressor.

70. 24 Atheism for Marxism is not an optional extra or a mere facet but the very essence of it.

71. It is important to note that the above interpretation of the ideological basis of Marxism and functionalism is debatable.

72. But analysis has so far been largely entrapped by the particular form of Marxism with which cultural theory has adopted.

73. It has often been argued that Marxism is largely based on a utopian ideology, functionalism on a ruling ideology.

74. Like Pareto[sentencedict .com], Burnham argued that Marxism was the self-serving ideology of an insurgent working class elite.

75. Yet Marx and Engels' determination to formulate general theories eventually made Marxism one of the most successful transnational ideologies.

76. Yet Khomeini never fully trusted the group; its ideology seemed a dangerous combination of Marxism and its own interpretation of Shiism.

77. Or to put it another way, he maintained that Marxism can only constitute its totality through its perpetual detours from itself.

78. One approach which is curiously similar to business studies in its view of the populace is that of some contemporary Marxism.

79. While some clung to the fading dream of direct transition to socialism based on the peasantry, others became intoxicated by Marxism.

80. He achieved the abandonment of Marxism by the PSOE and a liberal right-wing economy policy and left-wing social reforms.