Use "male sexual organ" in a sentence

1. The Clitoris is a female sexual organ

2. Sexual Arousal usually begins in the brain (sometimes called the body’s largest sexual organ)

3. Following a regular prostate care routine can also help to lengthen your male genital organ, and even can help to treat some sexual dysfunction.

4. Clitoris, female erogenous organ capable of erection under sexual stimulation

5. The Anther is the male reproductive organ in seed plants

6. The Bible talks about the male “genital organ,” or penis.

7. Synonyms for Ballocks include family jewels, balls, crown jewels, cullions, gonads, male genitalia, male genitals, male sex organ, nuts and rocks

8. Antheridia) the male sex organ of bryophytes, pteridophytes, algae and fungi.

9. Antheridium definition is - the male reproductive organ of some cryptogamous plants.

10. My problem is I'm both attracted and repelled by the male organ.

11. Cryptorchidism is the most common abnormality of male sexual development

12. Andrology is the speciality that deals with male health; particularly male infertility, impotence & sexual dysfunction

13. Aspermia is a disease that is associated with the male reproductive organ

14. In Bryophytes, the Antheridium is the male sex organ, which produces sperm.

15. Anther In botany, the fertile part of a male sex organ in a flower

16. Andrology Forum is a dedicated male sexual health blog and community platform

17. No one, male or female, is to have sexual relations before marriage.

18. Both male and female same-sex sexual activity are legal in Belarus.

19. Other instruments in this soundtrack include alphorns, whistles, organ, male choir, bells and cimbalom.

20. Both male and female same-sex sexual activity are legal in Poland.

21. Key Difference – Antheridia vs Archegonia Gametophyte generation is dominant in most of the nonvascular plants such as bryophytes, liverworts, conifers and algae.These organisms show alteration of generations and produce male and female gametophytes for the production of male and female gametes for sexual reproduction.Male sex organ of the male gametophyte is known as …

22. Similarly, the female organ of a flower (the pistil) needs pollen from the male organ (the stamen) in order to be fertilized and produce fruit.

23. Clitoris definition, the erectile organ of the vulva, homologous to the penis of the male

24. Key Difference – Antheridia vs Archegonia Gametophyte generation is dominant in most of the nonvascular plants such as bryophytes, liverworts, conifers and algae.These organisms show alteration of generations and produce male and female gametophytes for the production of male and female gametes for sexual reproduction.Male sex organ of the male gametophyte is known as Antheridium.

25. The sexual instincts of the male are suppressed for most of the year .

26. Aspermia is a disease that is associated with the male reproductive organ. This disease is a rare condition that is found in men, which is not as common as infertility and some other sexual disorders

27. Androgens are responsible for the development of male sex organs and secondary sexual characteristics

28. Castrate (kӕˈstreit), ((American) ˈkӕstreit) verb to remove the sexual organs of (a male animal)

29. Being both male and female; hermaphroditic; having an ambiguous sexual identity Not to be confused with: Androgenous – tending to produce male offspring;

30. Androgens, such as testosterone, are male sex hormones that produce male sexual characteristics; Androgens are also present at low levels in women

31. She sang solo against the humming of the male voices behind her and against the organ counterpoint.

32. Androgyne - one having both male and female sexual characteristics and organs; at birth an unambiguous assignment of male or female cannot be made

33. Bromate in drinking water had no effect on the survival, body weight, or organ weight of male mice

34. Antheridium [‚an·thə′rid·ē·əm] (botany) The sex organ that produces male gametes in cryptogams

35. She claims to have had her first sexual experience with multiple male partners at age 16.

36. The male Condom is a thin sheath that covers the erect penis and works by stopping sexual fluids (juices) from passing between people during sexual activity

37. Cowrie (or Cowry) shells mimic the female sexual organ on one side, and a pregnant belly on the other side

38. Andrology A medical (i.e., non-surgical) specialty dedicated to the treatment of male infertility and sexual dysfunction

39. A natural or artificial steroid that acts as a male sex hormone. Androgens are responsible for the development of male sex organs and secondary sexual characteristics

40. Androstenedione is a steroid in the androgen family, the male hormones responsible for sexual differentiation and the development of secondary male characteristics (deep voice, facial hair, etc.)

41. To form a cocoon for its eggs, the Clitellum secretes a viscous fluid.This organ is used in sexual reproduction of some annelids.

42. To form a cocoon for its eggs, the Clitellum secretes a viscous fluid.This organ is used in sexual reproduction of some annelids.

43. Basidium A club-shaped organ of sexual reproduction in basidiomycetes (fungi), which has 4 (less commonly, 8) haploid basidiospores at its tip

44. Antheridium definition: the male sex organ of algae, fungi , bryophytes , and spore-bearing vascular plants, such Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

45. Jack Fritscher notes that bears celebrate "secondary sexual characteristics of the male: facial hair, body hair, proportional size, baldness".

46. Androgyne - one having both male and female sexual characteristics and organs; at birth an unambiguous assignment of male or female cannot be made epicene , epicene person , gynandromorph , hermaphrodite , intersex

47. ə l / relating to or involving the clitoris (= a sexual organ above the vagina that can give a woman sexual pleasure when it is touched): There is now greater understanding of the Clitoral structure.

48. A Barrow is a male pig that has been castrated or rendered incapable of reproducing before he reaches sexual maturity

49. A hot-Blooded person has strong sexual feelings and energy: He's just your average 25-year-old hot-Blooded male

50. From one political perspective – which can loosely be termed "abolitionist" – prostitution represents a form of male sexual violence against women.

51. Organ shortage

52. The department of Andrology deals with the reproductive health of males, particularly in terms of male sexual dysfunction and infertility issues

53. ◦ Thymic fetal organ culture as an organ assay for EDCs

54. Bull definition, the male of a bovine animal, especially of the genus Bos, with sexual organs intact and capable of reproduction

55. The male genital system of Tarantula consists of paired testes, ventral glands, lateral glands, and the genital chamber with the cone like spermatophore organ.

56. MST, MST Coordinators, military sexual trauma statistics, military sexual trauma disability rating, military sexual trauma definition, military sexual trauma compensation, military sexual trauma treatment, military sexual trauma policy, military sexual trauma training, military sexual trauma stories, military sexual trauma story

57. Autoeroticism: 1 n using you own body as a sexual object Synonyms: autoerotism Types: masturbation , onanism manual stimulation of the genital organs (of yourself or another) for sexual pleasure self-abuse , self-stimulation manual stimulation of your own genital organ for sexual pleasure frottage masturbation by rubbing against another person

58. Articulateness and the Organ: A problem for the Organ Builder

59. Butting heads Butting heads happens when a pregnant female and a male with an extremely large cock are engaging in sexual intercourse.

60. For the purposes of identification, Linnaeus's Systema Sexuale classified plants into 24 groups according to the number of their male sexual organs.

61. California law under Penal Code Section 288a defines oral sex as Copulating the mouth of one person with the sexual organ or anus of the other person

62. 19 Although the god separates the male and the pantheress, since allow of no, can't can take place sexual behavior with mankind, either.

63. In zoology, Copulation is animal sexual behavior in which a male introduces sperm into the female's body, especially directly into her reproductive tract

64. As nouns the difference between Antheridium and oogonium is that Antheridium is (botany) an organ producing male gametes called antherozoids, found in bryophytes while oogonium is .

65. Coitus interruptus: [ ko´ĭ-tus ] sexual union by vagina between male and female; usually applied to the mating process in human beings

66. The phrase "Compulsory heterosexuality" originally referred to the assumption by a male-dominated society that the only normal sexual relationship is …

67. The male and female have similar markings and plumage, but as in many birds of prey the peregrine falcon displays marked sexual dimorphism in size, with the female measuring up to 30% larger than the male.

68. The same occurs with hard core and blue porn : the sexual organ,[] whether erect or open wide is just another sign in the hypersexual panoply. Phallus-design.

69. Although the majority of prostitutes are female and have male clients, a prostitute can be, and have clients of, any gender or sexual orientation.

70. Hypernyms ("Anisogamy" is a kind of): amphimixis; sexual reproduction (reproduction involving the union or fusion of a male and a female gamete)

71. Apparently, the sacred pillars —rocks or hewn stones in the form of a phallic symbol— represented Baal, the male part of the sexual union.

72. The electronic organ was replaced by a pipe organ during 2002–2005.

73. Sexual Boundaries can be violated with unwanted sexual touch, pressure to engage in sexual acts, leering, or sexual comments

74. Androgens are critical steroid hormones that regulate male sexual development and differentiation, including the formation of the reproductive system and maintenance of its function

75. Apoplexy means bleeding into an organ or loss of blood flow to an organ

76. Despite the shortage of deceased organ donors, every organ must be evaluated thoroughly.

77. Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Thymic fetal organ culture as an organ assay for EDCs

78. The fashion- modeling profession is also notorious for exposing one to individuals, male and female, who insist on sexual favors in exchange for career advancement.

79. 10 This byelaw encourages citizen alms remains and organ, prohibit remains and, organ.

80. The old organ wheezed.