Use "make towards" in a sentence

1. We must make every effort towards peace.

2. Both species of fish make the phytoplankton communities succession towards different directions.

3. If you Antagonize someone, you make them feel angry or hostile towards you

4. They also recognize the contribution fish habitats in agricultural drains make towards sustainable fisheries.

5. He is not disappointed at the failure to make headway towards resolving their differences.

6. The same drives that we see towards ubiquity, towards diversity, towards socialization, towards complexity.

7. They all intend to make the financial system better in channelling resources towards long term investments.

8. Even though Ren was quite hostile towards him, he managed to make Ren open his heart.

9. Yeah, but it doesn't make much sense because it looks like she's heading towards the Aleph Colony.

10. This will also go a long way towards preventing your neighbour complaining about the noise you make.

11. Icon Make-It goes one step further towards mayhem - it's an integrated package for the sensibly challenged.

12. Present-day specifications regarding working accuracy and output make constant efforts towards complementing existing knowledge an absolute necessity.

13. Ignore those that make you fearful and sad, that degrade you back towards disease and death. Rumi 

14. I keep crouched and make my way through the low bushes, heading diagonally through the wood towards the estate.

15. From Heraklion towards Agios Nikolaos, then towards Ierapetra. From there towards Ziros Chandras plane.

16. Since autumn 19 full-time undergraduate students have been required to make a means-tested contribution towards tuition fees.

17. Karim: On the Agoras Live side Andrei has continued to make progress towards the release of the Agoras live platform

18. He is aggressive towards me and unctuous towards David.

19. People have to realize, we cannot make everybody totally safe, even if we allocated the entire federal budget towards security.

20. Once or twice the latter attempts –rather apathetically – to regain its former rhythm, before both make towards a steady walking pace.

21. Make sure that you behave very correctly towards the policeman, or he's likely to throw the book at you for disobedience.

22. Behaviour towards She complained of her boss’s inappropriate behavior towards her

23. Crude oil looks poised to make its journey down towards the major support / swing level at 63.37 as indicated on attached chart

24. 'Their [realists'] concern is that utopian aspirations towards a new peaceful world order will simply Absolutize conflicts and make them more intractable

25. Bend towards/across etc He bent towards me and whispered in my ear

26. Unfortunately, it’s often just not possible to try to make healthy relationship choices when your partner is choosing to behave Abusively towards you

27. Head towards the mall.

28. This constrains global aggregate demand. BRICS cooperation towards more productive use of global financial resources can make a positive contribution to addressing this problem.

29. American Artillerymen Shooting Towards …

30. Walk towards me slowly!

31. She inclines towards melancholia.

32. Anger towards Caesar's Burdeners rises.

33. She's going towards the Louvre.

34. Strolling slowly towards the sun

35. 9 Charles tends towards obesity.

36. Flowers turn towards the light.

37. Heading west towards the freeway.

38. He leans artistically towards romanticism.

39. We advanced towards the castle.

40. These permutations multiply towards infinity.

41. Humanity, which has an obvious predisposition towards goodness, has an equally strong predisposition towards evil.

42. She's too protective towards her.

43. The ball headed towards me.

44. The first step towards civilisation.

45. There's something crawling towards Aardvark.

46. He behaved abominably towards her.

47. The frog hopped towards him.

48. The number tends towards infinity.

49. Towards 6 a.m. daylight broke.

50. He headed towards the station.

51. Towards dressing such grievous injuries?

52. Heading west towards the junction.

53. I edged towards the door.

54. They biased towards this plan.

55. There’s a road on Left, if coming towards Passu from Atabad which leads towards Borith Lake

56. Among other things, the study noted a certain movement towards active ageing and towards territorial dynamics.

57. They demanded explanations from his father, raised their arms to make their points, tugged agitatedly at their beards, and moved back towards their room quite slowly.

58. Confidence towards oneself and towards the own partner seems be a basic of a good partnership.

59. Swedish mentality seems to have two opposing tendencies: one towards individualism and the other towards Collectivity

60. Maximum impulse towards the nebula.

61. Be considerate towards the poor.

62. He moved towards her menacingly.

63. Anconad Located towards the elbow

64. She's working towards her PhD.

65. A rhinoceros lumbered towards them.

66. Simon shuffled awkwardly towards them.

67. The purpose of Beeware Environmental Inc is to share information that can potentially provide the reader with the tools to make informed decisions towards better health

68. Baseball an illegal motion by a pitcher towards the plate or towards the base Explanation of Baulks

69. Baseball an illegal motion by a pitcher towards the plate or towards the base Explanation of Baulk

70. We at Bluethroat adventures are working towards helping trekkers gain access to high quality trekking gear and the correct information needed to make the trekking experience enjoyable

71. Peace and goodwill towards all mammals

72. Ally groped steadily towards the door.

73. That life, unfettered, moves towards life.

74. Climate change is barreling towards us.

75. He looked up towards the heavens.

76. He strode purposefully towards the barn.

77. She feels no bitterness towards him.

78. Is the trend towards privatization reversible?

79. She pointed me towards an armchair.

80. She has no inclination towards mysticism.