Use "magma" in a sentence

1. Petrochemistry analysis of pumice component indicates that the magma can be assigned to trachytic magma.

2. " Magma temperatures reach # in Mongolia "?

3. The blazing magma was surging by us.

4. We're surrounded by liquid hot magma.

5. " Magma temperatures reach 1150 in Mongolia "?

6. Different minerals in the magma create different structures.

7. As magma accumulates high in a volcano, pressure builds up.

8. Swarovski 5621, Twist Bead- Crystal Red Magma $2.50 USD

9. He formed these secret passages out of the magma.

10. The whole town was swallowed up by the magma.

11. These mafic minerals settle out of the magma, forming mafic cumulates.

12. Beneath the caldera is the magma chamber of the Grímsvötn volcano.

13. Yet there is no evidence that the Earth ever had such a magma ocean and it is likely there exists material that has never been processed in a magma ocean.

14. 1980 Cataclysmic Eruption Magma began intruding into the Mount St

15. All magma consists basically of a variety of silicate minerals.

16. All the Basaltic magma that is pushed out of the mantle to the crust due to convection currents is constantly pushed away from the fissures due to new magma flow.

17. One major difference between Basaltic and granitic magma is their specific mineral contents

18. A two-stage model involving sidewall crystallization and upwelling of fractionated magma accumulating near the roof of the magma chamber is proposed to explain the reverse zoning.

19. Using seismographs, they're able to hear molten rock... flowing into the magma chamber.

20. The parental magma has affinities with arc-type magmas related to subduction (shoshonitic magma series), as is evidenced by high LILE/LREE ratio, and select depletion of HFSE.

21. Rhyolite is formed by the eruption of acidic magma, characterized by high GR and medium impedance, whereas Andesite is formed by the eruption of intermediate magma, characterized by low GR and high impedance.

22. Basaltic: 1 adj of or relating to or containing basalt “ Basaltic magma is fluid”

23. These volcanic explosions produce vertical columns of rock that rise from deep magma reservoirs.

24. As the volcano fractured, gases and volatiles escaped from the magma chamber.

25. But if the pressure gets too much this magma reaches bursting point

26. Pressure determines the maximum water content of a magma of granite composition.

27. The shares have climbed 7 % since the proposed Magma acquisition was announced.

28. The mechanism allows for great variation and complexity in magma chamber sedimentation.

29. Results indicate that volcanic magma accumulates slowly, forming layers of molten rock and gas.

30. These lava lakes are directly connected to a magma reservoir lying below.

31. 28 Instead it slowly froze in a magma chamber into a mush of coarse crystals.

32. Cumulates - Any igneous rocks formed by the accumulation of crystals setting out of a magma.

33. The south-southeast-trending increase is most probably the result of a shallow magma intrusion.

34. Hot magma from the mantle would rise to the surface to fill in the crack.

35. When it gets to the surface of the earth, magma cools into “lava.”

36. The Columbite in the Zhaojinggou deposit crystallized from a highly evolved peraluminous granitic magma

37. A single deep connection to the magma supply maintains the heat input by convection.

38. Instead it slowly froze in a magma chamber into a mush of coarse crystals.

39. These phases probably represent a differentiation sequence from an 'I-type' parent magma of calc-alkalic affinity.

40. Dyke swarms are products of typhonic magma which may provide important information about the crust mantle evolution.

41. Deep below, a single hot spot pushes magma through the surface, building a new volcanic island.

42. Volcanic Craters can form because of magma explosions, in which a large amount of lava is thrown out from a volcano, leaving a hole, or because the roof of rock over an underground magma pool …

43. To begin, he formed a council that would act like a board of directors for Magma Metals.

44. In the process, their commitment to one another and to their vision for Magma grew more profound.

45. The magma would then cool and harden, adding to the four-mile-thick slab of moving crust.

46. Batholiths, laccoliths and dikes are all different types of untrusions where an igneous rock intrudes other rock A batholith is a huge mas of magma that intrudes a rock formation, covering a very large area, a dike is where magma flows through a crack in the rock and a laccolith is where magma intrudes acros rock and pushes up sedimentary

47. Basaltic magma contains between 45 and 55 percent silicon dioxide and is high in magnesium, iron and calcium, while granitic magma contains between 65 and 75 percent silicon dioxide and only small amounts of those minerals.

48. The mobs currently that should be classified as Bosses are the Magma Cube Boss, the

49. Formed when magma cools and crystallizes beneath Earth [1]'s surface, Batholiths are the largest type of pluton

50. Layers of sulphuric acid, viscous surface rock, and coronae, which seem to be domes over large magma chambers.

51. Formed when magma cools and crystallizes beneath Earth 's surface, Batholiths are the largest type of pluton

52. Central vent and fissure eruptions represent the two basic ways in which magma can reach the surface.

53. Mountainous land accounts for 48.4% area and is formed from the decaying of magma, rocks and sedimentary rock.

54. Its purpose is to gather sufficient information to answer questions about magma chambers in oceanic crust.

55. Comparison with petrological data of the volcanic rocks also implies that olivine was in a reaction relationship with an intermediate alkalic magma in both the intruded magmas at shallow depth and in the magma chamber at great depth.

56. Baryte is a mineral that can be found in the Magma Geode and the Omni Geode .

57. He is the founder and editor of Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine (MAGMA).

58. Igneous intrusions injected as a mobile magma may show sharp contacts with surrounding, or country, rocks.

59. Batholith, large body of igneous rock formed beneath the Earth’s surface by the intrusion and solidification of magma

60. The relatively primitive compositions (MgO > 9%), presence of mantle-derived xenoliths in some alkalic lavas, and presence of forsteritic olivine with low CaO and high NiO suggest that magma rose rapidly from greath depth without spending time in large, long-lived magma chambers.

61. 9 Igneous intrusions injected as a mobile magma may show sharp contacts with surrounding, or country, rocks.

62. Among the accessory minerals, euhedral zircon is indicative of the initial richness of the magma in Zr.

63. In actuality, geologists have determined that the magma source, which they call a hot spot, is stationary.

64. Emissions of magma in a submarine and coastal environment formed the coast to the north of Catania.

65. This fallout, mixed with magma, mud, and steam, sent additional pyroclastic flows speeding down St. Helens' flanks.

66. An orange glow was later observed around the crater at night, confirming that fresh magma had indeed reached the surface.

67. Molten rock, or magma, is forced upward and accumulates in a reservoir some miles below the surface of the ground.

68. Igneous rocks (from the Greek word for "fire") form when hot, molten rock (magma) Crystallizes and solidifies

69. Cainozoic Volcanism, Eastern Australia: A Predictive Model based on Migration over multiple ‘Hot Spot’ Magma Sources Author Sutherland F.L

70. Similarly, accumulation of magma in Crustal reservoirs causes the earth's surface to swell, critical information for forecasting eruptions

71. Augite is a mineral from the pyroxene group, a collection of minerals that form as magma is cooling

72. In this sort of eruption, the rising magma is quickly cooled on contact with ground or surface water.

73. It crystallizedmainly at the magma stage, while a certain part of uraninite resultedfrom autometamorphism and all chemical metamorphism.

74. The last remain fluid of lamprophyre magma is similar to metallogenetic fluid in composition and precipitating sequence, showing their genetic relationship.

75. Hello, and welcome to my channel called MAgma! I upload weekly videos of me playing! Instagram:

76. Overall, the experiments suggest that reaction between magnesian suite magma and Anorthosite is a reasonable mechanism for producing pink spinel

77. A volcanic edifice of considerable proportions, formed by lava spillage from a very viscous (acid) magma preventing an extensive lava flow.

78. Batholite [ A term applied by Suess to an older massive protrusion of magma solidified as coarse crystalline rock in …

79. Because the shares tendered were below 90 % of all outstanding shares, the acquisition must be approved by Magma shareholders.

80. As discussed in the Magma Metals story in Chapter Seven, that demands much more than initial feelings of respect and promises.