Use "magistrates" in a sentence

1. They will Appear before magistrates tomorrow

2. He will appear before the magistrates tomorrow.

3. Magistrates were given wider discretionary powers.

4. Cognizance of offences by Magistrates ( section 190)

5. You're one of my personally nominated magistrates.

6. He was Acquitted of disorderly behaviour by magistrates

7. The High Court can also appoint more Judicial Magistrates of the first class , who are designated as Additional Chief Judicial Magistrates .

8. A provincial magistrates' court last week ruled it unconstitutional.

9. Mr Ling was Acquitted of disorderly behaviour by magistrates

10. The magistrates Adjured by all the bonds of duty

11. I firmly believe in Arbitrament by police magistrates and civil courts.

12. He was bound over to keep the peace by magistrates.

13. "Aediles, Roman magistrates" published on by Oxford University Press.

14. The forfeiture proceedings take place before magistrates and are often uncontested.

15. The use of itinerant magistrates gradually increased, making prosecutions more convenient.

16. Some magistrates have abused their powers of arrest to extort confessions.

17. He was granted bail by magistrates on his committal for trial.

18. The magistrates granted that the charity was justified in bringing the action.

19. Archon, Greek Archōn, in ancient Greece, the chief magistrate or magistrates in many city-states

20. * Be subject to principalities and powers and obey magistrates, Titus 3:1.

21. Magistrates are under a constraint not to send young people to prison.

22. The Mirror for Magistrates Yet was I, or I parted thence, Bewreckt.

23. The disciples had been beaten publicly; now the magistrates had to apologize publicly.

24. Consuls were the chief civil and military magistrates, elected through the assemblies by popular vote

25. Hartlepool magistrates ordered him to carry out 240 hours community service and pay £250 compensation.

26. Consul definition is - either of two annually elected chief magistrates of the Roman republic

27. He is due to appear before magistrates in connection with a public order offence.

28. Magistrates are also reported to want to reconstruct the raid using volunteers to act out the roles.

29. A Magistrates ' Court must confirm the emergency closure of a business or the seizure of food .

30. It was a town of magistrates and lawyers, of government functionaries and landed nobles.

31. Greenway appeared at Bow Street Magistrates' Court to face seven charges of accepting bribes.

32. Augures were specialists assisting magistrates in taking the auspices and advising the Senate and the magistrates on various aspects of divination, not the least of which was the proper handling of prodigies and portents

33. In South Africa two Witnesses called on magistrates, lawyers, and clerks in the court buildings.

34. So it is that the purses of the magistrates and their underlings perforce remain empty.

35. In addition, the list will include, inter alia, Sub-Divisional Magistrates, First Class Judicial Magistrates, officers of the level of Major and above in the Armed Forces and SHOs and Tehsildars of the concerned areas.

36. In addition to the £000 fine, magistrates ordered Laleham Healthcare to pay £250 towards the prosecution costs.

37. An 18-year-old man of no fixed abode appeared at Teesside magistrates court yesterday.

38. Magistrates refused a similar request last December after residents' objections, but Anchor resubmitted the application.

39. Therefore, the police, magistrates and judges, who are all predominantly male, will tend to leniency.

40. Home Office ministers and officials are currently wooing judges and magistrates to the new approach.

41. Stephen Leach, of no fixed abode, said nothing during the brief hearing before Liverpool magistrates.

42. 29 Douras was remanded into police custody and is due to reappear before magistrates on July 7 for committal.

43. Today at Cirencester magistrates court, John Gore, bearded with a long ponytail, was committed for trial at Crown court.

44. Craxi repudiated the allegations and Chiesa himself subsequently claimed that his own testimony to magistrates had been distorted.

45. * We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, A of F 1:12.

46. 35 When it became day, the civil magistrates sent the constables to say: “Release those men.”

47. And when it was day, the magistrates sent the Apparitors, [officers,] saying, Let those men go

48. So what if Jethmalani ' s argument was unhesitatingly upheld in the Metropolitan Magistrates Court of Mumbai ?

49. Oxford police recently reported their concern to the city's magistrates and their determination to crack down.

50. Affray is an indictable offence which may be determined summarily (in the Magistrates Court.) What is Affray?

51. Magistrates Code of Procedure (Amendment) Act of 1993, ensuring adequate payment of child maintenance by absent fathers.

52. Assistance to government structures in key domains (e.g. human rights, prison administration, border management and the School of Magistrates);

53. Similarly prosecutions relating to water pollution and contravention of planning notices are dealt with in the Magistrates' Court.

54. Her solicitor slammed the police for their “ignorant” comment which he claimed “Antagonised” her at Manchester magistrates court.

55. Douras was remanded into police custody and is due to reappear before magistrates on July 7 for committal.

56. 17 Magistrates are also reported to want to reconstruct the raid using volunteers to act out the roles.

57. • Similarly prosecutions relating to water pollution and Contravention of planning notices are dealt with in the Magistrates' Court

58. + 20 Leading them up to the civil magistrates, they said: “These men are disturbing our city very much.

59. The Mbala Magistrates Court has fined a Zambian businessman K60,000 for aiding illegal entry of two Burundians into Zambia

60. He gathered his satraps, prefects, governors, counselors, treasurers, judges, police magistrates, and all the administrators of the jurisdictional districts.

61. A thief who stole power tools from a store later sold them in a pub, Whitby magistrates heard yesterday.

62. The curule Aediles, who were the magistrates responsible for the care and supervision of the markets, also issued edicts

63. But in February, 19 he received a summons to appear before magistrates on an allegation that he owed £2

64. Magistrates said they could disqualify him from driving and asked Elsworth if he needed his licence for his job.

65. Sedgefield Magistrates decided the case should be dealt with by the Crown Court and gave Parker bail pending committal.

66. North Shields magistrates clipped 90 minutes off the hours after hearing complaints that Tynemouth already suffered enough from drunkenness.

67. Technical assistance to the Haitian authorities on the legislative reform of laws that require immediate amendment, abrogation and/or promulgation regarding the independence of the judiciary (for example, the Superior Council of Magistrates, the Statute of Magistrates and the School of Magistrates) and adoption of urgent reforms concerning the Penal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code, including advocacy for their urgent amendment and promulgation and on the ratification of international conventions relating to the fight against drugs, organized crime and corruption

68. Ideally, their list of Arbitrators should include former Judges, Magistrates, Administrative Hearing Officers and law school professors and others with in-depth expertise

69. With regard to acquittal rates in the magistrates' courts, our data are too uncertain to draw firm conclusions as they are incomplete.

70. Assuming licensees and magistrates act sensibly in seeking and granting approval, I can not see any strong objection to this.

71. Growing cities were governed for some local government purposes by the county magistrates: an indignity that the prosperous entrepreneurs resented.

72. The latest "excellent Cadavers" were Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino, the Sicilian magistrates who had been the Cosa Nostra's most implacable enemies

73. He tells me to meet him at the magistrates' court the following morning, tells me to keep away from the scumbags.

74. Norvelle, whose catchphrase is "Chase Me", asked magistrates not to ban him after he admitted doing 83mph in a 50mph zone.

75. 22 The slander spread like wildfire and was only checked when the drunk who invented it confessed in a magistrates court.

76. Assuming licensees and magistrates act sensibly in seeking and granting approval, I can not see any strong objection to this.

77. Liverpool magistrates heard that the illegal videos he sold to dealers all over Britain included scenes of cannibalism and disembowel ment.

78. 23 Each person served with a summons will be given six weeks before they have to appear in the Magistrates' Court.

79. The magistrates gave the go-ahead to the committal and would be prepared to consider a bail application in the afternoon.

80. “Actio popularis” has its origins in Roman law where the weakness of the institutions then in place, notably the police and magistrates, allowed its emergence