Use "maddeningly" in a sentence

1. 24 "Aha!" Dave nodded maddeningly.

2. Accidence, a deadly and maddeningly endless loop, suggests we are all,

3. A&E > Movies Andra Day Astonishes as Billie Holiday in Lee Daniels’s maddeningly uneven biopic

4. 14 He thought she looked maddeningly attractive, and emboldened by the fine claret, pressed his knee against hers under the table.

5. The monsoon in India is temperamental and is described as “one of the most maddeningly elusive phenomena,” which, “despite all the advances in modern technology, from satellites to powerful supercomputers . . . , can be surprisingly difficult to predict.”

6. The vulva, which encompasses the labia, clitoris, Clitoral hood and vaginal opening, is also commonly, maddeningly, and inaccurately mislabelled as the vagina, which--anatomically speaking--encompasses only the canal that leads from the cervix to the external opening between the labia minora.