Use "macedonian" in a sentence

1. How to say Cogitable in Macedonian

2. How to say Androcracy in Macedonian

3. How to say Contriver in Macedonian

4. How to say Commutable in Macedonian

5. How to say Carpellary in Macedonian

6. How to say Cerotype in Macedonian

7. How to say Amaurotic in Macedonian

8. How to say Adeptly in Macedonian

9. Vision of the Macedonian man (6-10)

10. Antirennin Macedonian is also feeding the carnivorous flower

11. 12 The most famous Macedonian was Alexander the Great.

12. Antiochus was of Greek Macedonian and Persian descent

13. At the end of the Third Macedonian War in 168 BC, the Macedonian monarchy was abolished and replaced by Roman client states.

14. Aretes ( Greek: Ἀρέτης) or Aretas ( Greek: Ἀρέτας) was a Macedonian general

15. Agios Nikolaos is primarily a traditionally built village with characteristic Macedonian architecture.

16. Subject: Difficulties faced by Macedonian airline companies in operating flights to Greek airports

17. For a time, this brought an end to Greek resistance to Macedonian domination.

18. At the principal Macedonian city of Philippi, Lydia and her household became believers.

19. Other cavalry troops would protect the flanks of the Macedonian line during battle.

20. He lived for another 10 years, then the Macedonian faction caught up with him.

21. Parthia became a province of the Achaemenian and then of the Macedonian Empire.

22. Banner for the upcoming “Alien” film in Macedonian, reading “The Eighth Passenger: Covenant.

23. But the Persians were unprepared for the suddenness and vehemence of the Macedonian attack.

24. Philip marched first to Thebes, which surrendered to him; he expelled the Theban leaders who had opposed him, recalled those pro-Macedonian Thebans who had previously been exiled, and installed a Macedonian garrison.

25. The dominating Serbo-Macedonian neotectonic swell was rifted, and subsided along the Struma and Vardar lineaments.

26. Easily find the right translation for Cerotype from Italian to Macedonian submitted and enhanced by our users.

27. Argos, however, revolted against Sparta and expelled their garrison with the help of some Macedonian soldiers.

28. The adhesive that held the Macedonian army together through the years of conquest was Alexander’s personality.

29. The Macedonian line was arrayed with the heavy phalanxes in the middle, and cavalry on either side.

30. Easily find the right translation for Amaurotic from Italian to Macedonian submitted and enhanced by our users.

31. Easily find the right translation for Contriver from Italian to Macedonian submitted and enhanced by our users.

32. The loss of Corinth and Euboea was an almost irreparable blow to the Macedonian hegemony over Greece.

33. This expansion of Macedonian influence created alarm in a number of neighbouring states, including Pergamum and Rhodes.

34. Easily find the right translation for Commutable from English to Macedonian submitted and enhanced by our users.

35. Easily find the right translation for Cogitable from Italian to Macedonian submitted and enhanced by our users.

36. Easily find the right translation for Carpellary from Italian to Macedonian submitted and enhanced by our users.

37. Easily find the right translation for Androcracy from Italian to Macedonian submitted and enhanced by our users.

38. Easily find the right translation for Adeptly from Italian to Macedonian submitted and enhanced by our users.

39. The Bucephalus in question is not the reliable steed of the famous Macedonian strategos but actually a restaurant

40. Arrian on the weddings in Susa In February 324, Alexander forced many Macedonian officers to marry to native women

41. Philip also made peace with the other combatants; Corinth and Chalcis, which controlled important strategic locations both received Macedonian garrisons.

42. Since 1991, after the independence of the Republic of Macedonia, the Library has become a depository for the Macedonian publishing production.

43. The Macedonian phalanx was much less able to form a shield wall, but the lengthened spears would have compensated for this.

44. GORAN m Croatian, Serbian, Slovene, Macedonian, Bulgarian (Rare) Means "mountain man", derived from South Slavic gora meaning "mountain"

45. Bulgarian and Macedonian derive from the East South Slavic group and Slovene, Serbian and Croatian are derived from the West South Slavic group.

46. As a result of close international cooperation, the Christian Greek Scriptures was also being released in Croatian and Macedonian in adjoining lands.

47. Alexander the Great was an ancient Macedonian ruler and one of history’s greatest military minds who before his death established a powerful, immense empire.

48. "Under the Macedonian Constitution, our executive branch is Bicephalous, which means we don't have only a president or only a prime minister

49. The Greco-Bactrian kingdom refers to several dynasties and probably kingdoms of Greco-Macedonian monarchs who ruled over Bactria from 250 to 130 BCE.

50. Both sides probably deployed their troops in a standard Macedonian formation, with the phalanx of heavy infantry in the centre of the battle line.

51. ‘In 224 Antigonus marched south, organized his allies into a Hellenic League under Macedonian presidency, restored Achaean influence in Arcadia and in 222 invaded Laconia.’

52. Alcaeus : EPIGRAMS Alcaeus of Messenewrote his epigrams in the years around 200 B.C., as is shown by several references to Philip V, the Macedonian king.

53. In Additions to Esther (16:10) Aman is represented as a Macedonian, in all other points corresponding to the HAman of the Book of Esther.

54. VLADIMIR m Russian, Serbian, Croatian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Slovene, Medieval Slavic Derived from the Slavic element vladeti "rule" combined with meru "great, famous"

55. The practice of shaving spread from the Macedonians, whose kings are represented on coins, etc. with smooth faces, throughout the whole known world of the Macedonian Empire.

56. After the murder of Perdiccas in Egypt by his own soldiers (320), the Macedonian generals condemned Eumenes to death, assigning Antipater and Antigonus as his executioners.

57. Macedonian Air Transport was established on 16 January 1994 and started operations on 23 June 1994 flying from Skopje to Zürich using a Boeing 737-200.

58. The Argyraspides (in Greek: Ἀργυράσπιδες "Silver Shields"), were a division of the Macedonian army of Alexander the Great, who were so called because they carried silver-plated shields.

59. Paul in particular holds up the example of the Macedonian and Achaian Christians who gathered a collection for the impoverished believers in Jerusalem who were suffering from the …

60. Plutarch's Life of Alexander, written as a parallel to that of Julius Caesar, is one of only five extant tertiary sources on the Macedonian conqueror Alexander the Great.

61. Hoplite phalanxes usually deployed in ranks of 8 men or more deep; The Macedonian phalanxes were usually 16 men deep, sometimes reported to have been arrayed 32 men deep.

62. Seeking to take the initiative, Cassander sent a significant portion of the Macedonian army under Prepelaus to Lysimachus, which was to be used in joint operations in Asia Minor.

63. In addition to Latin-based languages, most of our typefaces support also Cyrillic for setting of Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Belorussian, Macedonian, but also marginal languages such as Kabardian or Balkar

64. Alexander the Great, king of Macedonia (336–323 BCE), who overthrew the Persian empire, carried Macedonian arms to India, and laid the foundations for the Hellenistic world of territorial kingdoms

65. Bato fought alongside the Romans against Macedon during the Second Macedonian War.Bato is known for using advanced war tactics against Athenagoras.Bato became a major threat to the Macedonians but after the war was …

66. (Daniel 7:6) Like its counterpart—the copper belly and thighs of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream image—this four-winged, four-headed leopard symbolized the Macedonian, or Grecian, line of rulers starting with Alexander the Great.

67. Alkaloid AD Skopje (Macedonian: Алкалоид АД Скопје) is a company in North Macedonia which eight decades, has been operating in the field of manufacturing drugs, cosmetic and chemical products and processing botanical raw materials.

68. Aristarchus was a Macedonian of Thessalonica and a traveling companion of Paul.He was manhandled together with Gaius when Demetrius stirred Ephesus into an uproar and accompanied Paul on his subsequent missionary journey to Macedonia and Greece ().

69. Antiochis Antiochos When war broke out between Athens and Macedon at the end of the 3rd century B.C., the two "Macedonian tribes" (Antigonis and Demetrias) were removed from the list (and monument) of eponymous heroes (11).

70. He has performed with other top Balkan performers, including the Yuri Yunakov Orchestra, Akshambelah (with Christos Govetas and Ruth Hunter), the Macedonian roots band Odglasi, Turli Tava, Pece Atanasovski, and the pioneering New York Balkan band The Balkanizers.

71. The Boatmen of Thessaloniki were a descendant of a group founded in 1895 in Plovdiv and called "Macedonian Secret Revolutionary Committee", which was developed in 1898 in Geneva in a secret, anarchistic, brotherhood called "Geneva group"

72. All the NT references doubtless relate to the same man (Acts 19:29; 20:4; 27:2; Col 4:10; Philem 24).Aristarchus, a Macedonian from Thessalonica (), first appeared as Paul’s companion during the riot at Ephesus.As “Paul’s companions in travel,” he and

73. From the distribution of gold in northern Greece, conclusions are drawn and an attempt is made to explain the geological position of native and placer gold in the metamorphic formation of the Vardar Zone, Serbo-Macedonian Massif, Rila-Rhodope-Massif, and within alluvial sediments.

74. Ancient Greek inscriptions from the city support that the city was founded by Alexander the Great and his general Perdiccas, who allegedly settled aged Macedonian soldiers there during the spring of 331 BC, when he left Egypt and crossed Syria en route to Mesopotamia.

75. Berenice, whose portrait appears with that of Ptolemy on many medals, was the mother by him of Ptolemy II Ptolemy II (Ptolemy Philadelphus) , c.308–246 B.C., king of ancient Egypt (285–246 B.C.), of the Macedonian dynasty, son of Ptolemy I and Berenice (c.340–281 B.C.).

76. 3 Under Article 27 of Law No 3185/2003, the flight operations of OA and its subsidiary Olympiaki Aeroploïa AE (Olympic Aviation) were hived off and regrouped ‘by merger’ within another of OA’s subsidiaries, Makedonikes Aerogrammes AE (Macedonian Airways), which received the name Olympiakes Aerogrammes AE (Olympic Airlines; ‘NOA’).

77. ‘His upper body was encased in a Corselet, and a belt about his waist held a sheathed shortsword.’ ‘I lay in the arms of a man dressed in the Macedonian army Corselet and tunic I knew so well.’ ‘Aeneas casts a spear and it pierces his shield and Corselet going into his thigh.’

78. ‘His upper body was encased in a Corselet, and a belt about his waist held a sheathed shortsword.’ ‘I lay in the arms of a man dressed in the Macedonian army Corselet and tunic I knew so well.’ ‘Aeneas casts a spear and it pierces his shield and Corselet going into his thigh.’

79. The Cyrillic alphabet is an alphabet used to write six Slavic languages (Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Serbian, Macedonian, and Bulgarian), as well as other languages of Russia and the former Soviet Union, such as Tatar, Chuvash, Azeri (1940-1991), Turkmen (1940-1994), Uzbek (1940-1998), Kyrgyz, Kazakh (all Turkic languages), Tajik (an Indo

80. ‘Moreover, they are seen as typical of most other Macedonian and south Slav societies whose Agnatic kinship structures have been the focus of many anthropological studies.’ ‘Companies are best characterized as being of diverse composition; some consist only of kin, others of members of a variety of Agnatic groups and include nonkin.’