Use "lymphatic system" in a sentence

1. The Lymphatic System

2. Mimics the lymphatic system, delivers and promotes lymphatic and move in the correct physiological direction.

3. Blood and lymphatic system disorders Thrombocytopenia, thrombocytopenic purpura

4. The lymphatic system also has a role in the immune system.

5. Sometimes when there is an injury to the lymphatic system during surgery, Chyle can leak out of the lymphatic system and can build up

6. Racing thoughts impose muscular tension that compromises the lymphatic system and immune system.

7. Twists can help detoxify the internal organs and lymphatic system.

8. Blood and Lymphatic System Disorders: leukopenia, lymphopenia, neutropenic sepsis, purpura

9. The lacteals of villi are part of the lymphatic system.

10. In the human lymphatic and circulatory system numerous Anastomoses are present

11. The Alterative action of Cleavers is most suited to the Lymphatic System.

12. Pray for Rev. Ian Ma who has cancer in his lymphatic system.

13. Leukocytes are found throughout the body, including the blood and lymphatic system.

14. Chyle is composed of lymphatic fluid and chylomicrons from the gastrointestinal system

15. Through these villi, food is absorbed —either into the lymph (lymphatic) system or into the blood system.

16. Hence, lymphatic vessels do not form a circuit as the cardiovascular system does.

17. Cleavers herb has been found to improve the health of the lymphatic system

18. The lymphatic system serves three major purposes: fluid recovery, immunity, and lipid absorption.

19. The Bubonic Plague attacks the lymphatic system, causing swelling in the lymph nodes

20. The lymphatic system moves Chyle into the blood stream to nourish the body

21. So in that way, it sounds a lot like the lymphatic system, doesn't it?

22. This diagram shows the body's lymphatic system, which has evolved to meet this need.

23. The bone marrow aspiration excluded a proliferative disease of the haematopoietic or lymphatic system.

24. Lymphatic Blebs are small, raised sacs containing clear lymphatic fluid

25. Blood and lymphatic system: aplastic anaemia, bone marrow depression, neutropenia/agranulocytosis, haemolytic anaemia, leucopenia, thrombocytopenia

26. Moreover, tumor cells lack an effective lymphatic drainage system, which leads to subsequent nanoparticle-accumulation.

27. Nail slow growth, no luster and turn yellow thickening: Tips to the lymphatic system illnesses.

28. Asanas are beneficial for the muscles, joints, cardiovascular system, nervous system and lymphatic system, as well as the mind, psyche and Chakras (energy centres)

29. The embryo lymph cyst is one kind of rarer embryo subnormal because the lymphatic system obstruction.

30. Examination of the Axilla is a routine part of the general examination of the lymphatic system

31. Circulatory system the major system concerned with the movement of blood and lymph, consisting of the heart, blood vessels, and lymphatic vessels

32. These chylomicrons enter the blood through the lymphatic system where they impart a turbid appearance to serum.

33. A Cystic hygroma is a fluid-filled sac that results from a blockage in the lymphatic system

34. Lymphedema is caused by damage to the lymphatic system, and Afflictings millions worldwide Ladysmith News Staff; Mar

35. Erysipelas is an acute streptococcus Bacterial infection of the deeper skin layers that spreads via with lymphatic system.

36. A Chyle leak can happen in the lymphatic system after surgery, trauma, or from a routine medical procedure

37. Angiomas are any benign tumors of vascular origin, regardless of which system they represent - the circulatory or lymphatic

38. Project results showed that B cells lacking WASP could not undergo proper affinity maturation in the lymphatic system.

39. He has found that countries with high car ownership have high levels of blood and lymphatic system cancers.

40. Lymphedema is caused by damage to the lymphatic system, and Afflictings millions worldwide Islander aims Clearflo clean drinking water system at Canada’s remote communities

41. Blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves

42. Lymphedema is caused by damage to the lymphatic system, and Afflictings millions worldwide Teens challenge Lower Mainlanders to clean up …

43. The Bubonic plague is a serious infection of the lymphatic system, which is caused by bacteria called Yersinia pestis (Y

44. From the epithelial cells the chylomicrons are released into the lymphatic system, which transports the chylomicrons to the blood.sentencedict .com

45. Brucellas multiply and move through the lymphatic system into the blood and results in acute bacteremia within 1 to 6 weeks

46. The swelling seen on Cytotoxic bites is the bodys immune system flushing the area with lymphatic fluid in order to dilute

47. Adenoids and tonsils are part of the more extensive lymphatic system that includes lymph nodes found in the neck, armpits, and groin

48. Circulatory system definition, the system of organs and tissues, including the heart, blood, blood vessels, lymph, lymphatic vessels, and lymph glands, involved in circulating blood and lymph through the …

49. Fluid recovery in the lymphatic system is accomplished by re-absorption of water and proteins which are then returned to the blood.

50. Hence, our Creator empowered the lymphatic system with potent defenses, the lymphoid organs: the lymph nodes—scattered along the lymphatic collecting vessels—the spleen, the thymus, the tonsils, the appendix, and the lymphoid follicles (Peyer’s patches) in the small intestine.

51. Lymphatic Cleansing: 8 Ways to Clear Lymph Congestion

52. The antiproteases should protect against the fatal consequences induced by the afflux of enzymes in the lymphatic system and in the circulatory torrent.

53. Along with the tonsils, the Adenoids form part of the lymphatic system, which works to defend the body against microbes, absorb nutrients, maintain …

54. Lymphatic vessels also provide routes for disease organisms.

55. Secondary lymphedema is a chronic, distressing condition with excess fluid accumulation in the interstitial spaces caused by obstruction of the lymphatic drainage system.

56. When some snakes strike, the bulky proteins in their venom don't infiltrate the bloodstream immediately but wend through the lymphatic system to the heart.

57. Mosquitoes also carry lymphatic filariasis, also known as elephantiasis.

58. Another suggests that the endometrial tissue is distributed from the uterus to other parts of the body through the lymphatic system or the bloodstream.

59. The other is the lymphatic system—a web of vessels that transport excess fluid, called lymph, from the body’s tissues back into the bloodstream.

60. Cording is the hardening of lymphatic vessels or veins

61. Stimulating the lymphatic system exfoliating the skin helping the body rid itself of toxins Increasing circulation and energy exfoliation helping to break down cellulite Shower Brushing

62. "Sappey's plexus": lymphatic network in the areola of the nipple.

63. This process is known (respectively) as lymphatic or hematogenous spread.

64. Lymphatic filariasis, commonly known as elephantiasis, is a neglected tropical disease.

65. Chyle fistula is defined as a leakage of lymphatic fluid from the lymphatic vessels, typically accumulating in the thoracic or abdominal cavities but occasionally manifesting as an external fistula

66. Adenoids are a patch of tissue that is high up in the throat, just behind the nose. They, along with the tonsils, are part of the lymphatic system

67. An individual fold of such nasopharyngeal lymphatic tissue is called an Adenoid.

68. As with arteries and veins, there are several orders of lymphatic vessels.

69. The subcapsular lymphatic vessels accompany the superficial veins to the renal hilus.

70. As these cells travel through the lymphatic system, some of them are carried back with a belly full of dye into the lymph nodes while others remain in the dermis.

71. The lymphatic vessels in infraglottic portions were also rich and interweaved a net.

72. Absorption: of nutrients from the digestive system to the circulatory and lymphatic capillaries through osmosis, active transport, and diffusion, and; Egestion (Excretion): Removal of undigested materials from the digestive tract through defecation

73. 16 Conclusions There are neonatal lymphatic vessels in CRC, especially at their peripheral region.

74. The filtering function of lymphatic tissue enables the tonsils and adenoids to trap pathogens.

75. Chyle The milky fluid which travels in the lymphatic vessels draining the small intestine

76. The same goal has to be achieved in the area of the lymphatic drainage.

77. 20 Labia majora skin is rich in fat, blood vessels, lymphatic and nerve tissue.

78. Bubo definition, an inflammatory swelling of a lymphatic gland, especially in the groin or armpit

79. The primary route of lymphatic drainage of the breast is through the Axillary lymph nodes.

80. The present paper desoribes ultrastructural aspect of lymphatic transport of dermal melanosomes in blue nevus.