Use "lying-in" in a sentence

1. Someone's lying in the gutter.

2. Number of lying-in women (absolute numbers

3. I was lying in the North Sea.

4. Accouchement definition, the confinement of childbirth; lying-in

5. He was found lying in a prone position.

6. They would find Him lying in a manger.

7. Or lying in a ditch with Sir Ector.

8. Collinear definition, lying in the same straight line

9. Lying in the bed, he reviewed the day's happenings.

10. The mugger leave his victim lying in the road.

11. But they accuse me of lying in my book.

12. He was lying in the shade of the tree.

13. Levi left the leaves lying in the littered lawn.

14. The gunmen, lying in ambush, opened fire, killing the driver.

15. He was found lying in a state of drugged insensibility.

16. She was lying in a drunken stupor on the sidewalk.

17. It would've been just elegant, lying in a bath, drinking champagne.

18. Just lying in a hospital bed getting sponge baths from nurses.

19. 5 She was lying in a drunken stupor on the sidewalk.

20. Group of small ginger maine coon Cats lying in front view

21. What does Accouchement mean? A confinement during childbirth; a lying-in

22. She's lying in the left-hand corner of the cemetery now.

23. Joseph and Mary with their newborn son lying in a manger.

24. 12 synonyms for Birthing: accouchement, birth, childbearing, childbirth, delivery, labor, lying-in

25. “The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.”

26. You will find him wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.’

27. She described a nightmarish scene of dead bodies lying in the streets.

28. Something was lying in the gutter by the side of the road.

29. THIS whole world is lying in the power of a seditious god.

30. Remember that guy lying in the road the night of the dance?

31. You know, there's one of these lying in an alley behind my house.

32. Additionally, women rate lying in general as a less acceptable behavior than men.

33. They would find the child lying in a manger, swaddled in cloth bands.

34. To illustrate: Suppose you saw a piece of candy lying in the gutter.

35. She then rides home where the video ends with her lying in bed again.

36. 15 synonyms for Ambuscade: ambush, trap, ambush, bushwhack, surprise, waylay, ambush, lying in wait

37. English words for Accouchement include delivery, childbirth, birth, confinement, labor, Accouchement and lying-in

38. The content of ammonia in foods, compared with the ammonia-production in organism, shows the alimentary supply of ammonia lying in the range of milligrams, but the production lying in the range of grama.

39. You will find an infant bound in cloth bands and lying in a manger.’ . . .

40. Seeing him lying in an incubator for the first time was a uniquely distressing experience.

41. Well, as an example, think of a stone lying in a field in ancient Israel.

42. There they find “Mary as well as Joseph, and the infant lying in the manger.”

43. A man was lying in the box on top of a pile of woollen goods.

44. 19 Suddenly, a big stone lying in the road enmesh me, and I fell down.

45. Because of me, you're sitting there all cozy and not lying in a pine box.

46. 9 The company of priests are like marauder bands lying in ambush for a man.

47. 12 synonyms for Accouchement: birth, birthing, childbearing, childbirth, delivery, labor, lying-in, parturition, travail, childbearing, childbirth

48. As Compound Chief, I protest at the way these bodies are left lying in the mud.

49. He's lying in a crappy grave somewhere or become piles of shit in a hog pen.

50. “The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.” —1 John 5:19

51. The inert figure of a man could be seen lying in the front of the car.

52. The result is portions of the frame buffer lying in shadow have non - zero stencil value.

53. As he was leaving, he noticed a bright lime-green book lying in a large trash container.

54. 14 Lying in my hospital bed,( I was a captive audience to these uninteresting old stories.

55. 8 The appropriateness depends on the objects,[] lying in the relationship between the subject and object.

56. Such speculative gains were seen as more often lying in the property market than in industrial capitalization.

57. Lying in the anchorage were two light cruisers, a number of destroyers, and about ten cargo ships.

58. They are lying in a makeshift morgue, wrapped in brown blankets, and he is still at large.

59. “The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one,” says 1 John 5:19.

60. Of it the Bible says: “The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.”

61. Because, as the Bible states, “the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.”

62. Lying in a crib, Mary was lethargic, fevered, and unable to swallow any liquids for four days.

63. (of a plane along the long axis of the body) lying in the direction of the Coronal suture

64. And that night, I was lying in bed, and I thought: What the hell is a sustainable protein?

65. I am lying in the cornfield gazing at clouds being carved up by harp-edged leaves above me.

66. Synonyms: Childbed; confinement; labor; labour; lying-in; parturiency; travail Context example: she was in labor for six hours

67. Bedsores are formed when a person is left lying in the same position for long periods of time

68. This is a photograph I found lying in a gutter in New York City about 10 years ago.

69. The killer was just using him as bait, lying in wait with a sniper rifle across the street.

70. It's a bore to be sick, and the novelty of lying in bed all day wears off quickly.

71. 16 Such speculative gains were seen as more often lying in the property market than in industrial capitalization.

72. Lying in bed, we tell the truth: it sounds like a paradoxical sentence from a first-year philosophy primer.

73. In this he recollected lying in bed as a child and counting the enormous red flowers in the wallpaper.

74. She was lying in bed in a hospital and still never came to life after quite a few days .

75. The angel also tells them that they will find Jesus “bound in cloth bands and lying in a manger.”

76. Assuming the accomplice was already lying in wait, he would've had the aforethought to bring a more suitable weapon.

77. And lying in a bath of Almond and Mallow will soothe your skin, leaving it feeling soft and supple.

78. An Annulus is called the area between two concentric circles (circles whose centre coincide) lying in the same plane

79. Following the Aberfan Disaster in 1966, many Colliery spoil tips were cleared amid fears of similar tragedies lying in wait.

80. Capricorn constellation is lying in the southwest sky of autumn at night, which shaped like a goat in ancient hieroglyph.