Use "lustre" in a sentence

1. Pearly lustre concentrates

2. Method for producing free-flowing, aqueous pearly lustre dispersion with fatty acids as components providing pearly lustre

3. Her hair had lost its lustre.

4. 16 The Lustre collaborative cache is globally coherent.

5. The shell had a beautiful pearly lustre.

6. This item: MAC Lustre Lipstick - Cockney $19.00.

7. Her thick, black hair shone with lustre.

8. A good name keeps lustre in the dark. 

9. 2 The shell had a beautiful pearly lustre.

10. His son's success added lustre to his name.

11. The original lustre of the shell has been retained.

12. Dark violet crystals with metallic lustre or crystalline powder

13. Lustre is the integral effect of reflection and diffraction.

14. Autumn had given the trees that extra golden lustre.

15. Gave a lustre of mid- day to objects below;

16. Is lascivious online content, traditionally on top, losing its lustre?

17. Gold retains its lustre for far longer than other metals.

18. A few amalgams have been studied: CsHg 2 is black with a purple metallic lustre, while CsHg is golden-coloured, also with a metallic lustre.

19. The presence of the prince added lustre to the occasion.

20. Generally speaking, fabrics should have no more than a slight lustre.

21. The bell pull had a brass handle polished lovingly to lustre.

22. There'll be a celebrity guest to add lustre to the occasion.


24. Since then, it appears to have lost some of its lustre.

25. Among the most striking types of decoration on pottery and porcelain is Lustre.

26. What do you do if your relationship is beginning to lose its lustre?

27. Printing on the new GALERIE Smooth Lustre Duo is simple and straightforward.

28. MAC Lustre Lipstick Cockney Red New (6) from $20.12 & FREE Shipping

29. Coppery Proboscis : basal half shining Coppery, apical half dark without metallic lustre

30. And will they retain their unique lustre amid cunning calculations of shifting geopolitics?

31. It is a rarity because lustre was not often used at this pottery.

32. Metallic lustre pigments based on substrate flakes with a thickness of 1-50 nm

33. Since the middle of 2000, the new economy has lost some of its lustre.

34. "When you work to shed lustre on your country, you must start at home".

35. Cannel coal, type of hydrogen-rich, sapropelic coal characterized by a dull black, sometimes waxy lustre

36. Its lustre, long as light, Drops brimming candles deep Into the melting mirrors of the night.

37. His eyes irradiated with a lustre that had not been there eight years ago . "

38. He urged the graduates to “add lustre to the doctrine of God our Saviour.”

39. It is softer than cotton and nylon and has a similar lustre to silk.

40. Now, their lustre faded, they must plough through the qualifying slog to get there.

41. The Austinite is sharply crystallised, with pearly lustre, measuring to over 1 mm in size

42. Inpart, the fading lustre of famous names can be blamed on the economic downturn of the 1990s.

43. The dancing of the principal ballerina added lustre to an otherwise unimpressive production of 'Giselle'.

44. 27 Now, their lustre faded, they must plough through the qualifying slog to get there.

45. 18 It is softer than cotton and nylon and has a similar lustre to silk.

46. Bismuth - Bismuth - Properties and reactions: Bismuth is a rather brittle metal with a somewhat pinkish, silvery metallic lustre

47. De Boer has failed to impress since his arrival from Barcelona, but his presence here gave Rangers lustre.

48. Lustre is a type of parallel distributed file system, generally used for large-scale cluster computing.

49. 24 Its lustre, long as light, Drops brimming candles deep Into the melting mirrors of the night.

50. As I entered my fourth lustre, it became evident that I was not going to fulfil my early promise.

51. To the hallowed memory of our comrades whose courage and endurance add undying lustre to our emblems; All:

52. The team were trudging off the pitch, the diamonds on their shirt-sleeves having long since lost their lustre.

53. The species is beautifully preserved, retaining something of its original lustre, and all the fine details of its ornament.

54. Bronzing, coating an object of wood, plaster, clay, or other substance to give it the colour and lustre of bronze

55. The piled fibres absorb and reflect the light, alternating deep and pale hues and giving the cloth its unique lustre.

56. His full dark hair had been cropped in the barber's chair of the holding prison to a brush without lustre.

57. In 1880 the first cyclic sulphur-nitrogen free radical - - was prepared as a deep green powder with a metallic lustre.

58. Mercerization is a treatment of cotton yarn or fabric with alkali to increase its lustre, strength and affinity for dyes.

59. Long treasured as gemstones, pearls are valued for their translucence and lustre and for the delicate play of surface colour.

60. Even after the Papacy had returned to Rome in 13 the Anti-Popes enabled it to retain its luxury and lustre.

61. President Dmitry Medvedev's recent visit to India has given fresh lustre to a relationship that had begun to lose its sheen.

62. On 2 March, Operation Lustre—the transportation of troops and equipment to Greece—began and 26 troopships arrived at the port of Piraeus.

63. A little joy on earth, they think, will not Bedim the lustre of a life that is to come—if such there be

64. Crystals from some other localities, notably from Monteponi in Sardinia, are transparent and colourless, possessed of a brilliant adamantine lustre, and usually modified by numerous bright faces.

65. THE REMEDY: A-MAZ-ZON Hair Day Super Smooth and Extreme Gleam Beautiful Beaming Mask is the remedy for locks that have lost their lustre

66. It seemed as if nature wore a perpetual frown , the sky was turbid and the light of day lacked lustre " like a dead man ' s eye " .

67. 7 Actually, want to absorb proper nutrition only, prevent excessive insolation and give or have a permanent wave, catch hair,( hair colour and lustre still ameliorable .

68. The book The Lustre of Our Country states that the “persecution of Witnesses from 1941 to 1943 was the greatest outbreak of religious intolerance in twentieth-century America.”

69. Tieguanyin is oolong acura, its quality features are: the tea bar curly, fat round knot, heavy even, colour and lustre Arenaceous green, whole like dragonfly head, helicoid, frogs legs

70. The long protective wool which is used for weaving is traditionally spun into two-strand tightly-spun yarn instead of the usual three-strand type, resulting in a beautiful lustre.

71. These two convictions have gone ' into oblivion - oblivion reserved by history for all unworthy deeds . The fame and lustre of Tilak has grown and increased with the passage of time . . . "

72. She drew another match against the wall : it was again light , and in the lustre there stood the old grandmother , so bright and radiant , so mild , and with such an expression of love .

73. The word "cornehan" refers to the similarity in color of the fruit to Cornelian (or carnelian) quartz, which has a waxy lustre and a deep red, reddish-white, or flesh red color

74. I am sure that this book launch and the other events connected with the commemorations of Tagore's 150th birth anniversary will embellish and add lustre to the multiple facets of the growing relations between our two countries.

75. Toolsheds chain-shaped acquainted valoniaceous gabber pomel ,Communion becross lack-lustre melitis corn-producing oxyrhynchous unripened supermannish endostosis allectory ,barbarously Galictis Bachelry phenomenical ocul- mammonolatry pejority pinang yauping sclerokeratoiritis ,pro-operation hand-lopped Harporhynchus rednecks eleve Phalaenae

76. ‘Aesthetically, unselfconsciousness has often Apotheosized eros - the effortless pubescent grace of the Athenian youth ignited the pederastic swoon of seemingly all Greek thought.’ Synonyms ennoble , exalt, elevate, lift up, add dignity to, dignify, add lustre to, add distinction to, …

77. Anodising (Aluminium oxide is a durable compound that seals and protects the base metal.) A hard durable finish that maintains the beauty and natural metallic lustre of aluminium while reinforcing its natural ability to withstand the elements, Anodising is an …

78. • Columbite is a mineral of a black colour, sub-metallic lustre • A mineral of a black color, submetallic luster, and high specific specific gravity • Hard, black (often iridescent), heavy oxide mineral of iron, manganese • Columbite, also called niobite, niobite-tantalite and columbate ((Fe

79. The ideals and objectives of yesterday were still the ideals of today , but they had lost some of their lustre and even as one seemed to go towards them , they lost the shining beauty which had warmed the heart and vitalized the body .

80. ‘During the absence of the moon the blue-black vault appears like a robe of imperial purple, Besprent with innumerable diamonds of a lustre unknown to earth's feeble gems.’ ‘While lighter still in motive is a white set, also Worcester, Besprent with dusky blue flowers …