Use "loyally" in a sentence

1. Loyally Upholding God’s Inspired Word

2. 125 Loyally Submitting to Theocratic Order

3. Serve God Loyally Despite “Many Tribulations”

4. Loyally proclaiming all his wise decrees!

5. He has always loyally defended the president.

6. Those loyal to you, you will loyally treasure;

7. Both Jones and Victor supported me loyally throughout.

8. They have loyally supported their party and their leader.

9. Edinburgh castle was loyally held in the queen's name.

10. She said loyally, You were always better looking than you photographed.

11. Consistently, Jehovah’s Witnesses have loyally done so in this journal.

12. He has supported the party loyally for over twenty years.

13. We will loyally uphold the principles of the United Nations.

14. Ádám still lives in his hometown of Paks, serving God loyally.

15. Our love can walk is much far I to have loyally.

16. However, a young publisher in that class loyally defended the Bible.

17. For some ten minutes of it he tried loyally to sleep.

18. During the ceremony you swear that you will serve the country loyally.

19. She has stood by him loyally, despite the controversy surrounding their friendship.

20. All members of a Bethel family loyally adhere to the standards of God’s Word.

21. One couldn't desert the people after they held out so loyally and long.

22. She acted loyally to protect her foolish husband and his household from disaster.

23. Canning, despite Pitt's advice to stay in office, loyally followed him into opposition.

24. While sticking loyally to her mother-in-law, Ruth did not push or dominate her.

25. The opposition were loyally supporting the Government, but were also pressing for a definitive statement.

26. Bly loyally carried out the order, raising his blaster rifle against his Jedi general.

27. Thousands of Irishmen volunteered to fight bravely and loyally for Briton throughout the conflict.

28. 20:3, 7-10) But all who loyally love Jehovah will face a bright prospect.

29. Bao cubes loyally according to the wishes accommodation of host little young master, shellfish.

30. 5:23, 24; 18:15) May we loyally handle such matters in line with Bible principles.

31. All above said department loyally and coordinate and put efforts for successfully holding each exhibition.

32. He was raised by a loving yet firm father, who loyally cared for his mother.

33. Many of the younger voters will probably still be sticking loyally to the Ninja Mutant Turtles.

34. Chivalrous Sims are kind, courteous, and loyally adhere to the noble idea of courtly love

35. The “other sheep” should loyally stick to the anointed, wholeheartedly supporting them in every way.

36. The millions of spirit creatures who loyally serve God are referred to as his “holy myriads.”

37. Persecution, reproaches, tortures —nothing could swerve him from loyally doing God’s will down to the death.

38. In the past, the party would have closed ranks around its leader and defended him loyally.

39. Government will not be efficient unless the people as a whole accept leadership loyally and enthusiastically.

40. I have worked loyally, shown you respect, but I too expect to be treated with respect.

41. They may be loyally standing by their men, but they are also carving their own careers.

42. Years later, in spite of advanced age and poor health, Sister Buval remains loyally attached to Jehovah’s organization.

43. 5:31) Clearly, Jehovah expects husbands to stick loyally to their wives, always showing them loving-kindness.

44. The assumption is that senior civil servants are non-partisan and serve ministers loyally irrespective of politics.

45. 54:17) Do we loyally support the elders, who bear the heavy load of handling judicial cases?

46. Rather than loyally submitting to godly authority, they became dissatisfied and gave in to pride, ambition, and jealousy.

47. (1 Kings 19:18) They loyally stuck to their covenant relationship with Jehovah God, and for this they were persecuted.

48. 1 Description 1.1 At Level 1: 2 Advancement 3 Advantages 4 Disadvantages You Beguile a nearby creature into serving you loyally

49. Friday’s program will conclude with the talks “Oppose the Devil—Tolerate No Rivalry” and “Loyally Upholding the Integrity of God’s Word.”

50. : to adhere firmly and closely or loyally and unwaveringly They kept themselves strictly separate, each Cleaving to their own language, rituals, and food

51. (Revelation 7:9, 10, 14) Although his servants are imperfect, Jehovah loyally extends to them the opportunity to live forever on a paradise earth.

52. Or you may think of an aged brother who loyally supports the congregation’s field ministry activities week after week and has done so for decades.

53. The welcoming address, “Congregated to Let Jehovah Teach Us His Ways,” will be followed by a part featuring interviews with ones loyally walking with God.

54. If Saturn is well Aspected in your natal chart, then this position usually indicates that one loyally abides by marriage vows and faithfully carries out marital duties

55. The apostle Paul wrote: “Remind people to be loyally subject to the government and its officials, to obey the laws.” —Titus 3:1, The New American Bible.

56. (Leviticus 19:16) May Satan never overreach us in such a way that we personally harm those loyally serving Jehovah or make life more difficult for them.

57. We demonstrate faith in the God of “times and seasons” by fully cooperating with such adjustments as we serve loyally under his Son, the “head of the congregation.” —Eph.

58. Eighteenth-century prints caricature George III as a farmer, laugh at Hanoverian German accents – yet the same crowds who laughed at the printshop windows turned out loyally for coronations.

59. In order to realize loyally reproducing of the original, this subject regards open color management as guidelines, and realizes whole course of color management from scanner input to printer output.

60. Finally, carrying what was left of their computer equipment, the remaining four fled to Goma, in Zaire, where they loyally continued to translate The Watchtower into the Kinyarwanda language. —Isaiah 54:17.

61. 10 Loyally advocating God’s Word and indicating that they were active in circulating it in print, the name of their agency was changed in 1896 to Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.

62. "Chivalrous Sims are kind, courteous, and loyally adhere to the noble idea of courtly love" If in a relationship, your Sim can only have romantic social interactions with their significant other

63. Those who loyally meet God’s requirements receive a gracious invitation from Jehovah: They can be guests in his “tent” —welcomed to worship him and granted free access to him in prayer. —Psalm 15:1-5.

64. A man who had served Jehovah loyally for decades could say: “Our willing acceptance of any assignment given us in God’s worldwide organization, and our remaining at our post of duty, unmovable, bring God’s smile of approval upon our earnest efforts.

65. However, instead of viewing this change as a personal affront, Barnabas likely lived up to the meaning of his name, “Son of Comfort,” and loyally supported Paul throughout the missionary journey and afterward when some Jewish Christians challenged their ministry to uncircumcised Gentiles.

66. This persecution is not because of political meddling but ‘on account of the name of Jesus Christ,’ because his followers adhere to him as Jehovah’s Messianic King, because of their obeying Christ ahead of any earthly ruler, because of their loyally adhering to his Kingdom and not becoming involved in the affairs of human governments.

67. (Ephesians 1:22; Revelation 1:12, 13, 20; 2:1-4) In the meantime, if we follow the fine example set by Stephanas, Fortunatus, and Achaicus and continue to labor in the service of our brothers, we too will be loyally supporting the congregation arrangement, building up our brothers, and ‘inciting them to love and fine works.’—Hebrews 10:24, 25.