Use "low income allowance" in a sentence

1. Allotee: Allotee / Income from Remittance / Allowance 1

2. The accommodation allowance should not be considered taxable income

3. • the allowance is not included in the officer's income when determining their income for income tax purposes; and

4. For Grants you must usually be getting Income Support or income - based Jobseeker ' s Allowance .

5. Germany increased the minimum personal income tax allowance and child allowances and adjusted the income tax brackets.

6. • the allowance is or would be deductible for income tax purposes; and

7. Disability premium or higher pensioner premium on : Income Support , income - based Jobseeker ' s Allowance , Housing Benefit or Council Tax Benefit .

8. Return to Reporting business income and expenses Return to Capital Cost Allowance (CCA)

9. (a) Low per capita income adjustment

10. What we did is actually we looked at countries by income level: low-income, mid-income, high-income.

11. He also receives £1,820 council tax allowance, £5,200 income support and £3,120 child benefits.

12. In fact, # low income Canadians will pay absolutely no federal income tax

13. A withholding Allowance was like an exemption from paying a certain amount of income tax

14. 30 Introduce the different types of contra-asset accounts related to Accounts Receivable: Allowance for Doubtful Accounts ("ADA"), Allowance for Returns, and Deferred Income Liability.

15. Ontario will maintain the current resource allowance rules indefinitely for Ontario corporate income tax calculations.

16. • Broaden beyond age and stage to include low literacy, low income, new immigrants, etc.

17. 97 examples: The usual Accompaniments of low nutrition (and low income) were not present…

18. Abbreviations: DBA, debt-burden adjustment; GNI, gross national income; LPCIA, low per capita income adjustment.

19. The program provides basic nourishment to low-income families.

20. 26 Tax allowances Personal allowance Income tax is not levied on every last penny of your money.

21. Funds were designated for projects in low-income areas.

22. Survey of Consumer Finances * Based on low income measures (one-half of median adjusted family income).

23. For more information, see the section called "Capital Cost Allowance" in the T2 Corporation Income Tax Guide.

24. This rebate allows a deduction for Crown royalties and deemed income, and replaces the federal resource allowance.

25. Housing Assistance for low-income individuals and families

26. Falcone gets to build a low-income housing project.

27. An additional tax allowance for low-wage earners was introduced with the budget for

28. The Income Tax Act provides for a Capital Cost Allowance for investors in Canadian film and videotape productions.

29. (57) The Industrial Building Allowance (IBA) is provided for under Schedule 3 of the Income tax Act 1967.

30. Subsidized day care for low-income families costs considerably less.

31. Flea market is popular among the people with low income.

32. The per capita income in the country is very low.

33. Towards appropriate agricultural trade policy for low income developing countries.

34. An additional tax allowance for low-wage earners was introduced with the budget for 2010.

35. → cost of living Allowance → entertainment Allowance → family Allowance → job-seeker's

36. Withholding Allowance refers to an exemption that reduces how much income tax an employer deducts from an employee's paycheck

37. Education allowance paid to members serving in other provinces and territories is not subject to deduction for income tax.

38. • any depreciable property that is eligible or would be eligible for capital cost allowance for income tax purposes; and

39. Legal advice is provided to low-income families free of charge

40. It had an absolutely devastating impact, particularly on low income seniors

41. 9 Subsidized day care for low-income families costs considerably less.

42. Many families on a low income are dependent on state support.

43. In absolute terms, an estimated 666,000 families were in low income.

44. Low-income areas faced frequent flooding and suffered from poor sanitation.

45. Energy conservation programmes in federal buildings and low-income housing developments.

46. Absolute poverty refers to the low-income threshold of # % of median household income fixed at # levels in real terms

47. Provisions to address Commercialisation agreements in low- and middle-income countries

48. - Low income rate anchored at a point in time (indicator 12)

49. Families above the low income cutoff have gaps set to zero.

50. Low- income citizens often use emergency- room visits as primary care.

51. Welfare is the only real safety net for low-income workers.

52. The child allowance for the first child is EUR 100 per child per calendar month and is tax-free income.

53. • Should there be an allowance for income tax in the development of the maximum rate scale and the interswitching rates?


55. Conclusions Antenatal depression was higher in low-income countries than in middle-income countries and was found to be a risk factor for low birth weight and preterm births

56. The Seniors Supplement program assures a minimum monthly income for British Columbia seniors who receive the federal Old Age Security pension and Guaranteed Income Supplement or the federal Spouse’s Allowance.

57. The poorer, low-income countries had very little access to capital markets.

58. 12 Welfare is the only real safety net for low-income workers.

59. 22 You may be entitled to a housing allowance if you are in a low-paid job.

60. Most developing countries also benefited from the low per capital income adjustment

61. 13 Many families on a low income are dependent on state support.

62. It is highly debatable whether conditions have improved for low-income families.

63. This new benefit has come as a godsend for low-income families.

64. Unduly large gap of household income, low gross income, unsteady expected expenses and income is one of the most important reasons restricting social investment and consumer demands.

65. This means property that is eligible or would be eligible for a capital cost allowance (CCA) for income tax purposes; and

66. Resident taxpayers have a right to a tax-free allowance for capital assets and to various deductions for income tax purposes.

67. HPD and its partners use city subsidies and other financing tools to make these apartments Affordable to low-income, moderate-income

68. 1.3 Adjustments in Determining Taxable Income. • 1.3.1 Losses of Other Years. 1.3.2 Capital Cost Allowance. 1.3.3 Additional or Accelerated Capital Cost Allowance. 1.3.4 Railway Assets. 1.3.5 Canadian-Built Vessels. 1.3.6 Statistics on Transportation Assets.

69. It is the leading cause of death among children in low income countries.

70. The avianize of altruistic behavior depends on their high cost and low income.

71. However, you can get a rebate if you are on a low income.

72. Economic shifts forced Allenton to become a community of mainly low-income housing

73. Amgi stands for Area Median Gross Income (low housing tax credit units tenancy)

74. Low- and middle-income countries are an important source of drug-resistant organisms.

75. is a nonprofit for mainly public school teachers in low-income schools.

76. The struggle of non-oil commodity exporters, mainly low-income countries, to cope with low commodity prices has not abated

77. Please consult response to question # for low income cut-offs ( # base) before tax

78. The struggle of non-oil commodity exporters, mainly low-income countries, to cope with low commodity prices has not abated.

79. But the health needs of low- and middle-income countries are now shifting.

80. • A province would retain access to surtaxes and to low-income tax reductions.