Use "loving-kindness" in a sentence

1. How Important Is Loving-Kindness?

2. His loving-kindness will follow me,

3. Show Loving-Kindness to Those in Need

4. Let “the Law of Loving-Kindness” Safeguard Your Tongue

5. Do you know how God showed loving-kindness to Lot?

6. (b) When did Lot make mention of Jehovah’s loving-kindness?

7. What do various Bible texts indicate about Jehovah’s loving-kindness?

8. Without a doubt, Jehovah’s “loving-kindness is better than life.”

9. “His loving-kindness [or, “loyal love,” footnote] is to time indefinite.”

10. For example, God is “abundant in loving-kindness,” or loyal love.

11. We love God’s orders and therefore are secure in his loving-kindness.

12. These four radiant Abodes are: loving-kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity or peace

13. “Jehovah’s expressions of loving-kindness I will sing about even to time indefinite. . . .

14. 6, 7. (a) How did Jehovah magnify his loving-kindness in Lot’s case?

15. • In what ways did Jehovah show loving-kindness to Lot, Abraham, and Joseph?

16. Loving-kindness (150 Occurrences) Ezra 3:11 And they sang Alternately together in praising and giving thanks to Jehovah: For he is good, for his loving-kindness endureth for ever toward Israel

17. 12 The law of loving-kindness should also govern the tongue of the wife.

18. (Genesis 50:5-8, 12-14) Thus Joseph exercised loving-kindness toward his father.

19. (Ps 136 Verses 17-20) God has also displayed his loving-kindness toward individuals.

20. (Exodus 34:6, 7) The expression “loving-kindness” translates a very meaningful Hebrew word.

21. For he has rendered wonderful loving-kindness+ to me in a city under stress.

22. They offer up their thanks to the Lord for his mercy and loving kindness.

23. TOPICS Adar, charity, Esther, fasting, gifts, giving, loving-kindness, mercy, mishloach manot, Mordechai, Purim, salvation

24. (An American Translation) “But there are loving-kindness and trueness as regards those devising good.”

25. The Hebrew term translated “act in loyalty” may also be rendered “act in loving-kindness.”

26. “The young woman was pleasing in [Hegai’s] eyes, so that she gained loving-kindness before him.”

27. SOME 4,000 years ago, Abraham’s nephew Lot said of Jehovah: “You are magnifying your loving-kindness.”

28. All credit goes to our God of loving-kindness, who uses us in his own way.

29. In this case, God’s loving-kindness was expressed through deliverance and preservation. —2 Peter 2:7.

30. Where in particular should the law of loving-kindness rule, and how can it do so?

31. 7, 8. (a) What act of loving-kindness did Jehovah perform toward Lot and his family?

32. How often the Scriptures say that God is “slow to anger and abundant in loving-kindness”!

33. For your loving-kindness is great up to the heavens, and your trueness up to the skies.

34. ‘All flesh is green grass, and all their loving-kindness is like the blossom of the field.

35. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, his loving-kindness is superior toward those fearing him.”

36. 5:31) Clearly, Jehovah expects husbands to stick loyally to their wives, always showing them loving-kindness.

37. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, his loving-kindness is superior toward those fearing him.

38. Compassion meditation , also known as “loving-kindness” meditation are the practices, mostly derived out of traditional Buddhist practices

39. Moreover, “her mouth she has opened in wisdom, and the law of loving-kindness is upon her tongue.

40. In fact, the Bible says that a person “of loving-kindness is dealing rewardingly with his own soul.”

41. • What shows that the law of loving-kindness is upon our tongue in our dealings with fellow believers?

42. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, his loving-kindness is superior toward those fearing him.

43. The original-language word for “loving-kindness” is alternatively rendered “loyal love” and entails fidelity, solidarity, and loyalty.

44. (Psalm 89:7) This fear of incurring God’s displeasure stems from appreciation for his loving-kindness and goodness.

45. 4:32) The psalmist David sang: “Jehovah is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving-kindness. . . .

46. (Genesis 19:16, 19) With these words Lot acknowledged that Jehovah had shown exceptional loving-kindness by rescuing him.

47. He is the epitome of love and is “merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving-kindness.”

48. He will certainly not hold onto his anger forever, for he is delighting in loving-kindness.” —Micah 7:18.

49. 6 To identify some additional characteristics of loving-kindness, we will briefly consider three Bible accounts that feature this quality.

50. In addition, though, God had his prophets stress the cultivating and displaying of loving-kindness, justice, meekness, mercy, and modesty.

51. Pr 31 Verse 26 says: “In wisdom,” she instructs her children, and “the law of loving-kindness is upon her tongue.”

52. 6 Perhaps the best way to determine the scope of Jehovah’s loving-kindness is to examine Scriptural accounts involving this quality.

53. My adventure as a provider of genuine affection and loving-kindness has evolved into a deeply personal and spiritually transformative journey.

54. 4:6) When his servants commit errors, Jehovah is “merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving-kindness and trueness.”

55. Proverbs 16:6 (DBY) By loving-kindness and truth iniquity is Atoned for; and by the fear of Jehovah [men] depart from evil.

56. (2 Samuel 9:6-10) No doubt David’s loving-kindness was comforting to Mephibosheth and helped to blunt the pain of his disability.

57. Even though I still have to fight against feelings of guilt and worthlessness, I have learned to lean upon God’s mercy and loving-kindness.

58. The Abbots also urged all stakeholders to find solutions to the crisis by holding on to the principle of loving kindness and engaging in dialogue

59. Like him, we enjoy God’s loving-kindness as we engage in “holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion.” —2 Peter 3:11, 12.

60. (Leviticus 1:3) By such a sacrifice, he voluntarily made a public declaration, or acknowledgment, of Jehovah’s bountiful blessings and loving-kindness toward his people.

61. The Hebrew name for this large, long-legged wading bird is the feminine form of a word that means “loyal one; one of loving-kindness.”

62. * 15 As for my loving-kindness,* it will not depart from him the way I removed it from Saul,+ whom I removed on account of you.

63. You have expressed your loving-kindness better in the last instance than in the first instance, in not going after the young fellows whether lowly or rich.”

64. Scripture: "And I will betroth thee unto Me for ever; yea, I will betroth thee unto Me in righteousness, and in judgment, and in loving kindness, and in mercies."

65. Burgs Loving Kindness Meditation With Estas Tonne guitar by Burgs: Art of Meditaton published on 2015-12-05T09:40:28Z Reclaiming Your Heart Part 1 by Burgs: Art of Meditaton

66. So, the spirit of loving-kindness, compassion, wisdom, and insight is about paving a path, building bridges, and erecting homes and through this, our hearts are very happy and at peace.

67. (Deuteronomy 13:17) So even if we were to err seriously but demonstrate true repentance, Jehovah would ‘satisfy us with his loving-kindness,’ and we would have reason to “cry out joyfully.”

68. At that time, Lot said: “Your servant has found favor in your eyes so that you are magnifying your loving-kindness, which you have exercised with me to preserve my soul alive.”

69. (Genesis 47:29; 49:29-31; 50:12, 13) In harmony with that example, should not loving-kindness move us to comply with Scripturally acceptable burial arrangements desired by a Christian family member?

70. Seeing the loving-kindness shown by Jehovah’s people toward one another and the kind consideration for others when faced with adversities has caused some to conclude that the Witnesses have the true religion.

71. This meditative practice is adapted from the Buddhist Brahmaviharas, or Heavenly Abodes, sometimes called the Four Abodes of the Buddha, which are loving-kindness, compassion, joy in the joy of others, and equanimity.

72. (Psalm 146:3, 4) Over 2,700 years ago, Jehovah God inspired the prophet Isaiah to write: “All flesh is green grass, and all their loving-kindness is like the blossom of the field. . . .

73. Accordingly, man alone can reflect the qualities of our Creator, who identified himself as “Jehovah, Jehovah, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving-kindness and truth.”—Exodus 34:6.

74. In prayer, the prophet Daniel addressed Jehovah as “the true God, the great One and the fear-inspiring One, keeping the covenant and the loving-kindness to those loving him and to those keeping his commandments.”

75. He describes himself as one who is “merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving-kindness and truth” and as one who by no means grants exemption from punishment to those who willfully violate his commandments.

76. 4 Who redeems your life from the pit and corruption, Who Beautifies, dignifies, and crowns you with loving-kindness and tender mercy; 5 Who satisfies your mouth [your necessity and desire at your personal age and situation] with good so that your youth, renewed, is …

77. Aforesaid: Spoken of earlier.-- I am sent hither by them who (the Lord in his loving-kindness having pity and mercy upon these poor realms) do, under his right hand, administer unto our necessities and righteously command us, _by the Aforesaid as Aforesaid_ (thus runs the commission) hither am I deputed

78. Yet despite all this acquaintanceship with their Creator the prophet Hosea was compelled to say to them: “Hear the word of Jehovah, O sons of Israel, for Jehovah has a legal case with the inhabitants of the land, for there is no truth nor loving-kindness nor knowledge of God in the land.” —Hos. 4:1; compare John 7:28.

79. Says the Shaykh Abu Ja'far, the mercy of Allah upon him: Our belief concerning the Alids ('alawiya) is that they are the progeny of the Messenger of Allah, and that devotion to them is obligatory, because it is the requital of his apostleship.Says Allah, Exalted is He: “Say (O Muhammad, unto mankind): I ask of you no requital therefor, save loving - kindness of (my) kinsfolk” (Qur'an 42:23).1