Use "looked" in a sentence

1. Teachers looked nice.

2. You looked thirsty.

3. I looked at the square, and to my eyes it looked evenly placed.

4. He looked “Angrily.” At what? I can understand “He looked angry,” which ca

5. Harriet looked slightly abashed.

6. sokka, you've looked enough.

7. She looked / sounded fraught.

8. He suddenly looked fierce.

9. Gary looked rather perplexed.

10. We looked very alike.

11. He looked tired out.

12. Remus looked around Astoundedly

13. The bride looked gorgeous.

14. She looked on benevolently.

15. He looked faintly embarrassed.

16. She looked faintly amused.

17. Everyone looked faintly surprised.

18. They looked gloriously happy.

19. Four studies looked at its effects in mild to moderate community-acquired pneumonia, two looked at acute sinusitis, two looked at acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis and two looked at tonsillitis or pharyngitis

20. He looked completely flummoxed.

21. Lorrie looked bleakly amused.

22. He looked away, blushing.

23. Mournfully, she looked around.

24. He looked somehow rapacious.

25. He looked completely stunned.

26. The bride looked radiant.

27. She looked me sourly.

28. He looked at her with sardonic amusement which deepened when she quickly looked away.

29. We must have looked so gormless; we certainly looked it in our passport photos.

30. The beer looked cloudy.

31. Her dress looked cheap.

32. He looked abashed, uncomfortable.

33. She looked rather abashed.

34. She looked highly sceptical.

35. He looked extremely displeased.

36. The audience looked perplexed.

37. She looked vexed again.

38. She looked visibly disgusted.

39. The paintings looked amateurish.

40. She looked shockingly ill.

41. “I looked, changed the angle of my vision, rubbed my eyes and looked again.

42. Grandfather looked at Min-Jun, then looked at the rain gauge tied to the fence.

43. It looked tastier than bleach."

44. She thought they looked suspicious.

45. And I never looked back.

46. I looked into Penelope's financials.

47. You looked into my financials?

48. He looked fucking pissed off.

49. It looked full and replete.

50. She looked old and frail.

51. He looked up in surprise.

52. She looked frail and shrunken.

53. She looked purposeful and determined.

54. She was looked at askance.

55. She looked sorrowful and dejected.

56. He looked a little scruffy.

57. He looked at her reverently.

58. She sniffed and looked woebegone.

59. He looked pleased, even delighted.

60. The hillsides looked very peaceful.

61. He looked dazed with drugs.

62. The vegetables looked unpalatably wilted.

63. He looked pleadingly at her.

64. 7 The charwoman looked depressed.

65. Her face looked strangely familiar.

66. She looked at him piercingly.

67. He looked directly at us.

68. The plans looked very elaborate.

69. He looked at her aghast.

70. He looked pale and haggard.

71. She looked sad and tired.

72. The liquid looked fairly innocuous.

73. He looked thin and serious .

74. You looked at my watch.

75. So I looked for furniture.

76. He looked suddenly sombre, pensive.

77. Kay looked at him scornfully.

78. He looked away, apparently enraged.

79. The youth looked exceedingly crestfallen.

80. Standing, she looked less childlike.