Use "look in the face" in a sentence

1. Look at that face.

2. Look at his face!

3. He didn't dare to look at her in the face.

4. The look on his face was priceless.

5. Look at his face does he look like a killer?

6. A doubtful look crossed his face.

7. His face wore a puzzled look.

8. In a way, it says: ‘Look beyond the face and the figure.

9. There was a look on your face.

10. A look of annoyance crossed her face.

11. An anguished look appeared on her face.

12. Look at that face, ravaged, dissipated, evil.

13. She stole a look at his face.

14. A look of panic crossed his face.

15. The look on her face said 'I love you'.

16. The look on his face boded ill for somebody.

17. Taken at face value, the figures look very encouraging.

18. The dull, absent look on her face implied boredom.

19. I couldn't bear the mournful look on her face.

20. The same abstracted look was still on his face.

21. There was an amused look on the President's face.

22. What method can let the pore decrescent on the face, the face changes look very exquisite?

23. The look on his face just creased me up.

24. I look in the mirror and I hate the face looking back at me.

25. She had a puzzled look on her face.

26. She had an intent look on her face.

27. He had a surprised look on his face.

28. He had a startled look on his face.

29. She wore on her face an amused look.

30. A look of pure disbelief crossed Shankly'srugged face.

31. His face wore a look of pure contentment.

32. John had a guilty look on his face.

33. She had a scared look on her face.

34. He had a thoughtful look on his face.

35. He had a puzzled look on his face.

36. She has a seraphic look on her face.

37. A look of deep annoyance crossed his face.

38. Ryland continued, a Chastised look on his face

39. There was a blank look on his face.

40. She had a wild look on her face.

41. He wore a puzzled look on his face.

42. A look of repulsion flashed across her face.

43. A look of terror flashed across his face.

44. The old woman has a Careworn look on her face

45. 9 The dull, absent look on her face implied boredom.

46. The old woman had a careworn look on her face.

47. The old woman has a careworn look on her face.

48. I will never forget the look on the patient's face, the tremble in his hand.

49. But remember, every time you look in the mirror... you' il see my face

50. Harrison sat in smug satisfaction at the look of surliness on Major Calder's face.

51. Allah wishes... that we finally open our eyes and look the enemy in the face.

52. Jackson, there's a funny, inscrutable look on your face.

53. A momentary look of anxiety passed across his face.

54. Don't have that sad look on your face, okay?

55. 20 Her face wore a grim,[] set look.

56. There was a look of annoyance on his face.

57. Rise, and let me look at your ridiculous face.

58. Immediately, a look of shock swept over Tatiana’s face.

59. She had a vacant look/expression on her face.

60. I couldn't look away from the horror my face made with braids in my mouth.

61. He opened the door with a scornful look on his face.

62. Suddenly, the child stops, a look of shock on his face.

63. 8 She backed away from the menacing look on his face.

64. Applying Bronzer incorrectly, however, can make your face look …

65. Oh, my God, you shoulda seen the look on your face.

66. 12 She tried not to look at the scarred, disfigured face.

67. The Agonized look on his face said he wouldn't be staying in the game much longer

68. 13 I don't look at the face, only at the scabby hand.

69. 16 In his face there was a look of exaltation not unmixed with recklessness.

70. That painting doesn't look like him.The face is too elongated.

71. There was a worried look on her normally placid face.

72. Immobile and Bedazed, by the look upon your face, I am both in awe and terrified

73. Jessica turned away with a haughty look on her face.

74. She had a kind of vacant look on her face.

75. Her voice died away as she saw the look on David's face.

76. He had a look of mild Annoyance on his face

77. 7 You look at things according to their face value.

78. The look on her face was a combination of pride and panic.

79. 21 The strong dark eyebrows give his face an oddly menacing look.

80. After my ski trip, my face look like a raccoon.