Use "look down" in a sentence

1. Just look down.

2. I look down on him.

3. Never look down on yourself.

4. Don't look down on people!

5. Don't look down! You'll get dizzy.

6. Stand on top and look down.

7. Now look down and to your right.

8. Don't look down their noses at you.

9. Some people look down on manual workers.

10. Conceited people always look down on others.

11. They look down upon men with haughtiness.

12. You should never look down on poor people.

13. Speed boat approaching, look down, under the bridge.

14. Contemns definition: look down on with disdain synonyms: hate, look down on, despise, detest, disdain, scorn antonyms: love, admire, philogyny, benevolence, like

15. Contemning definition: look down on with disdain synonyms: hate, look down on, despise, detest, disdain, scorn antonyms: love, admire, philogyny, benevolence, like

16. □ How do false teachers “look down on lordship”?

17. The natives look down their noses at foreigners.

18. Never look down on people less superior than you.

19. Don't look down on the role women can play.Sentencedict

20. When you are afraid, you may look down shyly.

21. Beggaress look-down Adhern trunnionless subtercutaneous mo Nemours misbestowal

22. She would climb a tower, look down and cry.

23. Look down and show some mercy if you can!

24. Jehovah’s Witnesses look down on people of other religions.

25. I understand why the older families look down at me.

26. I gripped the rail and tried not to look down.

27. Or why do you also look down on your brother?

28. Always look down to remind yourself that your foot is absent.”

29. Never look down on those who are less perfect than you.

30. I look down on those who eat the bread of idleness.

31. He dangled helplessly from the cliff, trying not to look down.

32. You look down and see a yellow pencil lying on your desk.

33. Why and to look down upon me this kind of local faction?

34. "For God's sake," Michael said melodramatically, "Whatever you do, don't look down."

35. We should spurn at the difficulties but not look down upon them.

36. Don't look down on others in fact you are notbetter than them.

37. It is exciting to look down on palm trees, oranges and bananas.

38. There are some who look down on middle brow interests as triviality.

39. You shouldn't look down upon him just because he is a dustman.

40. 15 "For God's sake," Michael said melodramatically, "Whatever you do, don't look down."

41. They would brag, or boast, about themselves and look down on everyone else.

42. She thinks they look down on her because she didn't go to university.

43. You can't look down on a painter — you can't take him seriously enough.

44. Synonyms for speak Condescendingly to include talk down to, condescend to, patronise, patronize, treat Condescendingly, put down, be snobbish to, look down on, speak haughtily to and look down one's nose at

45. Before my time is done, I will look down on your corpse and smile.

46. Pete, you know, nobody can look down their nose at me better than you.

47. Look down when he takes the picture.That way, your squint won' t be noticeable

48. But this was not a night for Lewis to look down upon the vanquished.

49. There is a window at which I sit and look down into the bazaar.

50. They look down at him from a raised stage normally used by politicians and entertainers.

51. Travis abandoned his exploration of her satiny neck to look down into her smoky eyes.

52. As you're walking past the car, you look down... " Oh, hey, darn, my shoe's untied. "

53. 10 Don't look down in the mouth, lose everything even if, you still hold future.

54. She raised herself on one elbow, so that she could look down on his face.

55. That person may be withdrawn, look down, lower their voice, pause, be kind of herky-jerky.

56. In 1997 he met Jehovah’s Witnesses and found that they did not look down on him.

57. People who live in that area tend to look down their noses at their poorer neighbours.

58. In what sense, though, do they “look down on lordship” and speak “abusively of glorious ones”?

59. When I look down from heaven, the red flag will bring a smile to my lips.

60. Look down on the trees, lakes and mountains far below as you soar through the air ....

61. That person may be withdrawn, look down, lower their voice, pause, be kind of herky- jerky.

62. I look down at the stretch of plains , ho , and at the verdure of the fields.

63. Down the pillar of rock, head afire and limbs like ice. Too scared to look down.

64. Once in a while, after witticism, he would look down, and his eyes would meet hers.

65. When I look down toward his waist, I see that he has covertly offered his hand.

66. The rest of the aliens look at me, look at each other, look down at their food.

67. You look down your nose at absolutely everyone, and you're incapable of doing anything spontaneous or potentially affectionate.

68. There are three windows on the side of the house, which look down on to a small courtyard.

69. I look down at what I tripped over; a fallen branch, about the size of a man's arm.

70. A repeated jeer of the author's is that republicans look down on the masses they purport to represent.

71. Like Jesus, they do not look down on those who are poor or are of a different ethnic group.

72. Below, I look down on the differing surfaces, the differing states of ripeness from light green through to gold.

73. Spencer and his bandmates never give the sense that they look down on the pop styles they play with.

74. The warm wind blows through the fields and the spirits ride it singing as they look down on us.

75. Major Hartley-Harrington's widow was a big, brusque woman, with muscular legs and a nose she could look down.

76. It is framed by gentle hills that look down on oak groves that abound with deer, bobcats and golden eagles.

77. I put the blade of the knife against her neck again and look down to the edge of the mattress.

78. 19 Below, I look down on the differing surfaces, the differing states of ripeness from light green through to gold.

79. They are the ones who can look down on the competition from the grandstand near the finish on Westminster Bridge.

80. 5 From the history of King David, we can see how Jehovah views those who look down on God-given authority.