Use "look as though" in a sentence

1. You look as though you slept badly.

2. They look as though they're heading for divorce.

3. You look as though you've seen an apparition.

4. The bridge didn't look as though it would hold.

5. He doesn't look as though he gets enough exercise.

6. Though you look as though you could do with something to perk you up.

7. You look as though you've had a bad time!

8. You look as though I want to drill your teeth.

9. You look as though you've had a run through an abattoir.

10. 16 But it is starting to look as though it's all going sour.

11. As though he were telepathic, he raised his eyes to look at her.

12. It doesn't look as though we're going to marry Isabella off for a decade or two.

13. The children in the picture look delicate and otherworldly, as though they had never run or shouted.

14. Though unprepossessing to look at, he is highly intelligent.

15. Though Couscous and quinoa may look alike, they’re different foods

16. 1 Though unprepossessing to look at, he is highly intelligent.

17. Generally though the site should have a clean , fresh, uncluttered look.

18. What inversion of values makes us to look upon such aberrations as though they were a reflection of natural laws?

19. I'd try using vining plants like heartleaf philodendron or swiss cheese plant, though ivy would also look lovely as well.

20. 29 Though John and Andrew look exactly alike, they act quite differently.

21. Even though they look different are there any similarities between their Backswings

22. Cristated plants often look weird, the growing forms sometimes resemble tumors, though it's not an illness: Cristated plants are as healthy as non-Cristated forms

23. On the other hand though, scientists do not look fondly upon those who pooh-pooh scientific theories such as evolution as being just a theory.

24. Look again, though, at the above-cited account in the book of Daniel.

25. 29 Robbie gave her a funny look, as though she were a little peculiar for jumping into his illogical fragment of thought.

26. Even though the tumors are gone, as it were as though the tumor were still there.

27. Though it was broad daylight, the pall from the bomb’s fallout made things look eerie.

28. When I pass our neighbor , he salutes me with his customary broad , slow wave , which makes him look as though he 's cleaning a window .

29. 🔊 Even though the tip seemed Conjectural, the detectives still had to look into the accusation

30. In what sense, though, do they “look down on lordship” and speak “abusively of glorious ones”?

31. Other Bombardiers though look upon them with disdain and have only contempt for this 'tamed fire'

32. Even though Asterisk does not look like a tricky word to pronounce, it can be problematic

33. silently though, as though only in her brain or breast had it erupted.

34. So, the oxygen in water behaves as though it's negative, and the hydrogens behave as though they're positive.

35. Live as though you intend to live forever, and work as though your strength were limit less. 

36. That means twice as much parking, though.

37. It looks as though you've bungled again.

38. Do I look as ghastly as I feel?

39. “I feel really fat, though when I look at weight charts, I’m not overweight according to these.” —Patti.

40. 15 Previous days' food and grime always made a meal look unappetizing, though it never affected the taste.

41. Kangaroos are not as docile as they look.

42. Although / even though / though Although / even though / though

43. Look, even though we came a long way on water, not one allied ship was there to counterattack

44. Playing video games, though not as Athletically challenging as kungfu, i

45. He looks as though he's at death's door.

46. It sounds as though she's been really ill.

47. It looks as though it's about to pour .

48. It looks as though it might clear up.

49. My cold feels as though it's getting better.

50. 16 She frowned as though deep in thought.

51. It's as though we stand before two doors.

52. Synonyms for Appear include seem, look, feel, act, resemble, sound, come off as, look like, strike as and strike you as

53. He felt as though he had no worth.

54. He behaved as if / though nothing had happened.

55. I walked as though my legs were wooden.

56. Even though Antimodernistic architecture and designs look to the past for inspiration, they are still touchstones to the future

57. 28 I look like I have been pressed into this against my wishes though I wear a phony smile.

58. Acappella Though the look of the group has changed through the years, the sound has unswervingly stayed the same

59. 3 She tried to look as inconspicuous as possible.

60. Lise, though not as famed as Minette, also enjoyed a successful career.

61. Had I, though... it could never have been as memorable as these.

62. “Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.” 9

63. Look, I fought as long and as hard as you did.

64. As soon as I wash my face and brush my teeth, though.

65. It is as spontaneous as everyday speaking, though amplified to the audience.

66. Though hardly a showy plant, its needle-thin blades look almost silver, especially when covered by a film of dew.

67. We look on him as an impostor.

68. Though she still be as brown as the bark of a tree.

69. Though not as sweet as the homegrown, frozen corn worked quite well.

70. It looks as though our luck's finally run out.

71. Try to live as though every moment is miraculous.

72. Though the extent of the devastation isn’t yet clear, here’s a look at some astonishing facts about the Bushfire crisis

73. It looks as though it would clear off soon.

74. Soon, though, Greece was supplanted as the world power.

75. Synonyms for Albeit include although, though, altho, notwithstanding, howbeit, admitting, tho', even if, even though and much as

76. That cow doesn't look as white as milk to me.

77. It looks as though everyone else has gone home.

78. It seems as though everybody is talking about it.

79. It felt as though he had run a marathon.

80. Rusty nodded as though she understood the old woman.