Use "lodged" in a sentence

1. 16 He lodged with his uncle.

2. He got bullet fragments lodged in his brain.

3. They lodged a compensation claim against the factory.

4. They lodged a complaint against the doctor for negligence.

5. 22 She lodged a complaint about the noise.

6. The refugees were lodged in old army barracks.

7. He lodged an appeal with the High Court.

8. The shipwrecked sailors were lodged in the school.

9. A mood of pessimism had lodged in him.

10. The idea firmly lodged itself in the public consciousness.

11. And they upheld a complaint lodged by a viewer.

12. The hound found the place where the deer lodged.

13. (b) whether India has lodged its protests with these countries;

14. A stab of fear lodged between his shoulder blades.

15. Perez still has a slug lodged in his left shoulder.

16. She went to the city council and lodged a complaint.

17. The money was lodged in a Swiss bank account.

18. What are another words for Bivouacked? Tented, bunked, lodged

19. 2 They lodged a compensation claim against the factory.

20. 23 They lodged a complaint against the doctor for negligence.

21. The bullet lodged in the sergeant's leg, shattering his thigh bone.

22. But that fragment of talk lodged , thick, in his small gizzard.

23. The certificate will have to be lodged at the registry.

24. The refugees are being lodged in an old army camp.

25. A flake of bone had lodged itself in his knee.

26. The sloop had lodged on the rock, Bilged by the ragged granite.

27. The water's tepid, the salt didn't dissolve and is now lodged places.

28. Mujahideen grenade fragment is lodged in my hip to this day.

29. There's a pellet close to his heart, lodged in his pericardium.

30. 10 A small splinter of metal had lodged in his thumb.

31. She lodged with Mrs Higgins when she first came to Cambridge.

32. 2 When he was at college,he lodged with a landlady.

33. (c) whether Government has lodged its protest with China regarding stapled visa; and

34. As such, some transacted properties may not have Caveats lodged against them

35. 10 Portugal has lodged a complaint with the International Court of Justice.

36. Did You Know? In the Middle East, caravans often lodged at Caravansaries

37. When are Caveats usually lodged? Why lodge a Caveat on a property?

38. Bezoars can become lodged anywhere in the human digestive system, potentially causing serious problems

39. Inferior to these, and lodged behind the green baize door, are the upper servants.

40. A reservation had also been lodged by Australia regarding the Southern Ocean limits.

41. Straight at me where I kneel unbalanced, precariously lodged between joist and board.

42. Here, there's a small foreign object lodged here in the upper alimentary canal.

43. An appeal may be lodged against such an administrative act through government channels.

44. Synonyms for Billetted include quartered, accommodated, housed, stationed, lodged, bestowed, bivouacked, boarded, bunked and camped

45. The additional declaration indicating the exact net mass must be lodged once loading is completed

46. Connote FILE LODGED (E-TRADER) - the sender ordered a pre-delivery service for this item

47. Sable, a stag lodged regardant, and between the Attires a bird or -- NORTOST, Norfolk.

48. Identifier of the country where the guarantee is lodged (ISO alpha 2 country code)

49. (c) whether Government has lodged any protest with the US Government in this regard?

50. Sarhadi, who had been arrested in December, had unsuccessfully lodged an appeal against extradition.

51. That error was reason why the action before the General Court was lodged out of time.

52. Such addenda will be returned, unless they have been lodged at the request of the Tribunal.

53. • Inferior to these, and lodged behind the green Baize door, are the upper servants

54. 25 On 15 April 2013 APEX lodged an administrative appeal against that duty notice.

55. Synonyms for Bedded include emBedded, fixed, implanted, rooted, lodged, entrenched, enrooted, set, planted and ingrained

56. 21 The application having been lodged on 20 January 2000, the action is time-barred.

57. Today, my doctor told me that I have an ingrown testicle lodged in my abdomen.

58. Declaration by notifier that no objection has been lodged by the competent authorities of all countries concerned.

59. With a view to obtaining that licence, VAEX lodged security in the amount of EUR 6 448.

60. 13 By letter of 26 April 2002, VNLTO lodged a complaint against that adjustment notice.

61. The additional declaration indicating the exact net mass must be lodged once loading is completed.

62. Mousavi lodged an official appeal against the result to the Guardian Council on 14 June.

63. The lorry was lodged in a very precarious way, with its front wheels hanging over the cliff.

64. Grandson Bludgeons sex offender grandfather to death with hammer, leaves weapon lodged in his face: Docs

65. a method of allocating quotas in proportion to quantities requested when applications are lodged (using the

66. A contentious-administrative appeal may still be lodged before the Third Chamber of the Supreme Court.

67. New prisoners were lodged in six concrete cells located along a passageway marked with white lines.

68. Guppy and Marsh, having lodged their bogus insurance claim, flew back to New York on Concorde.

69. With just two of his many roles, Al Pacino has lodged himself in solidly our imaginations.

70. The security lodged shall be released when the entire advance paid has been deducted from the premiums payable.

71. He died following an infection from a fishbone that lodged in his hand, and tetanus shots given him.

72. (”The Caducity of language, in virtue of which every effusion of the human spirit is lodged in …

73. 6 A rough hunk of metal about the size of a big ball bearing was lodged in my shoulder.

74. These ‘seeds’ or grass Awns can become lodged in pet ears, between toes, and under the skin

75. All the requests lodged by Canal + were therefore dismissed and the broadcaster was ordered to pay costs.

76. An advance of 50 % of the subsidy may, however, be paid once a deposit has been lodged.

77. Declaration by notifier that no objection has been lodged by the competent authorities of all countries concerned

78. 12 Several leading citizens have lodged complaints against the city councilors for their mishandling of public money.

79. The adjustable choke (7) is lodged in a supply line (3) of a power-assisted steering (4, 5, 6).

80. One spell had indeed leapt from the crackling pages and lodged itself in the dark recesses of his brain.