Use "loadings" in a sentence

1. Axle loadings and stressing withstood

2. 13 Freight - car loadings continue to slack off.

3. Since bone adapts to mechanical loadings, the Accelerometric method offers a unique opportunity to assess the intensity of exercise-related impact loadings.

4. The numbers 10 and 6 are the factor loadings associated with Amphibiology

5. Infinity Loadings when fast travelling or entering or exiting the Bannered mare, etc etc.

6. Buchmann's paper [1969] partly fills the gap, but it merely deals with moment loadings.

7. The maximum permissible loadings shall be permanently marked in a clearly legible manner on cranes.

8. These materials can not be pretensioned to avoid the slack condition resulting from asymmetrical loadings.

9. The joint loadings are sustained with a mechanical interlocking, making the use of an adhesive optional.

10. Shell observed that for several regional lakes, acid deposition loadings exceeded CL values under baseline conditions.

11. Precipitation loadings of Pb and Hg were several times greater than background accumulation in lake sediments.

12. Loadings: Substances , such as china clay or other mineral fillers added to the furnish of paper.

13. Remedial actions have reduced nutrient loadings and enhanced the role of food web interactions in improving water quality.

14. A latch fitting can thus be achieved which can securely cope with accidental loadings with a simple and economical construction.

15. The bearing capacity of ductile composites was analyzed for variable loadings by using homogenization theory from micromechanics for the macroscopic plastic analysis.

16. The ASTM test protocol " Standard Test Method for Glazing and Glazing Systems Subject to Airblast Loadings"ASTM F 1642 (21) addresses this issue.

17. For the multistage loadings of embankment, the logistic curve model to embankment settlement predication is put forward by error analyses and comparisons.

18. Increased BOD or COD loadings, as well as organic pollutants, may require biological treatment such as activated sludge or upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors.

19. The use of a cationic polymer as the sole coagulant was shown to achieve an acceptable effluent quality over a broad range of surface loadings.

20. The immobilized Catalysts proved active at room temperature and, in batch and with catalyst loadings as low as 0.6 mol%, afforded quantitative conversions within 20 h.

21. It's therefore possible for two ships which have the same length and beam dimensions (but with very different hull forms and loadings) to have the same Burthen tonnage but …

22. Alcids, on the other hand, have proportionately shorter wings, high wing loadings, rapid wing beat rates and greater speed (45–55 miles per hour), and large flight muscles

23. The invention relates to a method for manufacturing a thin structural component (1) made of composite and intended to withstand, on the one hand, working loads and, on the other hand, accidental loadings.

24. Axisymmetric Analysis - A problem in which the geometry, loadings, boundary conditions and materials are symmetric with respect to an axis is one that can be solved as an Axisymmetric problem instead of as a three dimensional problem

25. Classical Test Theory (CTT) considers four or more tests to be congenerically equivalent if all tests may be expressed in terms of one factor and a residual error. Parallel tests are the special case where (usually two) tests have equal factor loadings

26. (At lower loadings, Adsorbate-adsorbent interactions dominate because the gas molecules are mostly interacting with the surface, rather than each other.) However, it is worth noting that calculated values of q i can be quite sensitive to the method used, so some observed changes may simply be a result of the fitting process (9) .