Use "literally" in a sentence

1. Literally.

2. Literally, man.

3. (Literally, To the market.)

4. I'm literally him.

5. Literally soldier of god.

6. It's literally a creation.

7. Don't take it too literally.

8. She takes the Bible literally.

9. But she literally yanks it.

10. I have literally gone backwards.

11. Literally, I'm like nothing.

12. Bacteriophage literally means ‘bacterium-eater’

13. Achromatic means literally “without color”

14. Ashtanga literally means eight limbs

15. Achromatic literally means without color

16. No, literally I don't understand.

17. It was, literally, going places.

18. I'm literally walking out now.

19. Aerophagia is literally to eat air

20. Adah and Aaron are literally Assholes.

21. 15 She literally exploded with anger.

22. Abulia literally means “without will”

23. The word Castrato literally means castrated

24. It'll render a house literally invisible.

25. 22 He translated the passage literally.

26. Dad was literally blazing with anger.

27. So Baramin literally means “created kind.”

28. - With bitterness; literally, with Bitternesses; i.e

29. -Bleedin: Used descriptively but not literally

30. Agni literally means "fire"

31. Literally, your Ass is your buttocks

32. He literally killed himself with overwork.

33. From Spanish Cedilla (literally “little zed ”), c

34. Bagua literally means “eight areas” in Chinese.

35. Avuncular Literally, Avuncular means like an uncle

36. The caustic solution literally ate him alive.

37. Literally, Certiorari means to be certified

38. Cognizance literally means knowledge or notice

39. It is quite literally Bruscus' sanctuary

40. Colonialists Are Coming For Blood—Literally

41. Casework literally refers to making boxes

42. Being Catcalled literally anywhere and everywhere

43. This has literally revolutionized cognitive science.

44. 28 She takes the Bible literally.

45. We're literally reinventing the wheel here.

46. 1 Anthropocentrism literally means human­centeredness

47. Stress was literally getting under her skin.

48. Next comes “haughty,” or literally “superior-appearing.”

49. It's like you can literally never relax.

50. I can literally feel my cells shrinking.

51. 24 Dad was literally blazing with anger.

52. Aphonia literally means "no voice"

53. 21 I literally crawled to the car.

54. Codex Alimentarius interprets , literally, as'food code'or'food law '.

55. Cryptobiotic means literally "hidden life"

56. The word "volk" translates literally as "folk".

57. 18 I was literally bored to death!

58. 14 The sentence cannot be literally rendered.

59. 13 A stanza is, literally, a room.

60. Literally billions of people bow before images.

61. Thermonuclear reactions are, quite literally, nuclear burning.

62. What does Benchlet mean? (literally) A small bench

63. Literally, to put and store inside a Bottle

64. Allude is a word with playful roots—literally

65. My God, this place literally smells like feces.

66. 8 Greenfly can literally suck a plant dry.

67. 7 The word "volk" translates literally as "folk".

68. And when they fail, a nation literally suffers.

69. Benchlet ( plural Benchlets ) ( literally) A small bench

70. Bibasic: Literally, having two bases: in chem

71. Acephalous, headless, whether literally or metaphorically, leaderless.

72. An Adrian is a literally perfect guy

73. It could literally keep for five years.

74. The word qarīn literally means 'constant companion'.

75. Literally, I can't reach the door knobs.

76. 12 She was literally blue with cold.

77. 6 The event literally stopped the traffic.

78. 1 A stanza is, literally, a room.

79. They were literally bowed down with grief....

80. Beelzebub, literally " Lord of the Flies "