Use "literacy" in a sentence

1. Are Literacy Classes Enough?

2. Clamdiggers: October’s Literacy Enrichment Collection

3. · Absence rates – update Adult literacy:

4. Bedecorate Man when is sexual literacy

5. It appears that literacy causes myopia.

6. This adds difficulties to literacy work.

7. Both cities have high literacy rates.

8. Literacy and numeracy , including widening vocabulary .

9. Literacy also reduces the tendency to be superstitious.

10. Or do they need a mass literacy programme?

11. Its literacy struggle rode the crest of revolution.

12. All the children are tested in basic literacy.

13. Abecedaria A blog about keyboarding in diverse scripts, literacy and digital literacy, and random quotes selected from the history of writing system theory

14. "The pace of change is no excuse – in Boardrooms, digital literacy is as non-negotiable as financial or legal literacy

15. Access to state-of-the-art, flexible literacy programmes

16. IDEAS Good listening Boosts kids’ literacy? We’re all ears

17. Braille is an irreplaceable and modern method for literacy

18. The educational programmes are frequently known as "financial literacy".

19. I was thinking maybe an organization to encourage literacy.

20. • Literacy can be gained by Brutalizing the imagination

21. Bob Dole has taken an interest in literacy.

22. Freire introduced highly successful literacy programs in Brazil.

23. Literacy may not be an inalienable human right.

24. Learning Through Infrastructures: Cybercafes as Spaces for Digital Literacy

25. Many adults have some problems with literacy and numeracy.

26. The primary goal was clear and unequivocal - teach literacy.

27. 21 Far more resources are needed to improve adult literacy.

28. Abecedaria A blog about keyboarding in diverse scripts, literacy and digital literacy, and random quotes selected from the history of writing system theory

29. The main voluntary agency dealing with literacy is Marxist.

30. A high standard of literacy, however, will be required.

31. I can't believe that he failed the literacy test.

32. Awe Learning’s Early Literacy Station™ Platinum, Bilingual Spanish Literacy Station Platinum and AfterSchool Edge™ are proud recipients of the Modern Library Award, by LibraryWorks

33. Far more resources are needed to improve adult literacy.

34. Braille literacy is a very important skill for blind people

35. Simply put, Braille is vital to literacy for the blind.

36. "Readers for Life" Literacy Autographing At the "Readers for Life" Literacy Autographing, hundreds of romance authors meet with and sign books for fans in this two-hour event, with the proceeds from book sales going to literacy organizations.

37. All groups enjoy the right to literacy and education described above;

38. Built upon abundant literacy research, and designed to make excellent instruction and differentiation easier. Bookworms teacher materials are showing tremendous results in student literacy achievement.

39. 1 day ago · 'The Abcs of Racial Literacy' is designed to foster open, age-appropriate conversations among families and support them in building racial literacy

40. She worked zealously to raise funds for the literacy project.

41. The literacy rate in the British Virgin Islands is high at 98%.

42. This assumption underlies literacy programmes both in the developed and developing world.

43. But is this all we want in an age of computer literacy ?

44. Yet, there are other class indicators, such as race, education, and literacy.

45. Six months later John had developed literacy and numeracy skills, plus confidence.

46. Cafe is the literacy system that compliments the Daily 5 structure

47. In addition to attending the literacy classes, he applied himself personally.

48. Supported immigrant students in engaging Agentively in social action-oriented literacy activities

49. Political selection is more dependent on sophistry and less on economic literacy.

50. 15 The group works in developing countries to increase literacy and enfranchise women.

51. Division of Bilingual Education, Early Childhood Education, Literacy/Biliteracy, Sociocultural Studies (Belss) Faculty

52. Indigenous African language varieties were thus used as languages of initial literacy with a view to making the transition to English, sometimes Afrikaans, literacy as soon and as smoothly as possible.

53. 12 The literacy worker needs to look ahead: Will this be useful?

54. He has set up the Starbucks Foundation to help improve literacy rates.

55. COSI Connects is helping to bridge the digital divide, promote digital literacy, and …

56. Widespread literacy means that they are no longer useful as repositories of knowledge.

57. Computer skills The work of Archaeologists calls for information technology (IT) literacy and the …

58. Indicator 1.2.1: Number of additional marginalized people benefitting from legal aid and literacy programmes

59. This contributed to "the lowest interest rates and the highest literacy rates in Europe.

60. Once we increase access to technology, the challenge of digital literacy will be mitigated.

61. By participating in e-Buddies, members develop technology literacy skills and become more

62. Consequently he defies the law and becomes involved in a township literacy programme.

63. Computer literacy is becoming as essential as the ability to drive a car.

64. Exchange best practices on financial literacy programmes, taking into account the cross-border dimension

65. The contrast in literacy rates is especially sharp between Chinese women and Indian women.

66. the latest statistics on the literacy and numeracy of eleven to sixteen-year-olds.

67. While the focus of this paper is primarily on the development of foundational literacy skills to support emergent Bilinguals, it is important to note that effective literacy instruction happens alongside opportunities for oral language development.

68. Chances provides comprehensive therapeutic, educational, and support services, including parenting, adult education and family literacy.

69. Candid offers cooking classes, financial literacy workshops, stress management strategies, information resources, and other programs

70. While congregation literacy classes may complement a child’s formal education, they cannot take its place.

71. Benjamin Boche is an Assistant Professor of Education with an emphasis in literacy education

72. Other Bordering states have come on board with this initiative to boost literacy rates

73. • Broaden beyond age and stage to include low literacy, low income, new immigrants, etc.

74. States should address linguistic and literacy barriers that hinder women’s ability to access reparations.

75. Our literacy classes help thousands around the world to learn to read and write.

76. Thus the impact of qualitative reproductive health literacy will sustain Comprehensively making them socially empowered.

77. On motion of Senator Di Nino, debate adjourned. STATE OF LITERACY INQUIRY—DEBATE CONTINUED

78. It was not possible to address ICT capacity building when countries lacked basic literacy.

79. Indigenous women, along with Afro-Latin American women, have very low levels of literacy and education.

80. A lot of effort will be required in promoting financial literacy amongst the new account holders.