Use "linear regression" in a sentence

1. linear regression.

2. Bivariate linear regression analysis is the simplest linear regression procedure

3. The graph is a linear regression of.

4. Linear Regression with Transformations of the dependent variable.

5. Understanding Bivariate Linear Regression Linear regression analyses are statistical procedures which allow us to move from description to explanation, prediction, and possibly control

6. Linear regression was used for comparison with different variables.

7. Areg fits a linear regression absorbing one categorical factor

8. This was our objective function for the linear regression.

9. You now know about linear regression and gradient descent.

10. SECRET is a new algorithm for scalable linear regression trees.

11. The SLOPE() function calculates the slope of the linear regression line

12. In linear regression we have a training set like that shown here.

13. The use of non-linear regression analysis is further detailed in Appendix 4.

14. Alternatively, linear regression methods may be used to calculate strain velocity from tissue velocity.

15. Linear regression models were used to test for associations between Chronicity of care and TL.

16. Linear regression analysis on aggregate data (school level), controlling for gender, ethnicity, and social class.

17. Preferably the modelling means can involve a linear regression algorithm, or a heuristic learning means.

18. Commonality analysis is a statistical technique within multiple linear regression that decomposes a model's R 2 statistic (i.e., explained variance) by all independent variables on a dependent variable in a multiple linear regression model into Commonality coefficients

19. The linear regression line is calculated using the anchor point and the four correlated additional measurements.

20. Although the example here is a linear regression model, the approach works for interpreting Coefficients from […]

21. When all explanatory variables are categorical, a special case of linear regression occurs, called analysis of variance (ANOVA).

22. 21 Table V shows results of stepwise multiple linear regression analysis of outcome variables from the ventilated infants.

23. 4 Respiratory symptoms were analysed by multiple logistic regression and lung function standard deviation scores by multiple linear regression.

24. Predicting all the prices as functions of one variable X. And another name for this model is univariate linear regression.

25. It proposes an adaptive process scheduling approach based on the curvilinear regression that can be transformed to a linear regression.

26. Linear regression, for example, requires all the data to be collected ahead of time and then processed all at once.

27. INTERCEPT: Calculates the y-value at which the line resulting from linear regression of a dataset will intersect the y-axis (x=0)

28. The quasi-static input-output linear regression equation of the measuring system is established, and the testing results of input-output curve linearity and sluggishness are given.

29. A robust method based on linear regression for speech signal time delay estimation is presented and it is proved better performance than GCC method through experiment in the reverberant rooms.

30. We analyzed the influence of each pAthogen separately, a pAthogen count score and a latent class model of pAthogen burden on log telomere length using linear regression models, adjusted for covariates.

31. In this paper, an inputoutput incremental simple linear regression model is used as a predictive model of black box systems, and a projection algorithm is adopted to estimate the model parameters.

32. Results indicate that multiple linear regression, with unconfined compressive strength as a function of Los Angeles abrasion loss, dry density, and absorption, yields a useful predictive equation (adjusted R2=0.729) for the rocks studied.

33. Percent change in maximal platelet aggregation using abacavir or tenofovir Anabolite concentrations as a predictor [ Time Frame: (Week 4 in ABC/3TC and TAF/FTC Cohorts; Days 0 and 21 in Switch Cohort) ] Using linear regression modeling.

34. Regression Coefficients are estimates of the unknown population parameters and describe the relationship between a predictor variable and the response.In linear regression, Coefficients are the values that multiply the predictor values.Suppose you have the following regression equation: y = 3X + 5

35. The slope of the simple linear regression between log10 transformed mercury (Hg) concentration and stable nitrogen isotope values (δ15N), hereafter called trophic magnification slope (TMS), from several trophic levels in a food web can represent the overall degree of Hg Biomagnification

36. In Windows 3.0, a scientific mode was added, which included exponents and roots, logarithms, factorial-based functions, trigonometry (supports radian, degree and gradians angles), base conversions (2, 8, 10, 16), logic operations, statistical functions such as single variable statistics and linear regression.

37. AIB, determined by integrating the curve of ABTF (Equation 2), expresses the average value of apparent Backscattering in the frequency range of interest, while FSAB, the slope of the linear regression line obtained from the curve ABTF vs frequency, is the fraction of apparent Backscattering corresponding to …