Use "limbo" in a sentence

1. Obamacare’s limbo Befuddles taxpayers

2. To this scenario Catholicism adds Limbo and purgatory.

3. Limbo is one such theory.

4. We floated on as if in a timeless limbo.

5. Limbo was copied from Greek mythology.

6. Do they wander for ever in limbo?

7. So these three counties are in Limbo.

8. I felt as if I was in limbo.

9. Pass through the limbo, jump out the window.


11. An Amalgamationist in Limbo for the Second Time

12. 'Cause we're in legal limbo and I just can't...

13. They - and the enterprises concerned - are now in limbo.

14. Neither party accepted her, so she was in limbo.

15. Aromatise (Azralon) Limbo - 60 Blood Elf Vengeance Demon Hunter, 221 ilvl

16. Limbo, the direct marketing agency, has appointed Linda Rost deputy managing director.

17. With regard to Limbo, Rome’s Cardinal Ratzinger admits that it is “only a theological hypothesis.”

18. Well, how else are we ever going to get out of this limbo?

19. The project must remain in limbo until the committee makes its decision.

20. I'm in limbo now until I know whether I've got the job.

21. Whether a family gathering, social event or business outing, we at Limbo Charters …

22. Historically, belief in Limbo resulted from 12th-century theological debates relative to purgatory.

23. "Bardo" means limbo, a liminal place, between worlds, between lives

24. Poindexter resigned; and North went into a bizarre media limbo reserved for bogus patriots.

25. Even graduation remains in limbo as closure to their high school years Bookended by tragedies

26. If there is no agreement to amend it, Nepal will plunge into legal limbo.

27. Even graduation remains in limbo as closure to their high school years Bookended by tragedies

28. Our plans for buying a flat in Spain are in limbo at the moment.

29. Even graduation remains in limbo as closure to their high school years Bookended by tragedies

30. At Limbo Charters, we are ready to sweep you away for a day of leisure and relaxation

31. Anole was also taken into Limbo where the New X-Men found and saved Illyana Rasputin

32. The firefighters' fate was in limbo after San Francisco assumed control of the island this month.

33. He was sick, he complained that he had hated him gas, after putting her relegate to limbo.

34. His life seemed stuck in limbo; he could not go forward and he could not go back.

35. Be that as it may, Limbo is accepted by devout Catholics in place after place throughout the earth.

36. Cataclysmic Continuum is a Warframe Augment Mod for Limbo that extends Cataclysm's duration for every enemy killed inside it

37. From this nucleus, it swiftly spread throughout his head and trunk, leaving only his limbs in an unfeeling limbo.

38. Under the restrictive 2012 Law on Associations, Algerian authorities have broad discretion to withhold legal recognition from nongovernmental associations, keeping them in legal limbo.

39. 2 days ago · The Broncos are in a weird limbo currently at the QB spot with Drew Lock

40. R/Anger: Anger, an affliction that is often misunderstood, leaves those who suffer from it in a limbo of social unacceptance

41. I am not alone in this stage of limbo, for none of the other ordinary members of the committee knows either.

42. Synonyms for in Abeyance include suspended, pending, inoperative, withdrawn, withheld, on ice, in limbo, in remission, out of action and unresolved

43. Nomatterhow ethereal they may seem, they do not exist in a timeless limbo but possess determinate antecedents in time and space.

44. He was in that phantasmagoric limbo of The Twilight Zone, in "that gray area where pain Coexists with daily life."

45. We're in limbo at the moment because we've finished our work in this country and now we're waiting for our next contract.

46. Alternately mawkish and grisly, The Lovely Bones bounces back and forth between Susie's dreamily surreal limbo and the mundane miseries of life on earth.

47. You guys voted overwhelmingly in favour of seeing this video next, so here it is: the origin story of Limbo, Arnt Jensen, and Playdead Studio! Hope you enjoy

48. Some other myths alien to Christianity that also gradually developed were: the inherent immortality of the human soul, purgatory, Limbo, and eternal torment in hellfire.

49. The Greeks even invented a Limbo, the abode of children who had died in infancy, and a Purgatory, where a certain mild chastisement purified souls.”

50. (How long can a society hang in a "Bonapartist" limbo, with neither capitaist nor proletarian class exercising dictatorship in the modern world?)Kasama

51. NFL free Agency 2021 winners and losers: Curtis Samuel cashes in, while Bengals and Giants are left in limbo The opening day of the league year yielded some interesting results

52. Further, it would place the Amnestied aliens in a strange limbo period, tying them to agriculture for years using a restricted work permit and promising a path to citizenship.

53. Choreographing is an elusive art; sometimes we master it in moments, other times we can only sit in an empty studio with a pad of paper and our bodies in limbo

54. The account continues to collect data, and users with non-administrative access are still able to log in and use the account per their assigned permissions, but the account remains in administrative limbo.

55. As soon as a text pops up or a call comes through, everyone else at the table is trapped in conversational limbo while you have your own digital tete-a-tete.

56. Apice maculaqve corii apicali magna venam Cubitalem pallidam includente di-late fuscescentibus; M'embrana areola majore limbo marginali minoreque tota, vitta obliqva infra apicemn areolarumn striaque lata transversali infra maculam hyalinam ad apicemn …

57. Bladed,-Bladed adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." as suffix (leaf) de limbo adj adjetivo: Describe el sustantivo

58. But on very close inspection with x-ray spectroscopy its clear that the Cerium hangs on to at least some of those four electrons and its true oxidation state is in a quantum mechanical limbo some where between 3

59. Ash Atlas Banshee Baruuk Chroma Ember Equinox Excalibur Frost Gara Garuda Gauss Grendel Harrow Hildryn Hydroid Inaros Ivara Khora Lavos Limbo Loki Mag Mesa Mirage Nekros Nezha Nidus Nova Nyx Oberon Octavia Protea Revenant Rhino Saryn Titania Trinity Valkyr Vauban Volt Wisp Wukong Xaku Zephyr Release Date: October 25th, 2012 Ash is a fast, maneuverable Warframe that possesses a …

60. There have been situations, for example, where vacancies have been kept in limbo for considerable periods, sometimes so that a favoured candidate for the post can acquire the required qualifications or clout, as that candidate becomes acclimatized in an acting position in the very same vacant post, and sometimes so as to benefit a consultant or retiree