Use "like a man" in a sentence

1. And spit like a man.

2. He can't take it like a man.

3. It looks like a man wrapped in a shroud.

4. He began to wail like a man at a bier.

5. I'd love to take you from behind like a man would.

6. 24 Meet success like a gentleman and disaster like a man.

7. When a boy reaches manhood, he should behave like a man.

8. 22 Feeley looked like a man being led to the guillotine.

9. 28 I like a man none the worse for being outspoken.

10. Talking like a man when he can't even make advances to women.

11. Seems like a man with busted knuckles didn't need arthritis, don't it?

12. Walking like a man, hitting like a hammer, she's a juvenile scam.

13. Stop being a wimp Owl and take my playing like a man!

14. That attitude is somewhat like a man being hit by a club.

15. Your hand's like a man who's very old and still a baby too.

16. Get back in that corner, bitch, and take this whooping like a man!

17. Elijah Fordham leaped from his bed like a man raised from the dead.

18. He sat down on a bench, unceremoniously, doggedly , like a man in trouble.

19. And you look like a man who's only lost his way, not his mind.

20. You chase my redemption like a man rolling a stone up an endless mountain.

21. He came in with a great show of civility like a man among inferiors.

22. You have neither the grace nor the humility to lose like a man, do you?

23. It was like a man convicted of forgery paying his fine with a dud £50 note.

24. In the 1800s, writer George Sand, really a woman, scandalized society by dressing like a man.

25. He strolled... like a man in a park, without a care or worry in the world.

26. So those Israelites were “limping” along like a man trying to follow two pathways at once.

27. He walked through the night city like a man seeking a resting place in the catacombs.

28. He became slowly aware of his surroundings, like a man emerging from a long, drugged sleep.

29. They draw up in battle order like a man of war against you, O daughter of Zion.”

30. 11 So those Israelites were “limping” along like a man trying to follow two pathways at once.

31. It was like a man breathing through a respiratory system, with some sort of one-way valve.

32. 19 It will be like a man who flees from a lion and is confronted by a bear,

33. (Proverbs 4:19) The wicked are like a man who stumbles in the dark without knowing what stumbled him.

34. Too soon, I was out on the other side, dazzled, like a man leaving a cinema in the afternoon.

35. But did he sound like a man who had found happiness through what he had worked so hard to acquire?

36. "What a grenadier!" ejaculated Javert; "you've got a beard like a man, mother, but I have claws like a woman."

37. 3 This is the illustration: “The kingdom of the heavens has become like a man that sowed fine seed in his field.

38. (sound like a man who was as Archreactionary to turn down a crown over a flag?) He knew he had no children

39. So at 365, Enoch may still have looked fairly vibrant, like a man who had much of his life yet ahead of him.

40. He jumped like a man who'd been zapped with 1 0see also PEDESTRIAN CROSSING, PELICAN CROSSINGapping through some modern novels at the moment.

41. + 49 On the other hand, whoever hears and does nothing+ is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation.

42. On an open exchange , people legitimately interested in hedging their bond default risk will welcome this evolution like a man coming in from the desert .

43. (WEY) Matthew 25:14 "Why, it is like a man who, when going on his travels, called his Bondservants and entrusted his property to

44. Moses also wrote the account about Balaam; God sent an angel to make Balaam’s donkey talk like a man. —Numbers 22:26-31; 2 Peter 2:15, 16.

45. Vesper Lynd: There are dinner jackets and then there are dinner jackets; this is the latter. And I need you to look like a man who belongs at that table.

46. It is just like a man, who is dreaming that he is living in a golden palace - with a great kingdom, with all the luxuries - and you try to wake him up.

47. In the world, as a woman, you can marry with a good guy, you can cultivate a excellent child, in a word, you will achieve a effulgent future except like a man to strive.

48. According to Masini, author of Think & Date Like a Man, a more experienced Cheating spouse will keep your date night, but end it early because they have a “work issue” or a “poker game

49. Walking like a man, speaking as men do, and adopting an unnatural, masculine Brusqueness (9) was the only effective way for a virgin to protect herself from unwelcomed advances--to suppress her femininity and take on the characteristics of a man

50. Before an Adulatory crowd, the beard - and Homburg-sporting LaMontagne spends the whole of tonight's show buried deep in the shadows to the side of his four-piece band, looking like a man who would be far happier singing from the wings

51. Anthropoid (adj.) "manlike," especially, in zoology, "human or simian, of humans and monkeys" (as opposed to lemurs and other less-human-like primates), 1835, from Greek anthropoeides "like a man, resembling a man; in human form;" see anthropo-+ -oid.As a noun, from 1832 (the Greek noun in this sense was anthroparion).Related: Anthropoidal.

52. ‘Like a man driving a Carload of squabbling children to a distant beach, he was determined to look on the bright side.’ ‘I think of it like this: my ideal holiday is me and the boy and a Carload of really good books.’ ‘Just bring a Carload of friends and try your hand at the clues to be in with a chance to win a prize.’

53. ‘Like a man driving a Carload of squabbling children to a distant beach, he was determined to look on the bright side.’ ‘I think of it like this: my ideal holiday is me and the boy and a Carload of really good books.’ ‘Just bring a Carload of friends and try your hand at the clues to be in with a chance to win a prize.’

54. You ain't no motherfucking Bully And I ain't bowing to no motherfucking Bully I won't allow it, ain't gon' cower to no Bully I'll be damned if I don't stand up to a Bully Fight like a man and throw my hands up to a Bully You must be taking too much E Now what bothers me the most About hip-hop is we're so close