Use "light microscopy" in a sentence

1. Microscopy for acid-fast bacilli or equivalent fluorescent staining bacilli on light microscopy

2. — Microscopy for acid-fast bacilli or equivalent fluorescent staining bacilli on light microscopy

3. Resulting colonized protocorms were prepared for light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and fluorescence labelling of actin filaments for examination with laser scanning confocal microscopy.

4. Methods: The intramural lymphatics of rectum in rats light and electron microscopy.

5. In the present work, we use light microscopy to screen for Cochleate

6. The structure and development of oospores of Albugo candida in the stagheads in rapeseed (Brassica campestris) were investigated by light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy of ultrathin sections, and scanning electron microscopy.

7. Ruthenium red, 6+, is a biological stain used to stain polyanionic molecules such as pectin and nucleic acids for light microscopy and electron microscopy.

8. The escal light glands of some deep sea Anglerfishes of the genus Melanocetus were examined by light and electron microscopy

9. 67848-2 Leukocyte Clumps [Presence] in Urine sediment by Light microscopy Active Part Descriptions

10. Spectral notch filters are typically used in fluorescence microscopy as the main beam splitters for separating excitation light and detection light.

11. The pecten oculi of the mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos) has been examined by light and electron microscopy.

12. The formation of sporangia in Albugo Candida was studied using light and scanning and transmission electron microscopy.

13. Methods: We compared 51 eyes with different stages of AMD with 40 age-matched controls using light microscopy.

14. Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the parotid, submandibular and palatal glands has been studied by light and electron microscopy.

15. BIS and BSB Edge Offering Indian Standards Online ! Now Buy and Download Individual Indian Standards from our Website! Optics and Photonics - Microscopes - Immersion Liquids for Light Microscopy ( Second Revision ) IS 13108 : 2019 Optics and Photonics - Microscopes - Immersion Liquids for Light Microscopy ( Second Revision )

16. Bis and BSB Edge Offering Indian Standards Online ! Now Buy and Download Individual Indian Standards from our Website! Optics and Photonics - Microscopes - Immersion Liquids for Light Microscopy ( Second Revision ) IS 13108 : 2019 Optics and Photonics - Microscopes - Immersion Liquids for Light Microscopy ( Second Revision )

17. Correlative Microscopy Coverslip

18. Diffraction apparatus [microscopy]

19. Mike Stewart's morphological methods, however,[Sentencedict] could go beyond those of light microscopy to that of the electron microscope.

20. The epithelial luminescent gland of the aliform notopods of Chaetopterus variopedatus was investigated by light, fluorescence, and electron microscopy.

21. The methods used for detecting apoptosis were light microscopy (May Grunwald—Giemsa and trypan blue staining), fluorescence microscopy (Acridin orange/ethidium bromide and annexin V/propidium iodide staining) and agarose gel electrophoresis of fragmented genomic DNA.

22. Methods. 36 subretinal lesions surgically excised during maculatranslocation were investigated by light microscopy. Histologic results were correlated with fluorescein angiographic findings.

23. Colorless The distinction by light and electron microscopy of two types of cone containing Colorless oil droplets in the retina of the turtle

24. Light microscopy showed that Basidia formed at the ends of terminal hyphal cells and were able to produce from a few to many basidiospores

25. Methods The distribution and morphology feature of postcapillary venule were observed in different stage human dermal cancer tissues(12 cases) using light and electron microscopy.

26. Click here to view Cryostats for Microscopy

27. Confocal microscopy of plants - mAgnification stock pictures

28. The formation of ice in the petioles ofSolanum acaule andSolanum tuberosum has been studied by light microscopy and by continuous recordings of latent heat production.

29. The chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla of the rat were investigated by light and electron microscopy on the resting animal and after insulin treatment.

30. Perfused Cochleae were imaged using confocal microscopy

31. Zircon in the Ririwai biotite granite, and its albitized and greisenized varieties, is described by reflected-light and backscattered-electron (BSE) microscopy, and electron-microprobe analysis.

32. RESULTS: Features of the organ of Corti were clearly identified in the native Cochleae when imaged with scanning electron microscopy and confocal microscopy

33. Key words: dentin, adhesion, vibrational spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy.

34. Scanning probe microscopy ( SPM ) related surface science and nanotechnology.

35. And so previous studies had only focused on microscopy.

36. Six different types of secretory cells were identified by light and electron microscopy in the adenohypophyseal pars distalis of yearling coho salmon acclimated to fresh or salt water.

37. Use of fluorescent microscopy has vastly improved spatial resolution.

38. Backgrounded membrane imaging (BMI) Backgrounded membrane imaging (BMI) is an automated variation of the light microscopy compendial method, allowing the sizing, quantification and morphological characterization of micrometer-sized particles

39. Development of the morphology and microstructure of colonies of Acetobacter xylinum glowing on agar was studied by optical microscopy, and transmission and scanning electron microscopy.

40. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of 16S rRNA gene confirmed the absence of unculturable bacteria, whereas fluorescence microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) further confirmed the Axenicity.

41. Up to 10% cash back  · A new species, Pygidiopsis Ardeae (Heterophyidae, Pygidiopsinae), is described, using both light and stereoscan electron microscopy, from the grey heron Ardea cinerea L

42. Three-dimensional STED microscopy of Aberrating tissue using dual adaptive optics

43. Advances in microscopy also had a profound impact on biological thinking.

44. Finally, the gold-standard method of cellular localization is immunoelectron microscopy.

45. Barbule cells fused into compact tubes, as seen via light microscopy, and at 15–16 days post-deposition mature Barbule cells were in continuity with the central and completely cornified barb (Fig

46. Microscopy, the standard WHO procedure, reaches from 40 to 60 percent reliability.

47. The different forms of acidophilic alterations of single liver cells (acidophilic degeneration, acidophilic necrosis, and Councilman-like bodies) in liver tissue of patients with viral hepatitis were studied by light and electron microscopy.

48. Adventitia removal was also confirmed by confocal microscopy after PI staining (Fig

49. Dialyzed Cerous phosphate gel: (a) scanning and (b) transmission electron microscopy data

50. (Acarina: Ixodidae; nymphal stage) was studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy.

51. The sample of single, live, adherent cell was studied by the confocal microscopy.

52. Spermiogenesis of the Architectonicid Philippia (Psilaxis) oxytropis was studied using transmission electron microscopy

53. Probing electronic structure in Berkelium and californium via an electron microscopy nanosampling approach

54. To verify the Axenicity and to describe and compare the morphology of the strains Nostoc, Anabaena, Calothrix, Chroococcidiopsis, Chlorogloeopsis, and Synechocystis depending on the day–night cycle, we performed light- and scanning electron microscopy (figs

55. The mucilage-producing placentary papillae are analyzed in different developmental stages by electron microscopy.

56. The pollen morphology of seven species, varieties and forms of Cupressaceae from eastern Canada and northeastern United States was studied by light microscopy, following acetolysis, to improve the identification of these taxa in Quaternary fossil sediments.

57. $98.65 Correlative Microscopy Coverslips, 10x10 Grid of 1mm Squares, Pack 25 Item 01028-AB

58. (Acarina: Ixodidae; nymphal stage) were studied by means of scanning and transmission electron microscopy.

59. A microscopy system is configured for creating 3D images from individually localized probe molecules.

60. Zeiss West Germany continued to set the world standards for microscopy in many areas.

61. 29 Electron microscopy showed typical gall bladder epithelia with microvilli, tight junctions, and mucus droplets.

62. Instruments, systems and devices for clinical analysis, namely, automated microbiology analyzers, automated hematology chemistry analyzers, DNA analyzers, particle and cell size analyzers, gas absorption analyzers, UV/visible spectrophotometers, pH meters, liquid chromatography cell sorters, centrifuges, flow cytometry instruments for diagonosis, microscopy, fluorescence microscopy, LED fluorescensce microscopy, cell counter, bio imaging instruments, biomolecule or drug electroporator equipments

63. Key words: programmed cell death, tomato seed, precursor protease vesicles, transmission electron microscopy, gibberellic acid.

64. Key words: electron microscopy, fiber accumulation, asbestos, lake trout, brook trout, channel catfish, Arctic char

65. (11) Electron microscopy in one case demonstrated typical intraneuronal accumulations of neurofilaments with regular Constrictions.

66. By comparing biopsies of autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive myotonia congenita, paramyotonia congenita, paramyotonia congenita, adynamia episodica hereditaria with myotonia, and myotonic dystrophy by light and electron microscopy, various alterations were observed, most of which however were non-specific.

67. MetAllography is the study of the physical structure and components of metals, by using microscopy.

68. The capsid and entire virus structure can be mechanically (physically) probed through atomic force microscopy.

69. Monoclonal antibodies, specific to the virus, are also used for detection, as in fluorescence microscopy.

70. Acrolein is sometimes used as a fixative in preparation of biological specimens for electron microscopy.

71. Laser scanning microscope and method for correcting imaging aberrations more particularly in high-resolution scanning microscopy

72. “Travel light, live light, spread the light, be the light.” — Yogi Bhajan

73. Using electron microscopy they were discovered independently in 1967 by H. Clarke Anderson and Ermanno Bonucci.

74. Magnetic domains of the TbFe films with different deposition angles were studied by magnetic force microscopy.

75. Correlative Microscopy Coverslips, 10x10 grids of 0.1mm squares at 5 positions,pack 25 Item 01027-AB

76. Microtubule organization during the novel cell division of Ameiotic microsporocytes was examined using indirect immunofluorescence microscopy

77. Flexibly sliding coupling device for acoustically excited raster force microscopy having acoustic excitation of the sample

78. Light to light amber

79. Understanding Lighting: Front Light, Back light & Side Light

80. Anlage co-organized a Workshop on High Frequency Scanning Probe Microscopy at NIST/Boulder in December 2019